12 Methods of Propagandists and more…

“Truth would quickly cease to be stranger than fiction,
once we got as used to it.”
–H.L. Mencken.

Added: BIG LINK The Official CIA Manual of Deception (Mulholland et al.)
Just as a magician’s methods must elude detection in front of a closely attentive audience, so an intelligence officer doing espionage work must elude close surveillance and pass messages and materiel without detection.”John McLaughlin Former Deputy Director, Central Intelligence



John Mulholland’s book:


Yes like Mulholland Drive…

It describes in better words what I’ve been trying to explain on my blog as the method used for 911. And states that this stage magician worked for the US CIA for a while…he quotes:

“The French conjurer of the 18th century, Robert Houdin, who magicians today call the Father of Modern Magic, once said, “It is immaterial how skillfully an orange is caused to disappear, my friend. There is no magic unless the audience is aware that the magician had an orange in the first place?”

This is directly analogous to cults and to politics.

Mulholland describes in better words what I’ve been trying to explain about 911 was done, re highly charged emotional wordings or events or imagery…which was the same method used by Hubbard in his books.

Now I have a cite describing this method,  who did contract work for the CIA!  More soon..

Excerpt (This is not the METHOD chapter, which is quite long, however this is directly related, and is the technique used by my enemies, and  helped destroy Robert Minton)

What are the propagandist’s devices?

1. He tries to get his message to us at the exclusion of all others. This
device is his most effective weapon and makes his job difficult in
democratic countries—difficult, but not impossible if he is clever or
powerful enough. Spokesmen for big business silenced effectively the
voice of labor in the United States for many years. Conservative and
left-wing groups frequently find communications media closed to them.
The voice of the pacifist is often drowned out by hyperactive patriots. In
no way, however, does the propagandist in our culture have the clear
track he finds in Red China or the Soviet Union. But neither are
dissenting voices in America given the encouragement they receive
today in Great Britain and in some other democratic nations.

2. He appeals to our emotions rather than the rational side of our
natures. For the propagandist, feeling excludes thought. It is far easier
to excite us, annoy us, anger us, frighten us or flatter us than it is to
make us think. When we use our logical faculties, we are prone to doubt
our own conclusions. When we feel something, we trust our emotions.
Emotions may be aroused in seconds; our logical mechanisms work
more slowly. Therefore, much propaganda is designed to activate the
recipient’s emotions—to get him to react—either by modifying his
opinions and attitudes or by impelling him to do something— rather
than to think. The propagandist prefers to act on his victim in the most
direct and simple manner: by means of emotional appeals rather than
invitations to think clearly. Reaction without thought is one frequent
outcome of successful persuasion.

3. He gives little or no credence to views opposing his own. The
propagandist’s world is made up of unilateral views. He speaks in terms
of “rights” and “wrongs.” He presents only one side of an argument, and
if his opponent’s viewpoint is mentioned at all, it is immediately derided
and dismissed.

4. He says he is always working “for your benefit.” The propagandist
will usually deny motives of self-interest. He will lead you to understand
that your welfare is all he has at heart. He will cast himself as an altruist,
the bearer of facts who is out merely to “set the record straight.”

5. He will deny that he is a propagandist. In his lexicon he will have
hundreds of terms to cover the fact that his central task is that of
persuasion. He will be a bearer of “information,” his task may be “public
relations,” “publicity” or any number of weasel terms, but never, never
is he a propagandist.

6. He calls people who disagree with him “propagandists.” His
opponents are skillful, wily, clever and masters at the business of
propaganda. This device is even used by political campaigners. Do you
remember, back in 1956, when Harry Truman looked right into your
98living room from the TV tube to tell you that the Republicans were a
pack of liars you could trust as far as you could throw them, or words to
that effect? H.S.T. was a fine propagandist.

7. He will never back down in the face of opposing evidence. Evidence,
for the propagandist, is merely a diversion from the argument. “Don’t
bother me with facts,” he says in effect, “I have told you the truth. What
good are facts?” The correctness of his position, as he wants you to see
it, is above dispute.

8. He will use any device available to get his message across. If you
believe what you read in the newspapers, you will find the propagandist
masquerading as a journalist. If you are influenced by movies, he’ll
make one to your taste. If you read heavy books with scholarly formats,
he will print them. (This device works particularly well on professors.) If
you go to the theater, he’ll get to you by means of an actor from the
stage. He’ll speak from car cards in the subway or from skywriting air-
planes. He’ll print his message on shopping bags and cereal boxes. He
will be heard—somehow.

In the manner that he uses the various media of communications, the
propagandist is frequently an artist of no small accomplishment. Some
of the finest paintings in our tradition have been executed by painters
who were using their skills for persuasion. Certain propaganda films are
cinematic masterpieces. Because the propagandist’s convictions are
deep and his efforts usually untiring, the literature of persuasion is
invariably vigorous, sometimes inspiring. Even the art work in modern
advertising propaganda is original, technically expert and often
amusing. (From one point of view, it is a pity that so much creative
talent is wasted on what boils down to trivia. From another, we are
fortunate that advertising talent appears more effective in the world of
merchandising than in propagating social or political causes, despite
spurious propaganda we have heard about Madison Avenue’s influence
on politics.) These examples merely affirm Machiavelli’s
observation—made centuries ago—that persuasion is an art, and not an
easy one to master.

9. He will attempt any and all kinds of fallacious arguments possible if
he thinks he can get away with them. A book on elementary logic will
explain what the propagandist can do to the laws of logic. False
generalizations, poor analogies, linguistic tricks, appeals to authority,
special pleading, non sequiturs, appeals to tradition, faith, motherhood,
country and God are all grist for the propagandist’s mill. The fact that
his techniques have been discredited for hundreds of years means
nothing to him. If a spurious argument is likely to work, he will use it.
But equally important, he will avoid like the plague any kind of ar-
gument that is risky, may hurt his cause or may backfire. The skilled
99professional propagandist gives far more consideration to the kinds of
spurious logic he must avoid than those false arguments he does use.
Anyone can create good illogical arguments. The propagandist must
create perfect ones!

10. He is frightened of education. Since he can handle the tricks of his
propaganda adversary (or thinks he can), his main enemy is the
dispassionate, objective mind that would swing the spotlight of
scholarly scrutiny on his handiwork. He may quote academic studies
when they favor his cause. He may even hire certain amenable scholars
to do his documentation work for him, but the professors he buys do not
constitute a threat. They are not educators, because they are so busy
creating persuasion that they neatly label “research” that they have
neither time nor desire to be concerned with education. Propagandists
hate teachers, however, in the degree that teachers use the process of
education to free the minds of their students from the shackles of

11. He talks in terms of “good” and “bad,” rarely offering any
alternatives to either. For the propagandist, the shades of gray do not
exist. He offers things in black and white only. Either you are with him
or against him. Either he is right, or his opponent is. He manages to
polarize his arguments—that is, to turn things that are relative matters
into absolute “on the one hand” or “on the other hand” propositions.
You are caught, therefore, between the jaws of his “either-or” argument.
Grant that part of what he tells you is true, and he will tell you that you
have to believe the rest.

