“They are but beggars that can count their worth” Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet, Act 2 Scene 5
The following are a fraction of the notes and “thank you”s I have received over the years. The larger part lost in disk crashes. They are not placed in any order, last names, and emails have been deleted. If anyone recognizes one of their comments and wishes it deleted contact me. If you want me to use your full name, likewise, let me know. If anyone wants to add one, email me, or use the comment function.
Dear Mr. Lerma,
Your lifetime of work exposing the mind-control cult of L Ron Hubbard is a body of work to be most proud of. I personally hold you in the highest esteem with a respect that is well earned. You Sir have a big heart, and you have followed it.
Arnie, thanks for all you did and sacrificed to expose the Co$ over the years, A&E has done a great disservice to you by not having you as a major participant in their series.
“Well, you have helped lots of people see the truth, and no matter if you think your story is this or that. You have already helped more people than you can ever imagine. I have followed your story off and on for several decades, and what you have done is monumental. I think when it is all said and done, the next generation can look back on your legacy, and see that there was someone who stood up to those bastards and despite the dangers, stood their ground, and educated one hell of a lot of people. As xxx would say, ‘you are a true BALL BUSTER.” from anon.
Мирьяна Михайловна Thanks, Arnie! I would still be in a lot of darkness if it was not for you….!
Anon: “When I left the cult I had no idea that others had left before me. I just knew I had to get away. I had no one to talk to about my experiences and I didn’t know what to do next. Then I found Arnie’s site and I never looked back.”
Anon:”His site (content) has helped me to wake up on $cientology true nature. ”
From: Janet
Email: xxxxxx@gmail.com
Comment: I just want to thank you, Arnie, for all of your hard work and dedication to truth. It is extremely valuable. You are a beautiful person!
Time: July 24, 2016 at 2:47 pm
From: Donna xxxxxxxx
Arnie, You guys have hit the nails of $cientology’s coffin smack on the head! The tape was great. I haven’t had time to read this whole thread but what I have read really makes sense and explains a lot. Thanks for the insight. Donna
From: Patti xxxxxxxx Arnie is my hero. I am forever indebted to him.
I just watched the video interview of you on your website. It was inspirational. This compliment is not a rhetorical gimmick…it is sincerely given. Have a great weekend.
James A. xxxxxxx Ph.D.
Professor of Christian Thought and Ethics
Sara xxxxxxx
well, you helped me tremendously, so thank you. And if you’re ever in the UK, give me a call. All the best, Sara
“A one-man wrecking ball” Alan C Walters, Clear #8
Nick Uncle Sam:
Thanks for the reply! I am a big fan of yours and wish to “thank you” for all your work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, thank you sir, for all you do. Jim xxxxxxxx IBM Exec retired
Reinhard xxxxxxx, Graz, Austria ·
all the best for you and your lovely wife. thank you for your excellent explanations and background insights of all things scientology and even more things life and fun. please do never stop to enlighten so many people all over the world. thank you.
Arnie, Thank you. Sincerely thank you !
That is a HUGE GIANT MONSTER piece of the puzzle !
I’d heard about Abreactive Therapy ( & guided imagery ) but could not ever make any sense out of Hubbard’s hatred of psychiatry & psychology. Hubbard was a proven hack writer of sci-fi but everything else in his life was bumbling around bouncing here & there - all in a sudden while blind & crippled he pulls out of his hat dianetics? Hmm.I do appreciate what you have made public !
Arnie, you remain standing while the remaining scn’gists scurry to find a rock to hid under. They’ll remember you long after they have been forgotten.
This is brilliant, and thank you so much sharing. I just recently re-joined this community, although I was never really IN it before because I stayed on the edges of Co$ the last 5 years just hoping my ex-wife would wake up one day and for the sake of our son, we could leave this nightmare behind. Sadly, it hasn’t happened, but everyone here has been extremely helpful and encouraging and my hope is that with our persistent efforts to keep people coming forward, within 5 years I just might have a chance of giving my son a family again. It’s a pipe dream, but it keeps me going.
Your website gave me the courage to recently get back a sum of money from the Co$ by doing what I had to to get it, rather than being afraid of a fair game retaliation
Thanks for everything you’ve done. Your efforts do not go unnoticed and I sincerely appreciate your sacrifices.
Hi Arnie,
I got a lotta respect for you. My favorite anecdote is where you asked the lawyer if he was trying to make you perjure yourself. I’ve done some digging into things in my time and one turned up Jim. Humble’s mms - I got a roasting over that on the board, but I’m still right.
You have a lot to share Arnie. Stay on target
Hi from Sydney, Australia from a never-in.
