“A magnificent book, moral, significant, unforgettable” Richard Condor author of
“The Manchurian Candidate”
In the Manchurian Candidate it was fiction, here it is in bone chilling fact.
The most terrifying true story ever to emerge from the United States. Walter Broward has uncovered a huge cryptocracy, dedicated to controlling and manipulating human minds.
Browart’s devastating account includes top-secret documents cold-bloodedly outlining the cryptocracy’s programme, and startling new evidence to link Lee Harvey Oswald, James Earle Ray and Sirhan Sirhan with Operation Mind Control.
______________end of google bait text from book cover_________________________
Read it, discuss what you realize while reading it in comments here, or in the thread in my Deprogramming Group on Facebook. I am up to page 370 of 800 pages and will be posting my own insights.
EDIT 15 October 2017: Re: Las Vegas: “The reason Paddock had cameras everywhere is he was FBI undercover doing arms deals to ISIS. Paddock thought he was engaging in another ISIS arms deal, a routine transfer. But ISIS had learned of the entrapment scheme and Paddocks true identity. They killed him, carried out massacre and fled the scene. Everything is being kept under wraps because armed ISIS terrorists are still at large and this is embrarassing to FBI.”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hldt7XLzlUs&feature=youtu.be&app=desktop
The explanation above makes every ‘oddity noted’ make perfect sense
And I was actually visited by the head of the DC anti-terror task force after they received a ‘tip’ from the $cientologists that I was going to ‘Black out the internet”I was flattered they might think so, but disappointed they fell for it.PS: The Fat Man told me that the CIA jokes that FBI stands for Fan Belt Inspectors.
ANTIFA - View it as a “Human Drone Project”
The lessons the deep state honed using its cult programs, to carefully control what men believe to be true are being turned against us in this final putsch, for this reason:
“You had to attack civilians, the people, women, children, innocent people, unknown people far removed from any political game. The reason was quite simple: to force … the public to turn to the state to ask for greater security.” — Testimony of a defendant, from Operation Gladio
My 1861 unabridged Webster’s defines Apocalypse, Definition#2 as “When all secrets are revealed” “Revelation” The event horizon of the apocalypse for the control matrix is 911. Learning a method makes it no longer “work” so well to control you.
These same METHODS were used to induce Tom Cruise to believe in XENU and the SpaceCooties (Watch Southpark’s “In the Closet” Episode) have been used to create a sort of “Human Drone” project marketed as “ANTIFA”
Only the stage pre-set and shore stories differ. Make sure you understand the concept of the shore story.
Edit 3 Oct, 2017 - Antifa shares another similarity to scientology - they both refuse to talk to critics.
“A military psychologist, Dr. Arthur (Art) J. Bachrach, concluded: (More)
“This was for many psychologists, a most sobering observation. The possibility of controlling human behavior becomes a more terrifying prospect than the control of nuclear reactions”[3]
Now, would you care to take a stress test? How about a free personality analysis?”
-or- how about a Vagina Hat?
The American Civil War and Slavery - Like scissors cuts paper, perspective cuts framing
“I can’t think of any occupation I admire more than the professional provocateur, who has the courage and self-determination to court controversy despite all the slings and arrows of the world.”Jason Kessler
Larry Nichols (guy that broke the Monica Lewinsky story years ago) points out that ANTIFA/BLM guys appear have bought their helmets from same store as the “violent” members of the KKK. - Plan is to paint right as violent and then shut down conservative websites. Video interview HERE
Whitehouse Petition to classify ANTIFA as a terrorist organization, which it is and is run and financed by George Soros) has collected a quarter of million signatures. Add your vote HERE
During my first year on the internet, back in 1993, a friend of mine, who used the nick BitsyF@aol.com, a distinguished lady from Charleston SC, told me a family story. She said that she was the great great great (not sure how many) grand daughter of the Treasurer of South Carolina, before the US Civil war.
When forced to sell the old family plantation house… having lost the rest of the land to taxes over decades, a locked strong box was found secreted in a far corner of the attic. In it, were love letters between the Treasurer and his wife in Charleston, while he was in Washington DC just before the shelling of Ft Sumter started the US Civil War.