12. He talks in his victim’s language, using terms that are especially
meaningful to him. The propagandist exploits the values in life that his
victim thinks are important. He discovers the emotionally loaded
symbols of patriotism, home, family and religion that make his
persuasion seem immediately acceptable, because he talks to his
audience like one of the family. After carefully studying the things his
victim loves and hates in life and what he really considers important, the
propagandist is ready to speak to him “man to man” or “straight from
the shoulder.” This peculiar art in persuasion is both difficult and

Are these methods occult or mysterious? Hardly.
They are effective. Evidence of their results is all around us.
Why do they work?
This is a very complicated matter, and often propagandists themselves
are not clearly aware of how great their power is or why their particular
type of persuasion works as well as it does. The psychology of
propaganda is not a simple matter, but it can be described in terms of
simple principles.
People respond to propaganda because the persuader has made
response easy for the recipient. The victim does not need to worry very
much about “ifs, ands and buts,” nor does he need to think strenuously
concerning the propagandist’s arguments. Everything is made simple
for him. “Do as I say,” implies the propagandist, “and you will be blessed
by one of the most fortunate of all human gifts: You will be relieved of
the obligation of having to think for yourself.”


“Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and oppressions of body and mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day.” (Thomas Jefferson, Letter to P. S. Dupont de Nemours, Poplar Forest. April 24, 1816.)


Image above from Edward Snowden documents - training presentation for an official governmental office describing actual online methods to control what YOU believe to be true.

truth does not pay well
Get notified when THE BOOK is finished, stay in balance,  and allow yourself to feel good because you threw a little something in the tip jar.    THE TIP JAR

Tales of The Fat Man

FROM: Chief Judge Kovachevich

TO: United States Attorney Charles Wilson
DATE: May 22, 1996


I received the enclosed letter from Mr. Lerma on May 6, 1996. Upon a review of the letter, I have concluded that Mr. Lerma’s complaints are in the nature of criminal activity for which he appears to desire investigation. Since the requested action is not within the purview of my judicial authority, I am forwarding the letter to you for whatsoever processing and proceedings which you may determine to be appropriate.

I appreciate your consideration of the matter.

cc: Mr. Lerma
initials, & court stamp not shown…



“The function of a scam is always to sway present action toward future hopes” Detective Sergeant Dennis Marlock

“Sit down and think over that last spellbinder you heard on the platform, over the radio or on television…..Were you listening to a man of reason or to a hypnotist who aimed to limit your field of consciousness? You say you cannot be hypnotized against your will. Perhaps you were hypnotized last night as you listened to that political address over your TV…..The most dangerous hypnotist may be the man you listened to last week over the radio. You were his subject….As a matter of fact, you were a very excellent subject. Think it over…..” George Estabrooks

Hypnosis is not inexplicable, uncanny or occult, and it is not abnormal. Hypnosis is a natural consequence of a specific application of definite and understandable laws. The laws hypnosis follows are not laws of hypnotism, but are the laws of thought. Hypnosis is the logical result of thinking when, under a particular set of circumstances, there is no other way to think.”  Hugh Lacy 1952

If one goes to the Eastern Federal Judicial District court house, and asks the Clerk of the Court to see the Docket for Civil Action No. 95-1107-A

         Plaintiff,              )
  V.                             )  Civil Action No. 95-1107-A
  THE WASHINGTON POST,           )
  MARC FISHER, and               )

You will be handed a 3” thick  brown legal file. When you sit down at the desk in the little office provided,  and open the file, the right side is the docket. This lists every filing, hearing, deposition, and every judgment entered in the case. The docket index listing is almost 1” thick by itself.

On the left side you see “everything else” that was filed regarding this case. On the top of the left hand pile of “everything else” is a letter from Patrick Jost, PhD Linguistics regarding Dianetics and its relation to this case.

Dr. Jost explains in cold logical format in two pages that if Scientology claims that Dianetics is its core religious scripture, like the Bible, then the fact that Dianetics is demonstrably nothing more than a FRAUD, and because the instant case, regarding my releasing the story of XENU on the Internet in July and August of 1995 as being claimed as a copyright infringment as well as a trade secret misappropriation, then the act of bringing of this case against Mr Lerma is logically a continuation of this fraud, now seeking color of law to use The Judiciary to conceal and protect evidence of this fraud.

That Dianetics is really hypnosis was noted by the old hypnotists, who described it succinctly this way:

“The same old sofa, with new upholstery” (1)

The first official government inquiry into Scientology concluded the same thing, pointing out that Hubbard changed the names of hypnotic phenomena to hide this fact. Please read the embedded links if you doubt any of this.

Many scientology techniques are in fact hypnotic techniques, and Hubbard has not changed their nature by changing their names. “(2)

Now, let us take a close look at one word that Hubbard never uses in his introductory books, one word that in fact describes Dianetics, that properly characterizes this amazing claim by Hubbard:

“The creation of dianetics is a milestone for Man comparable to his discovery of fire and superior to his inventions of the wheel and arch.” Page 5 of Dianetics

Now with the above claim in mind, read the Legal definition of the FRAUD from Black’s Law Dictionary:

Fraud: An intentional perversion of the truth for the purpose of inducing another in reliance upon it to part with some valuable thing or to surrender a legal right; a false representation of a matter of fact, whether by words ot conduct, by false or misleading allegations, or by concealment of that which should have been disclosed, which deceives and is intended to deceive another so that he shall act upon it to his legal injury; anything calculated to deceive, whether by a single act or combination, or by suppression of truth, or suggestion of what is false, whether it be by direct falsehood or innuendo, by speech or silence, word of mouth, or look or gesture; fraud comprises all acts, omissions, and concealments involving a branch of legal or equitable duty and resulting in damage to another.

That Scientology hides the core fraud behind dozens of lovely, politically correct sounding front groups with catchy names is itself a lesson - It does so for the same reason that a stage magician has a pretty girl with lovely legs.  So that the casual observer will look at her legs and not at how the trick is being done.