Arnie Lerma, this is compelling research. Thanks for bringing forward this awareness of Erickson and the NLP connection. It is astonishing to remember the number of intelligent people taken in by this simple technique. I can see the connection in my personal experience; only the words and labels for each ‘grade’ were different, giving people some distraction to focus upon while the underlying hypnotic control did its damage. One technique, learned and applied consistently. Hans Hansen
Jane xxxxxxx: Yes! I get it and Thank you! I understand how I got in the trap…saw the insanity in 82 but continued with field groups for awhile but never till now with your info understood my wins…..was in a trance….wow! If I see you post I READ IT!
Eric A.
When I joined Scientology the demonic cult I had faith before I joined I was at peace with my self,they tried to strip it all out of me,when I left I almost suffered a psychotic break,but my faith and strong will got my threw,the fucking demonic cult even. Tried to crack my soul,now I see the light ,I’m back were I was 20 again,I’ll never stop. Exposing the demonic cult,all the best
You Arnaldo ,you. Are one that helped me wake up, it took me awhile to trust you but in the end the truth hurts ,Thank you very. Much for saving my life and my children’s life too, I hope you understand how you helped us Good XXXX
Thanks Arnie. Yours was one of the first websites I visited when I finally left. I had a memory of forwarding a postcard with the word “lermanet” on it to OSA when I was on post. I figured that was as good a place as any to start.

When I first saw these stages I thought maybe not everyone goes through ALL the stages. I could see getting through a few of them. But before long, I found myself experiencing each of them and ALL of them.
It all sure looks different from the outside………….
Thanks again.
Cheryl xxxxxxxxt Arnie once by accident in DC. This was before I actually knew who he was . I’ll tell ya the story when I see ya. He was the catalyst for me opening my eyes and escaping. . Would love to give him a hug and say thank you one day.
(Name deleted by request Letter) Arnie - Glad it made it safe. it is the least I can do for all you have done. Seriously dude - your work is just amazing! I don’t think you know how much you have helped people like me understand this mind fuck. It lessened the amount of suffering I had to endure. I hope YOU FEEL GOOD!
($100 bill enclosed June 2014)
Once upon a time, not that long ago, I was lost. I mean really really lost. And Arnie, your guts, your stuff on the internet, helped get me through the long very fucked up scary nights. I remain grateful. Contact me.
Hi Arni, Thanks for writing. I feel I know you. I think I’ve read almost everything that you have written. You really helped me on my way out, Thank you. I have been under the radar since 2008, just waiting for my last kid to wake up. That happened this year. I am declared now so I am celebrating by befriending other SP’s. I woke up in a session….”Who are what is suppressing you?” Yes, it was $cientology that was suppressing me! It was over and I was done! I made it all the way to OTVIII with nothing to show for it~~I wanted the abilities gained that were on the grade chart in the 70’s!!! Oh well, It’s kind of like the Tin Man’s heart~~~~I already had spiritual freedom. Happy New Year to you, Lynn
Hayley xxxxxx
I have your quote about freeing yourself with truth- ‘slave chains forged of lies….’ on my fridge- been there for a couple of years. Inspiring words that have helped me a great deal. Sending you some artwork reflecting my experience of scientology.Lermanet ha been a vital source of information and support for me as someone who has tried to understand why someone close is still a church member.Some great posts- you are a brave man
You were one of the first sources I read when I started to wake up to the truth about scientology. Scientologists often don’t like being confronted by those of a high intellect. It scares them and knocks them off their narcissistic pedestals
Lynn Ann xxxxxxxxxxxx
You’ve done an incalculable amount of good in your years of activism. Thanks for being alive and doing what you did and do. Anon
6/28, 12:22am
Dear Mr Lerma, I am the person Tory Magoo referred to in her video a few days ago and would like to sincerely thank you for the lermanet site and feel that without it I might never have realized that Dianetics and Scientology are false fraudulent subjects and an insidious extreme form of coercive persuasion, after 25 years in the cult with your help (by providing your site) I have been able to come out of it and perceive the practices as hypnotic mind control and realized that I (unknowingly) was in a terrorist cult that has numerous brutal , inhuman crimes and abuses against its members and critics. I would love to get to talk to you both to thank you and share some info on some of the damaging, and I believe not yet generally exposed, details of how the con works. I am on ESMB as ************* and Tory Magoo also has my phone # I don’t know what you would consider the safest/easiest way to contact you, but I am willing to do whatever you would prefer. Thanks
Cathy xxxxxxxxxxxx
Hello Arnie-I just wanted to stop by and tell you, I have a lot of respect for you when it comes to exposing the crimes of Scientology. After watching the videos with you in them, I am impressed. Well-done….Cathy
Hi Arnie …. a couple things. 1) I’ve admired what you’ve been doing and promoting for YEARS! Thank you. And I hope you continue.Second: I have a girlfriend who (I think) says she was witness to LRH talking about making a religion in order to make money. I believe her, but don’t want to make a fuss. I read your post of earlier today and decided I’d let you know I heard this “rumor” from someone I trust. But what matter? For me, the who illusion is pretty much gone. (I still agree with, and apply, the factors.) All my best, Robin
Kalia xxxxx
I just want to say one more thing…back in the late 90’s, when I was most succeptible to the scientology movement, YOUR expose on xenu kept me from going any deeper, and I THANK YOU again, most sincerely, as I am well aware of what may have transpired, prior to my reconnection with uncle joe. THANK YOU so much, you have no idea, the family is so indoctrinated, to some degree, at least. I was able to be spared.