The treasurer was writing his wife from Washington, D.C.. He had been provided a blank check from the South Carolina Treasury, duly authorized by the South Carolina legislature, whose members had unanimously fulfilled all the necessary requirements to secede from the Union. However, there was just one last step to be done for a legal secession per the Georgia Constitution which stated “Reimburse the Federal government for the cost of any facilities it owned or built in the state”
Seems he was getting the run around. He was getting shuffled around from State Dept, to the Department of the Interior, to Treasury, then to Congress, and the White House and NO ONE WOULD TELL HIM HOW MUCH TO WRITE THE AMOUNT FOR ON THE CHECK! After months of this run around, seems an ash, fell from a cigar on a cannon fuse, firing the first shot at Ft Sumter, starting the 1st American Civil War.
“My high school and university history classes left me with the impression that the war was fought over the issue of slavery: the “North” (good guys) was against slavery and wanted it abolished; the “South” (bad guys) wanted to keep the slaves, so they all went to war. Good guys won, bad guys lost, slaves got their freedom, and the world was made a better place. That, in a nutshell, is what I thought I knew about the Civil War. I’m not sure why I had that idea so, to make sure I wasn’t mistaken I conducted an informal survey among my American friends and acquaintances, all university educated people, some of them with advanced degrees. I asked about a dozen of them what they thought U.S. Civil War was about. To a person, all of them unhesitatingly answered that it was about the abolition of slavery. Furthermore, none of them were aware that Russia played any role at all in the Civil War. “
” Russia formally sided with Abraham Lincoln’s government, opposing the British, French and the Vatican which also supported the Confederacy.” More HERE
Four years ago I took the US Park Service boat ride to Ft Sumter. The Fort is well maintained, will walls of massive proportions, in some places the brickwork is 14 feet thick. On the return trip, while the US Park Service guide was pointing out the old church steeple at the top of the hill in Charleston, our boat passed an old dilapidated fort, of modest proportions that many people were looking at, as a murmur of voices asking what is this? Fellow tourists wondering, just as I was… Why nothing mentioned? The crowd’s attention was instead directed a neck straining distance far to the right towards the white church steeple up on the hill, as we passed what turned out to be an old Confederate Monument.
Seems there was a good reason for the US FEDERAL Park Service to not mention that old, run down, weed covered battlement, standing ignored and alone on a small island in Charleston Harbor. That old fort is called Castle Pinckney…
Castle Pinckney just happens to be the first UNION INSTALLATION SEIZED BY THE CONFEDERACY at the start of the Civil War.
“On December 27, 1860, one week after South Carolina seceded from the Union, the fort was surrendered to South Carolina militia by its small garrison, which retired to Fort Sumter to join Major Robert Anderson. Castle Pinckney became the first Federal military position seized forcefully by a Southern state government. Three days later, the Charleston Arsenal joined Castle Pinckney in falling to the militia. After the subsequent attack on Fort Sumter, the Charleston Zouave Cadets manned Castle Pinckney.” Wiki
Is there much difference between wage and debt slavery and classic slavery? I asked a young black gal in a drug store checkout line in Waynesboro, GA, The “Bird Dog Capitol of the World” if she thought the quality of her life and her family’s lives were better now, or under pre civil war slavery. She replied,without hesitation, “I think we were better off under slavery.” I asked why? She said something that blew my mind: She said: “Because men take care of their property”
To go further back in history, the cradle of democracy, ancient Athens, had slavery, but in Athens you could not tell a slave from from a freeman on the street. Most notably, neither slave or freeman were required to step aside to make way for a rich man or his motorcade….
It appears now America is being turned into a politically correct, “equal opportunity” plantation of wage / debt slaves owned by banks and corporations - which I consider to be legalized slavery under color of law.
Michael Hoffman II points out in his book “Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare” that the KKK was infiltrated by northern operatives who orchestrated stunning atrocities in order to inflame feelings in the north for support for war. The man who headed the KKK in 1861 then tried to disband it, when he realized what was being done by the northern industrialist war hawks.. who stood to profit from the coming war. Seems 160 years later, looking at the August 2017 incident at Charlottesville and whatever Soros’ minions will be put up to do next, seems NOTHING has changed, though there does seem to be a slowly rising awareness of choreographed events, used to control what men believe true.
Here is a handy overview of the methods they will use: Link to document above
This just in: Federal Informants in both ANTIFA and White Supermacists at Charlottesville..
Those that think own us, keep us at each other’s throats to prevent our uniting around theirs.