Scientology takes stage magic show techniques to a whole new level. The core FRAUD being cloaked by all these front groups, Narconon, WISE, Applied Scholastics, The Way to Happiness, and many more,  created to lure the unsuspecting into the learned dependence induced by authority hypnosis. It is the very fact that the use of authority suggestion creates dependence is the reason it is never used in clinical therapy!

Scientology and Dianetics, being the core fraud behind the operations of these front groups is, itself, very effectively shielded from recourse because scientology itself has  intentionally draped itself in religious trappings. Religious trappings that were crafted with intent to fool the authorities and  implemented by written policies. All this was done purely as a legal maneuver in the 1966 FDA Article and Device case which went on for several years. This  device serves several essential functions for the continued success of the fraud of scientology. After the first guilty verdict, which would have prevented scientology from using their E-meter device, that verdict was overturned on appeal due to a technicality,  Then a new trial was ordered. This time Hubbard invoked religiosity, and claimed, falsely, that this device was “A religious artifact”.

My God, this should be the definition of chutzpah!

And the FDA lawyers were confounded by the religious artifact argument.

If any book or supposed authority states that “the scientology religion, founded in 1954…” then THEY are part of the problem. In 1954 the first corporation was formed with the word church in it, NOTHING ELSE. It was not until 1969 that I saw a cross on a pedestal dragged in the front door, and then the lecture hall became “the chapel”.

Details about this E-Meter case and statements by several witnesses who were there at the time who contrived this ‘evidence’ of religiosity, which was then used to fool the the lawyers at the FDA can be found on Lermanet.com Exposing the CON - HERE and HERE

Why is the E-Meter device so important?

1) The device serves a similar purpose as the hypnotist’s swinging gold watch.  In psychological jargon it is also described as an IDEOMOTOR. The concepts surrounding an ideomotor are tough to explain in simple terms and beyond this overview, requiring considerable reading and contemplation. The Wiki page for ideomotor is an excellent introduction to this additional method as used in Scientology,  to en-trance its victims to facilitate easily picking their wallets.

2) This device is analogous in function to the GSR function (Galvanic Skin Response) of a standard Lie-Detector. Neither ‘detect lies’, but both are capable of detecting, to some degree, the human body’s physiological stress response to wrongdoing.(note3)

3) The magical effect of mysterious technology. The presence of this device with dials, knobs, and electrodes that you are asked to hold in your hands implies that ‘there must be something there’, there must be something to it…(note4)
The presence of the E-meter triggers the previous covert suggestion by repetition and implication contained in the word scientology.. that it has something to do with science in the same way the emergency number 911 triggers the emotional trauma of the attack on the twin towers, which is why it was chosen to be done on that date.

The word chosen to describe this fraud, “Scientology”, contains the word “science”, implying there is science behind its use. Indeed there is, but not for the reasons you are told, which are a shore story, to direct your attention elsewhere, away from the real science of hypnotism.

4) That this device is used intentionally in a manner to collect in great detail a person’s deepest and darkest personal secrets, which, of course,  are “never divulged” - except when used to give a private investigator the targeting information to find the evidence of that person’s crimes when they need to bring pressure to bear to silence a person who has started to figure out that the whole thing is just a great big fraud to steal their money.

5) The peculiar construction of the meter movement used in this device makes it a trance detector. When a person has entered a hypnotic state, has entered trance,  this is when the session or action is normally ended and the person is then sent on a “routing form” to see a salesman who then asks the entranced person for money, A request which is difficult to say to “no” to due to prior subliminal suggestions in Dianetics that they simply must get rid of their Reactive mind or Bank.. and you keep money in your bank… You simply must get rid of it! Learning this fact caused one of the early associates of Hubbard in Pheonix in 1952 to leave the organization forever.

6) The morphine effect. When I first broached this idea back in 1997, it was dismissed and depopularized, with great vigor as “kooky stuff” by the same persons who destroyed Mr. Robert Minton. In 1997 there was not so much science as there is today. The fact is, today there is nothing to debate about the fact that electrical stimulation induces an endorphin response by the human body. The only question remaining is what exactly is the equivalent dose of morphine created by 2 hours of 100 uAmps direct current applied to the skin of the hands. It is certainly a sub-clinical dose, but it is a dose. Endorphins bind to the same receptors that morphine binds to. This was the subject of lawyers letters to Star Tabloid magazine over an article about Katie Holmes. The lawyer chose not to debate my claim above, only taking issue with Star Magazine’s characterization of it. MORE on this

6)  “lower voltage for the induction of implanted suggestions” the 90 uAmps from through the body from the E-meter qualifies!electric-hypnosis
Above from “Operation Mind Control” about MkUltra page 170  LINK
Contact me for additional information regarding effect of the electrodes used by Hubbard to apply this current to the body, based upon readings of Dr Bjorn Nordenstrom.  Rather difficult to explain, just know there is more.

The information on this page should be sent to any lawyer litigating with scientology, now, rather than later.

Thank you for reading.
Arnie Lerma


After I’m dead and gone, this will be common knowledge, if you
ASK A HYPNOTIST What is Dianetics? from March 1952, the classic answer

“The same old sofa, with new upholstery”

“every method of auditing advocated therein is fundamentally one used in hypnosis”


“The author’s (Hubbard’s) biography for his novel Triton (1949) , says that
“his leisure hours are devoted to the study and practice of hypnotism.”
Atack, Jon (2014-12-10). Scientology: the Cult of Greed (Kindle Locations 366-367).. Kindle Edition.

(1) Journal of Hypnotism March 1952

(2) Page 115, The Anderson Report - Chapter 18 - Scientology and Hypnosis -  Report of the Board of Enquiry into Scientology by Kevin Victor Anderson, Q.C.
Published 1965 by the State of Victoria, Australia

(Teaser for link above) The Anderson Report - Scientology and Hypnosis

Report of the Board of Enquiry into Scientology
by Kevin Victor Anderson, Q.C.
Published 1965 by the State of Victoria, Australia

“Hubbard’s followers seem generally to be unaware. The common practice of Hubbard is to change the names of hypnotic phenomena to names of his own invention, purporting thereby to change the nature and significance of such phenomena. Thus, a form of unconsciousness experienced in hypnosis he has renamed variously ” anaten “, ” boil-off”, and ” dope-off ” ; hypnotic hallucinations he has called ” mental image pictures” ; and ” dissociation ” he has called ” exteriorization “”

A few paragraphs down is this gem:

“If command hypnosis is unskilfully practised, hallucinations which have been created during hypnosis persist later as reality. In scientology, “mental image pictures” experienced during an auditing session persist thereafter as reality and the preclear comes to believe that the past experiences and activities conjured up during these hallucinatory periods really took place, and so there is engendered a readiness to subscribe to the various scientology theories about past lives, the thetan and similar beliefs.”