Cece xxxxxxx
I am sorry that I worked for the church while they were raiding your place Arnaldo. If you need anything pls ask. I owe you. I was at AOLA making money for these type of things. I’m sorry. I can’t read that Alice and W post on FB maybe it’s on your site. I will check. ((Hugs)) (Later this person Paid hosting costs for Lermanet for a year)
The more you write, the more you reveal, the more I come to appreciate fully in terms of understand and being grateful for all you have done and continue to do that is right and proper in this cause.
You truly are a star!
Roger xxxxxxx
btw, your “8 steps out” was very helpful for me when I was leaving. I did indeed pretty much go through all of those steps Gene xxxxxxx
I have been fortunate enough to have had the opportunity to have several long conversations ( online) with Arnie Lerma . I have read quite a bit on Lermanet.com and seen him on videos as well . I will never try to have 100% agreement with ANYONE ever again after leaving Scientology and learning that individuality should not submit TOTALLY to authority absolutely EVER .
I do agree with Arnie on a great many things and respect his beliefs and privacy regarding such . I think we are in a very small group (that I hope to expand by education) - that hold certain ideas about the nature of and effects caused by Scientology indoctrination .
I know he is very probably the smartest person ( in overall intelligence ) and most well educated about Scientology as both to the history ( including tactics ) and technology ( as to the true nature and harm it causes ) that I have EVER got to know .
I have met a few bright people and- no offense to anybody else - he blows away all the rest - by a lot .
I know some might think this is just because we follow a similar group of theories about the technology (and Hub) and Arnie has helped me countless times and was instrumental in my exit-counseling BUT even seeing all that - I still can not deny that what I see is what I see.
He is just that bright . I used to play chess and could see three moves ahead and could CRUSH guys who can not see more than one or two and they would give up after losing ten times in a row and I could not find anybody else to play and had to give it up .
Arnie is WAY past me in this capacity IN REAL LIFE .
THAT has been , in my opinion , a major factor in his surviving this long as an enemy of Scientology .
Sometimes I get more out of twenty minutes with Arnie than I would from reading a couple books .
And I mean books that are good and contribute in a positive way to my work .
I strongly suggest that if you EVER get a chance to talk with him you take advantage and ask about anything that you need good info on .
He knows about a lot in and out of Scientology so do not limit yourself .
I hope this does not bring you an unwanted deluge Arnie - sorry .
I want everybody to take advantage of what in my opinion is one of the critics greatest and even under-appreciated assets .
Obviously your mileage may vary . We are both not to everyone’s liking .
I appreciate reading his posts about the relationship Scientology has with hypnosis. That is the first time I considered it and it made sense and it brought me to a different and better understanding of WTF happened.
Cece (Ex SO sent $188 Nov 20
I learned in January this year that long ago my father (David Noel Gangle of Sitka Alaska) had hired a deprogrammer to ‘save me’. Church found out and threatened him and told him to ‘lay off Cece’. My father died 29 yrs ago and I just found this out after leaving 4 years ago. So I’m quiet happy to help you with your site. Thx
Jeff Brown
you helped me. i used to read your site when i was on the way out of scn and i referred to others who have now gotten out
Quote Originally Posted by Lermanet_com View Post
You would not be reading this line of text…
And that is my greatest and exact point (in another thread).
Reading ‘you’ has brought ‘me’ enormous satisfaction. And in hindsight I would be willing to suffer the crossing of a great raging river, to meet you.
Darkness, meet Light.
ps: I doubt you remember but we met one another many years ago (about 7 to be exact) over the telephone wherein I offered to assist you in a project you were working on. I think I helped you a little, but far less than I wish I had. Nonetheless, I savor the experience and love your being.
Jeanne xxxxxx
Hi Arnie You helped me out in 2002. Thank you. I escaped after 18 years with help from family and LMT and a lot of professional wholesome therapy. I hope you are happy and well. Jeannine
Re a Star Magazine article: http://www.lermanet.com/reference/Katie-Holmes-American-Media-Complaint.pdf
Legal papers exchanged over a Star Magazine article based on my E-Meter / Endorphin materials here
A comment by an engineer who actually read through it:
“I love how they fully admit there’s endorphin stimulation and then deny that’s like taking drugs. That is LITERALLY like taking drugs, because many drugs work because they stimulate endorphin release! ”
Related to my business:
“When I see you here, I stop worrying” General Walter Smith PhD. USAF when director for IDA.
“You are the best” Lynda Carter, AKA Wonderwoman
“The best kept secret in Washington, D.C.” Lou C.
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