“War is the greatest injustice. We are not fighting the culprits. Those who pay, who incite, who use the media to make people turn against each other – this is who we should fight against.” – Alexey Mozgovoy, commander of the “Ghost” brigade, killed May 23, 2015″
“You furnish the pictures and I’ll furnish the war.” – William Randolph Hearst
A recent Briefing by agency whistleblower on deep state industrial complex:
#45 The Number Forty Five
For a wider perspective, one need only go back another hundred years, and kudos to certain imbeciles who think they are insulting President Trump by referring to him as #45. The #45 has amazing historical precedent..
It was the 45th issue of the John Wilkes’ North Briton in 1766, that introduced a revolutionary idea, that “A man is a sovereign unto himself and may only be ruled by his own consent”
The King took great offense as HE was THE sovereign, and placed John Wilkes, then Lord Mayor of London, in prison in the tower of London, charging him with slander.
Londoners protested, marching round and round the prison with pitchforks by day and torches by night. After three days the crowd was growing bigger and bigger and more unruly, the King had to release John Wilkes.
The #45 came to be written on Liberty Trees by “The Sons of Liberty” long after the historical reference was forgotten.. It still stands as a secret sign of The Sons of Liberty, those same guys that tossed the tea into Boston Harbor,
They would hang an effigy of the tax collector, and then set the effigy on fire. They would hang an old boot from a limb of the tree as reference to Lord Bute in the English House of Lords who wanted to tax the colonies..
(John Wilkes as in the city of Wilkes Barre Pennsylvania. One of the readers of the North Briton in 1766 was then an Englishman named Thomas Pain)
Here a dedication of a Tree of Liberty in 1766…written by the “Forgotten patriot of Rhode Island” Mr. Silas Downer, who said:
“—-We do therefore, in the name and behalf
of all the true SONS of LIBERTY in America,
Great Britain, Corsica, Ireland or wheresoever
they are dispersed throughout the world, dedicate
and solemnly devote this tree to be a
—-May all our councils and
deliberations under its venerable branches be
guided by wisdome, and directed to the support
and maintenance of that liberty, which our
forefathers sought out and found under trees and
and in the wilderness.
—May it long flourish, and may
the SONS of LIBERTY often repair hither, to confirm
and strengthen each other. When they
look towards the sacred ELM, may they be
penetrated with a sense of duty to themselves,
their country, and their posterity:
-And may they, like the house of David, grow stronger and stronger,
while their enemies, like the house of Saul,
grow weaker and weaker. AMEN
Above, A Sons of Liberty broadside, posted on various Liberty Trees in the Colonies. Readers may wish to note and pass on that one of those fallen, 5 young men, from what is referred to as The Boston Massacre, was a man of color.
“Political tags – such as royalist, communist, democrat, populist, fascist, liberal, conservative, and so forth – are never basic criteria. The human race divides politically into those who want people to be controlled and those who have no such desire.” Robert A. Heinlein
Most of the rest of these blog pages attempt to explain in plain english some of the methods being used to manipulate good men to engage in evil acts. Please share whatever you find helpful.
PS: Fast forward to today
“We’re dealing with a coup, a regime change operation run by the same people who have done this over and over in Libya, in Ukraine, in Central America, these so called banana republics. They’re turning the United States into a banana republic.” — Harley Schlanger
My comment: Trump has no good choices….The best he should do is get a Battalion of US Marine armored to surround the CIA in Langley… and demand surrender. Under charges of SEDITION.
The same program that was run on Ukraine, Libya, and Yugoslavia is now being run on America by the deep state. Charlottesville was their opening salvo.
If he can cut off the head of the psychological ops, then explain to we the people how the trick was done to manipulate them, it might avoid civil war
“Our job is to give people not what they want, but what we decide they ought to have.” Richard Salant, former President of CBS News
“The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists”
~ J. Edgar Hoover
“The difference between patriotism and treason is only a matter of dates” Alexandre Dumas
truth does not pay well
Get notified when THE BOOK is finished, stay in balance, and allow yourself to feel good because you threw a little something in the tip jar. THE TIP JAR
The explanation above makes every ‘oddity noted’ make perfect sense
And I was actually visited by the head of the DC anti-terror task force after they received a ‘tip’ from the $cientologists that I was going to ‘Black out the internet”I was flattered they might think so, but disappointed they fell for it.PS: The Fat Man told me that the CIA jokes that FBI stands for Fan Belt Inspectors.