(3)  Make sure you grasp the phrase “shore story”.   That there is stress response to wrongdoing is why Lie-Detectors are of any value at all, however there is  something further to grasp.  A large wall street firm was recruiting a new CFO, Chief Financial Officer, and a guy that applied, described that they wanted someone with a prior federal conviction!  They wanted a CFO who was willing to LIE!!  This got me thinking, as Robert Hare and others who have been researching psychopathy have noted that psychopaths have no stress response to wrong doing. If no stress response, the psychopath would fly through a lie-detector examination effortlessly! (And fly through a scientology “security check”) Thus, if you grasp “shore story”, it makes more sense if those organization  using such devices, whether lie-detectors or E-meters for  “Security” - that this itself may be a shore story!  That organizations such as scientology or the CIA, might want the psychopaths at the top! Then using security checks or lie detector examinations would accomplish this - because psychopaths have no stress response to wrongdoing! See A Tremor In The Blood: Uses And Abuses Of The Lie Detector by David T. Lykken

(4) Scientology filed 6″ of paper in their first ex-parte motion to fool a federal judge into granting the raid on my home. That much paper, implies “there simply must be something to it” - when in fact, in all that paper they omitted telling Judge Brinkema that the document I posted was itself a copy of an unsealed court filing from the Central Judicial District of California!  When a person walks into a scientology bookstore they see all those books by Hubbard! All those tapes! Videos! Pamphlets! All those course materials! Piles and piles of the stuff..and much of it expensive. which also implies that it has worth, all of this screams that there simply must be something to it!  Having read this page, now you know what that ‘it’ is.. and it is the one word that Hubbard does not mention in Dianetics.. the word is FRAUD.

The first use of the word scientology traces to a 1908 book titled “The New Word”, where it is used to mean fraud or scam, fake science, charlatanism.

The following words come from a publication called Pseudodoxia Epidemica, written by Sir Thomas Browne in 1646. In between paragraphs ridiculing urine therapy and astrology (both unfortunately still with us), he had this to say about “Saltimbancoes, Quacksalvers, and Charlatans”:

For their Impostures are full of cruelty, and worse than any other; deluding not only unto pecuniary defraudations, but the irreparable deceit of death.


Scientology, ISIS , 911 and Flat Earth

“Like scissors cuts paper, perspective cuts framing”  Arnie Lerma

“The best place to hide something is in plain sight” is a CIA Maxim(note1)

“Truth would quickly cease to be stranger than fiction, once we got as used to it.”
–H.L. Mencken.

and ISIS have in common??

We laugh at scientologists, when we find out Tom Cruise believes in XENU and the Space Cooties!
A recent X-Files episode ended with Mulder talking to Scully, “What is it that could induce a person to tie explosives to the their chest and then blow themselves up at a checkpoint?”. (Pause) then he says “Hypnosis and suggestion”.

It is called TELL A VISION for the same reason as that which made Palestine disappear from maps, to be replaced by something we are tricked into believing IS REAL…..

“Various types of beliefs can be implanted in many people after brain function has been sufficiently disturbed by accidentally or deliberately induced fear, anger, or excitement. Of the results caused by such disturbances, the most common one is temporarily impaired judgment and heightened suggestibility. Its various group manifestations are sometimes classed under the heading of ‘herd instinct,’ and appear most spectacularly in wartime, during severe epidemics, and in all similar periods of common danger, which increase anxiety and so individual and mass suggestibility.” Dr William Sargant

A good friend was stuck on Interstate 395 just South of the Pentagon at time of the missile strike. He had his sunroof open. He did not see anything, (as if you could miss a commercial airliner 50 feet above you) he heard a single small jet engine, straining at high rpms during final maneuvers then BOOM, his car shook and I could see the smoke to my East from my attic home office..

Watch this if you need to: PROBABLY THE BEST THREE Minute Video on 911 that you will ever see LINK

How did they foist this theatrical upon America? How did they do it??

And now for the rest of the story, the above is one case study explained below

While we were IN SHOCK AND AWE(note2), (made More suggestible to command, authority suggestion, immediately after our thinking had been stopped) Everything said during that time was. to some degree(note3), uncritically accepted as truth by the idiot that is our subconscious.. This is a weaponized covert hypnotic METHOD.

Dr. George Estabrooks, a psychologist for Office of Strategic Services, which later morphed into CIA, CIA, and the current crop of alphabet agencies, stated in 1943 that:

“Everything said to a hypnotized subject is true for them”


Any scene, words, story, or event, or merely a vicious personal attack on a chat board, to some degree stops thinking, and makes not only the target of the attack but the silent participants who were present, to some degree, become more suggestible. To some degree, they will uncritically allow that which is stated just after the event to enter their subconscious and act as a direct command suggestion, as unquestionable truth.

A HUGE RULE: REPETITION -  Most know that repetition makes even a lie become true, but no one seems to know why it ‘works’ ..  Dare to read and contemplate THIS PAGE: THE SECRET OF REPETITION, and  you will be amongst very few who know, and forevermore ‘repetition’ will no longer affect you in quite the same way.. neither will the persuasion of a group who seem to hold the same view.

The psycho-dynamics, and peer-pressure invoked by a group of people stating a lie, may be viewed, understood, as well as rendered impotent as a covert persuader of your subconscious by understanding the core secret behind repetition. This is not in the current course curricula for psychology. Orwell has been at work for decades!


SCIENTOLOGY AND TOM CRUISE: Hubbard used this METHOD in Dianetics to get Tom Cruise to believe his rubbish. Hubbard “shock and awe”s his readers with coat hanger abortions, ice pick lobotomies, and electric shock treatment..(Highly emotionally charged) THEN tells big lies which are accepted uncritically as truth, BECAUSE high emotion tricks us into stopping our thinking!!

FLAT EARTH: Uses slick,  emotionally laden, videos.(note3)  Scenes using that ‘slow zoom’ effect, that concentrates your attention,  THEN tells you the big lies which are accepted uncritically as truth, BECAUSE high emotion tricks us into stopping our thinking!!

In 2005 I glanced at the CIA’s own recruitment pages. I recall wondering.. “Why are they recruiting set-designers, hairstylists, lighting directors, videographers, make up artists??”

ISIS: ( A US CIA/MOSSAD Production)  Produces AWE some video scenes calculated for greatest shock and awe and THEN tells you the big lies which are accepted uncritically as truth, BECAUSE high emotion tricks us into stopping our thinking!!

OBAMA: Remember how Obama did that weird head turning in his first speeches? That was timed to the millisecond.. That was like the swinging watch of the classic hypnotist image.  The result was the same. Kids liked listening to him, he said nice hopeful pleasantries, made awesome promises. He did a handful of good, symbolic things, while he and his pals were stealing everything.

Common Core has created a generation of kids who no longer trust their own common sense.  A generation who has become conditioned to seeking authority. instead of trusting their own observations and judgement which they were taught by common core methods to NOT TRUST.  Along comes a President, saying nothing of substance but being pleasant to listen to. What was so ‘nice’ about listening to Obama say nothing of substance?  He entranced the common core conditioned-to-authority generation, and trance, like a day-dream, is quite pleasant…

Yes, the trance state is pleasant, and the deepness of trance is proportional to a lessened awareness of physical pain, Obama created the libtards that Soros is now paying to attack Trump, and all is being done with encouragement and the co-conspiracy of the deep state.

And they are using these methods to make both Trump and the public believe their lies.

The DATE 9-11 was used, because hypnosis wears off after a week or so, unless there is a reminder. These reminders are called ‘triggers’. The “Call 911 Emergency” number that you see on your phone, it is literally everywhere, you see this number each day! THIS PROVIDES THE TRIGGER REMINDER that re-invokes the original shock and awe - invokesd the original TRANCE!  The original trance where everything that is said to you, to some degree, this is not an absolute except when done repeatedly,  was accepted into your subconscious as true..

The emergency telephone number provides the trigger!

This is the big secret!

This one and others like this are what Dr Charles Oppenhiemer, the head of the Manhattan Project to build the first Atomic Bomb,  said made the atomic bomb seem trivial!  He used the word trivial! (see Oppenhiemer on sidebar)


Arnie Lerma founder The Patriot Party of Virginia (Old Perot movement)
“The difference between treason and patriotism is only a matter of dates”
Alexandre Dumas, The Count of Monte Christo|

PS: This is also the real reason scientology is known for mailing out so many mailings to members!!

More See: Oppenhiemer’s Warning - The Secret of 911 (and associated pages on this blog)

“Psychology is the Religion of the New World Order” Rienhard Ghelen


Note1: From watching the alt.religion.scientology usenet war for years, amd specifically the conduct of scientology’s disinformation operatives on usenet, I concluded that “The best place to hide something was right in front of you”. Imagine my surprise, a decade later to read in Francis Stonnor’s book “The CIA and The World of Arts and Letters” that this was a maxim taught by the US CIA.

Note2: George Bush may have been using the classified project name when he said “Shock and Awe”  in an early interview re 911, as he was certainly enthralled & entranced.

Note3: “Reverse Blockade: emphatically insisting upon something which is the opposite of the truth blocks the average person’s mind from perceiving the truth. In accordance with the dictates of healthy common sense, he starts searching for meaning in the “golden mean” between truth and its opposite, winding up with some satisfactory counterfeit. People who think like this do not realize that this effect is precisely the intent of the person who subjects them to this method. ” age 104, Political Ponerology by Andrew M. Lobaczewski

Early blog links fallen off menu bar:

Scientology Deprogramming Cliff-Notes Version
Critique of 3 Emmy Winning GOING CLEAR
Oppenhiemer’s Warning re mind control
One Method used by Hubbard in Dianetics  dont miss comment re Abreactive Therapy
A Lesson in Implication -  Essential reading for women ex-scientologists
Demonization for Profit - Turns Thought Stopping events into a learning Experience
REVERSE BLOCKADE The Master Manipulator - the most read page on this blog
Deaths of the Founders of the Anti-Cult Movement in America - for high IQ readers only
The Dogs of War - dedicated to peace in our lifetimes
Deprogramming Tips, that I must read every few weeks..
Without Truth, all is Delusion: The first page of this wordpress effort

Related helpful content on Quora re Scientology Dianetics,  Flat EarthHypnosis, Deprogramming,  and more

Research Materials for my screeds  A partial list of books in no particular order  that would be essential for those pursuing this subject after I am gone.


Edit: Addendum July 4th, 2017

What I think happened to Trump:

He won because many people felt Hillary was a crook, which she is, and a vote for WWIII sooner than later.

Trump ran as a populist instead of a globalist.  He tried, he got us out of TPP, stopped the human induced global warming carbon credits  hokum, then he was taken into the room for the classified briefing, shown the reason the deep state seems to manage the affairs of America as if there were no tomorrow, (at least for “we the peasants”) after that “shock and awe” presentation that same outfit that killed JFK made him an offer he could not refuse, and then told Trump just what he was going to do and not do.

At the same time the CIA controlled media empire (Google The Mighty Wurlitzer) used the Rules of Propaganda, intense emotion, the Reverse Blockade and the magic magnifying glass,  ina full court press  -  Never before in the history of the United States have so many assets conspired to destroy the public’s opinion of a President.

These same methods were used by Hubbard in Dianetics to induce readers to fall for Hubbard’s lies, and for 911, because they “work”.

I started to fall for it myself, however, I had seen it all done before to a man named Robert Minton in the scientology war.

These methods are also being used upon Mr. Trump.

Perspective: (More insight I agree with, blogged here re Trump)

“I’m afraid we were misled. All the critics, myself included, were misled very early. I see that now. We spent too much time and effort microanalyzing the details of the assassination when all the time it was obvious, it was blatantly obvious that it was a conspiracy. Don’t you think that the men who killed Kennedy had the means to do it in the most sophisticated and subtle way? They chose not to. Instead, they picked the shooting gallery that was Dealey Plaza and did it in the most barbarous and openly arrogant manner. The cover story was transparent and designed not to hold, to fall apart at the slightest scrutiny. The forces that killed Kennedy wanted the message clear: ‘We are in control and no one - not the President, nor Congress, nor any elected official - no one can do anything about it.’ It was a message to the people that their Government was powerless.”  -Vincent Salandria

The Future:

You can discover what your enemy fears most by observing the means he uses to frighten you. Eric Hoffer

Russia is the best ally that President Trump and WE THE PEOPLE have against the deep state. against the ones that killed Kennedy and did 911..who have been at war against the American people since we stopped the war in Vietnam.

Russia’s crime is telling the truth, and refusing to bow to US corporate exploitation, which is Irran’s crime too. The Iranians will not allow US Corporations to exploit their populace. They do not approve of popularizing soda pop. These are beverages with not only ZERO nutritional value and a ton of sugar and flavorings, but negative nutritional value. If you drink a soda with a healthy meal, the trace minerals in the other foods that you consume with that soda pop will bind to the phosphoric acid used to provide ‘tartness’, thus becoming unavailable to your body! Neither Russia, China or Iran and the BRICS nations, exploit their own populations for corporate profits at any cost in human suffering, misery and death. That most Americans do not understand these things is a tribute to Orwell and the mind control tactics that Oppenhiemer tried to warn us about in 1952.

And re endless wars, Americans haven/t stopped one since Vietnam. Why is that?

Mr Trump’s future:

The media lies, and deep state actions taken against a sitting President are unprecedented. I am not the only activist who has noted the similarity to the program used to discredit Mr Robert Minton by $cientology.

from private chat (name deleted)

“Agree totally, what the MSM is doing to Trump is what $cientology did to Bob Minton.
Am I off base thinking ….  Rinder was in charge of that op back in 1999-2003ish. Now he’s in charge of what’s being said (and not said) on Leah Rimini’s A&E Aftermath special.

And based on what was done to Bob Minton, and the similarity to what is being done to President Trump, I bet that this will be THE NEXT THING that is done to President Trump by the US Deep state/MSM (rather than by “OSA” scientology operatives assisted by those fooled by them)

Enormous pressure will be brought to bear upon a fact of no significance, so much pressure that the target (President Trump) is fooled into believing that they must LIE about the non-sequitur ‘fact’.(note)

In Bob’s case this was how much money he gave to Dandar.

In Trump’s case it will likely be about the “Nothing burger” < actual comment by CNN editor exposed by Veritas website, known as the Russian election hacking LIE.

References: Betrayal of Robert Minton:

Note: THIS method is described in one of the OSA Evaluations on Mr Gerry Armstrong’s pages, I think it was in the Christofferson litigation “EVAL” as the method to be used when all else failed to derail that case - This is from a document seized from $cientology in the 1977 raids on Scientology by the FBI in Los Angeles..

More similarities to what was done to Robert Minton:

Sean Hannity:
“There is now a coordinated attempt to silence the voice of every outspoken conservative in this country. If we don’t stop it right now, there won’t be any conservative voices on radio or television left.

“Liberal fascism is alive lie and well in America today. Their goal is simple. They want to shut up and shut down, completely silence all conservative voices by any means necessary. Here’s the difference. Unlike the left, I don’t have any problem with what the other side says. If you want to listen to liberals on radio or TV, read their articles, follow them on social media, go for it…

So let me be clear tonight. Everyone who publicly supported President Trump is a target. This is very political. We have seen repeatedly that the left knows no limits in these efforts. They have gone after and attacked the first lady; they have attacked members of the president’s family, every White House advisor. They’ve even attacked his daughter and his 10-year-old son.

Sidebar: Re Intelligence

The US Army picks off the smartest kids in the room after those tests they give you at induction, for Army ASA intel. The CIA recruits from the brightest moneyed families at Yale.  Defining “intelligence” is a problem… Which yardstick to be used? Being the best actor in the room impresses the CIA. Being the most ruthless man in the room impresses the DIA, and being the best hypnotist in the room….. hidden in plain sight, is professionally called linguistics while informally described as “charisma”.

Please show this to those friends that you feel capable to grasp this information.

The first blog page that started this series says simply: “Without truth all is delusion”.

PS:  Those of means who are willing to part with some cashwill note that helping a noble cause will make you feel better about yourself, and help that person do more as well as  get your name listed HERE  if you desire.

Thank you for reading.

Arnie Lerma
I’d prefer to die speaking my mind than to live fearing to speake (note)

“Sit down and think over that last spellbinder you heard on the platform, over the radio or on television…..Were you listening to a man of reason or to a hypnotist who aimed to limit your field of consciousness? You say you cannot be hypnotized against your will. Perhaps you were hypnotized last night as you listened to that political address over your TV…..The most dangerous hypnotist may be the man you listened to last week over the radio. You were his subject….As a matter of fact, you were a very excellent subject. Think it over…..” George Estabrooks

(More on 911 by first female research analyst for a State House of Representatives. She was made Chief of Staff after one year, and was nominated as an Outstanding Young Woman of America in Washington, D.C.  LINK  - and here is more from the same folks making palestine disappear using talmudic magic by suggesting that you believe that every lie they tell you is real. Dan Rather describing the dancing Israelis: “”They got on the roof of a building to look across, they knew what was gonna happen. They were waiting for it to happen and when it happened they celebrated. They jumped for joy.” from the Corbett Report LINK - Evidence that a frozen fish did not impact the Pentagon and neither did a Boeing 757  Sott.net LINK )

Following video is worth my reader’s time:

truth does not pay well
Get notified when THE BOOK is finished, and stay in balance,  and allow yourself to feel good because you threw a little something in the tip jar.    THE TIP JAR

Secrets of Twilight Language

“Men are so simple, and so much inclined to obey immediate needs, that a deceiver will never lack victims for his deceptions.” Niccolò Machiavel

“That millions of people share the same forms of mental pathology does not make these people sane.” -Erich Fromm, “The Sane Society”


NEW: July 2017. CIA Declassified Doc on Reverse speech

Your subconscious mind is your literal village idiot, the one who drives the car while you daydream… not many know but it responds to phonetics not spellings, and reads words backwards. It responds automatically to signs and symbols.

Latin is carefully designed to be precise and have no ambiguities. This is why the legal profession and doctors will use Latin phrases.

The King’s English, on the other hand, is entirely another matter. Perhaps English was satanically contrived this way,  to prey off the idiocy of that village idiot called the subconscious, contrived in a manner useful to control the Empire’s subjects,.

Examples: Describe the King’s deer, in a manner that subconsciously discourages poaching, using the identical sound used for a loved one “dear“.  And you were never supposed to know this, perhaps this is why the word KNOW sounds identical to the command NO.

And why LIVE spelled backwards is EVIL, and why so many of us spend too much time watching programming on a tell-a-vision.

Palestine does not appear on Google Maps, having been replaced by something that we are induced hypnotically, and with repetition, to believe IS REAL.

This is called twilight language...an ancient method of implanting direct suggestions that modify behavior by induction of  belief. This is also behind the power of symbols, the power of your team colors, and your nation’s flag, and the power of the logos.

“The best place hide something is in plain sight” (A CIA Maxim)

These covert hypnotic or covert suggestion ‘vectors’ become visible to students of covert hypnosis. It was deconstructing L. Ron Hubbard that pointed this method of “Twilight Language” out to me, when he called the subconscious by a new, invented term, he called it the “reactive mind”. He goes on in Dianetics to demonize this reactive mind, turning into something we had to get rid of it at any cost. 

Dianetics used dramatic, heavy, shocking, emotion inducing language (lobotomies, shock therapy, ice picks, coat hanger abortions).  to STOP the reader’s thinking.  Whatever is stated following the heavy emotion has been found to have the quality, to some degree, of a hypnotic suggestion. He then calls the reactive mind by a second phrase, THE BANK. This made his demands for money more difficult to resist, because your village idiot subconscious was telling you that also had to get rid of your bank (account).

He also called his con, scientology, which implies there is science involved, which in turn implies that it too,  is real!


George Bush may have let slip the classified title of the project, when he was talking about “Shock and Awe” which was used to mesmerize (hypnotize) the American public using intense emotion, vivid scenes, of  orange e explosions in the dark of a summer night, a spectacular 4th of July fireworks show, rising over once beautiful downtown Bahgdad.. You may recall being glued to the TV news watching this. I was.  Entranced by the spectacle, you watched the fireworks, while the commentators told you what they wanted you to believe to be true, over and over again, using repetition, and everything they were saying was to some degree automatically true for you.. Weapons of  mass destruction…right….  over 250,000 human beings, with hopes and dreams like you, are now dead.

And again, those that criticized were thought stoppingly demonized as un-american, and un-patriotic. In Dianetics,  Hubbard repeats his ludicrous explanations over and over, which is called suggestion by repetition. Repetition alone is suggestion. There is also repetition by agreement, when two or more people agree that something is true, or when a crowd of people, perhaps flying monkeys are all screeching that something is true..  What you are really dealing with are just more instantly visible, and somewhat overwhelming repetitions of the same idea, by implication because of the fact of the crowd.

Leading by Deception

Read the first chapter of this book, Leading by Deception for more perspective.

“Lack of knowledge of history coupled with repeated bombardment by the media of sound bites and the suppression or ridicule of dissenting views (politics of envy) combined to steer the majority of the populace into the proper corral (thought containment area).”

AUTHORITY Suggestion

Hubbard also built his image of AUTHORITY  by telling of his imaginary exploits as an explorer and adventurer, and even created the LRH Comm(unications) Network to protect his image. To protect his authority.. To protect his reputation. See Authority Suggestion.   He ordered his picture portrait hung in every room, just like Jack Parson’s Agape Lodge had Alestair Crowley’s portrait in every room..  More repetition this time by implication.

Vice President Dick Cheney and The President of the United States said were were doing the right thing. All while lining their pockets with billions of dollars.. and the US Military Industrial Complex was in orgy party mode.  Suggestion by Authority! Same as Dianetics!


Hypnosis was why Hillary thought she’d win no matter what.

The same METHOD worked for Obama.

Give them a thought stoppingly different cartoon character, a black guy with big ears…who promises to fix Washington. Well, after all, the implication is he is different, and this is incredible, a black man… then hope springs eternal, maybe this weird black dude will fix everything!!  And many Americans bought it hook line and sinker. Then when his body count started rising, when you would criticize him the deep state’s mighty wurlitzer would belch that you were racist…

Same WINNING PLAY  for Hillary, only the first WOMAN… and 57% might believe her… she was different..a woman! again hope springs eternal…

And Obama was an acceptably adept hypnotist, Remember his odd “head turning”, he did when he first ‘addressed the nation”?? I timed it, it was like a metronome… designed to hypnotize his audience.. Americans. He single handedly created a generation that is just as effectively hypnotized as scientology’s victims,….People make fun of scientologists weird beliefs…  and now people wearing vaginas is a normal day, and the result of  mass hypnosis.

Women dressing up as vaginas was itself a hypnotic method… called The Confusion Technique, where you present images of the weird..


A recent X-Files episode ended with Mulder talking to Scully, “What is it that could induce a person to tie explosives to the their chest and then blow themselves up at a checkpoint?”. (Pause) then he says “Hypnosis and suggestion”..

The more often a person is placed into trance by an exploitive  operator, the easier it is to re-activate that trace by key words and imagery instilled by repetition.   Trance is pleasant, relatively pain free, it feels good.  Note there are people who loved Obama, and not because of his skin color. What did they love?  I believe they grew to anticipate and enjoy the pleasant, care-free, relatively pain free state of light trance that Obama’s speeches induced by design. By design, while he and Hillary and his pals were stealing everything that wasn’t nailed down..

And the deep state architects know this:

“Everything said to a hypnotized subject is “true” for them”
George Estabrooks, US OSS (predates US CIA/DIA) 1943

Dr Estabrooks was the Psychologist who stated then that
“Hitler is the greatest hypnotist of our era”


I need to start watching TV for a bit, I don’t watch it much because of the use of covert methods of persuasion. However, I need to find some broadcast examples of covert suggestion. The other day “The View” was playing as I walked by, and from the perspective of all this material I have tried to explain to my readers, that show looked completely different to me.

They were talking about Obama, and describing some of the awful things ‘white people’ say about him. The descriptions were highly EMOTIONALLY CHARGED and the descriptions of what was said, were not just inaccurate, but were CONFUSING. Then a doctor, a PhD, an academic AUTHORITY said as a direct command statement that these criticisms were done because Obama was black!!

I’m going to try and find the episode to capture this 3 minute segment, because it illustrates the use of The Confusion Technique, combined with emotionally charged words followed by a big lie.. (REVERSE BLOCKADE)

That people disliked Obama because of his skin color... This is a BIG LIE. (see Reverse Blockade) Not one of the criticisms of my friends about Obama was about the color of his skin. Skin color is actually no more important that the color of your automobile.

IT WOULD BE IMMENSELY HELPFUL IF THIS METHOD WERE TO BE DESCRIBED by a number of people, and written for specific publics.  So that it hits home. I hope this page will encourage readers to talk about it, and explain it to others in their own words, until it was understood by everyone..

Imagine just a few people, in story telling form, describing such incidents on various TV Programs. TV Programs are good because people will connect with them, without triggering pre-programmed emotional responses (denial), associated with years being in a cult environment.

I want your help explaining this in your own words. Anyone willing to give this a shot? To lend a hand?

For your review:

The Confusion Technique

This is a page from a once SECRET US CIA interrogation manual about one Method called “The CONFUSION TECHNIQUE”

more google “The Confusion Technique”, lermanet is top hits.


Above, page 45 of the once CLASSIFIED SECRET (1961) CIA Interrogation Manual
Search for KUBARK INTERROGATION MANUAL at the National Security Archive, In a footnote, this document tells CIA Interrogators to read Dr Joost Meerloo’s book “RAPE OF THE MIND” to get to know themselves better in a footnote. A book I had previously webbed because it described so much about scientology. LINK
“KUBARK” is a word substitution cipher for CIA. and even Scientology was using keyword substitution cipher lists when I was involved in the 1970’s for telex traffic.

Emotionally Charged language (Thought stopping)

Authority Suggestion

The BIG LIE see Reverse blockade
https://arnielerma.wordpress.com/2015/10/07/the-master-manipulator/ i 

I hope this helps…this has not been an easy row to hoe.

LEADING BY DECEPTION -   1st Chapter is online to read


transferred from another group:
Why is it that Russians make sense when they talk?
Is it because they are NOT using covert hypnotic methods to conceal criminal fraud? Like $cientology does?? Like Israel does? Like the US deep state Neo-con’s do?
For 25 years, I have been researching how cult leader, and suspected intelligence operative L Ron Hubbard, created $cientology, and found some of the covert hypnotic METHODS he used.
Imagine my horror, when, I realized that Obama was using these same methods. Remember his odd “head turning”, he did when he first ‘addressed the nation”?? I timed it, it was like a metronome… designed to hypnotize his audience.. americans.
He single handedly created a generation that is just as effectively hypnotized as scientology’s victims,…. like Tom Cruise.
The more often a person is placed into trance by an abusive operator, the easier it is to re-activate that trace by key words and imagery instilled by repetition by that abusive operator.
Trance is pleasant, relatively pain free, it feels good.  Note there are people who loved Obama, and not because of his skin color. What did they love?  I believe they grew to anticipate and enjoy the pleasant, care-free, relatively pain free state of light trance that Obama’s speeches induced by design.
PS: This is the some of the same ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY used to create terrorists.. it is also just another ‘normal day’ for the master manipulators known as psychopaths…

Arnie Lerma

PS:  Parting with some cash from your BANK ACCOUNT
will make you feel better about yourself, and help me do more to help others
and get your name listed HERE  if you desire.

PPS: There is one word that Hubbard never uses in his books, the word is “FRAUD”.

From Blacks Law Dictionary:

Fraud: An intentional perversion of the truth for the purpose of inducing another in reliance upon it to part with some valuable thing or to surrender a legal right; a false representation of a matter of fact, whether by words ot conduct, by false or misleading allegations, or by concealment of that which should have been disclosed, which deceives and is intended to deceive another so that he shall act upon it to his legal inquiry; anything calculated to deceive, whether by a single act or combination, or by suppression of truth, or suggestion of what is false, whether it be by direct falsehood or innuendo, by speech or silence, word of mouth, or look or gesture; fraud comprises all acts, omissions, and concealments involving a branch of legal or equitable duty and resulting in damage to another.

If you have actually read this page then you will have learned some of how we are induced to kill one another:

“War is indeed a very great injustice. We are actually fighting with the wrong people. Those who pay and those who inflame, those who through the media turn people against each other — they are the ones we should fight.” - Alexey Mozgovoy, commander of the “Ghost” brigade, killed May 23, 2015

Those of means who are willing to part with some cash will find that helping a noble cause gives  life meaning and helps get this information read by more people.

Thank you for reading.

Only Fools Fall for Cults?

“Hypnosis is not inexplicable, uncanny or occult, and it is not abnormal. Hypnosis is a natural consequence of a specific application of definite and understandable laws. The laws hypnosis follows are not laws of hypnotism, but are the laws of thought. Hypnosis is the logical result of thinking when, under a particular set of circumstances, there is no other way to think.”  Hugh Lacy

“There is always a well-known solution to every human problem — neat, plausible, and wrong.” H.L. Mencken
“ONLY FOOLS FALL FOR SCIENTOLOGYVariations of this headline is a common fallacy that needs to be addressed once and for all.

“Weak willed”, “dumb”, “idiots”…

Ex-members of cults like scientology hear this all the time, but there is a problem, it is just not true!

Hypnosis is most effective upon those with superior intelligence. The old hypnotists all agreed, stating this in one form or another and concluding that this is because:

Intelligent people can control their minds better”

Ralph Slater in his book “Hypnotism” said:

“Contrary to general belief, it has been my experience that the more intelligent the subject, the easier it is to induce hypnosis” Ralph Slater, Stage Hypnotist, played Carnegie Hall several times the winter of 1949/1950 then Dianetics appeared the next spring..


Page 18, Andrew Salter, “Conditioned Reflex Therapy” (c) 1949 contains a summary of prior psychologists conclusions regarding intelligence and hypnotism:

“Krasnogorski, a disciple of Pavlov, has demonstrated that in children the ease of reflex formation increases with intelligence.(22)

It is impossible to establish conditioned reflexes in congenital idiots, but in higher types of mental defectives reflexes can be conditioned, though only with difficulty and for short duration. In normally intelligent children the reflexes are easily conditioned. If intelligence is associated with ease of conditioning, we would also expect intelligence to be associated with ease of hypnotizability. And in fact there is extensive evidence that this is the case Clinicians working in the older tradition have always known that hypnotizability goes with intelligence. Lloyd has said that the better the intelligence, generally speaking, the better the subject, if he can be hypnotized at all.(23)

Tuckey also emphasizes this and speaks of the “fallacy of the contention which one sometimes hears urged against hypnotism, that it is only applicable to fools and weaklings.”(24)

It is easy to hypnotise intelligent children, almost impossible to hypnotise dull ones. These observations have been verified in the laboratory. White found that students with higher college marks were somewhat better hypnotic subjects than those with lower ones.(25)

He found that high scores on college level intelligence tests had a positive relationship with hypnotizability, and David and Husband, using the American Council of Education scholastic aptitude tests. found a similar and stronger correlation.

Hull presents a page of similar positive correlations. (27)

Hull (Clark Hull), who said “words… are assumed..to have acquired during previous history of the subject, through the process of association or conditioning, the capacity to to evoke the reactions of which they are the names, ” calls the conditioned reflex “one of the most primitive of all learning and memory processes.”(28)

In a broad sense, then, there should be no occasion for surprise that intelligence helps rather than hinders, the acquisition of hypnosis. ”

Hana Eltringham as the D/Commodore, the highest “rank” in Hubbard’s navy, now Hana Whitfield, described following Hubbard (The Commodore) down a passage of the Apollo when he paused and said

‘You know, it’s really all just hypnosis...”

Sufficiently reawakened survivors of the cult experience eventually realize that they have a microcosmic perspective on society as a whole:


A recent X-Files episode ended with Mulder talking to Scully, “What is it that could induce a person to tie explosives to the their chest and then blow themselves up at a checkpoint?”. (Pause) then he says “Hypnosis and suggestion”.. scene then fades to black

Authority Hypnosis

“The best place to hide something is in plain sight” a CIA Maxim


The image above is a parody of an official scientology publication, called a “policy letter”, which is produced in green ink on white paper in courier, typewriter style-typeface and  was designed to provide additional conditioning of the scientologists’ minds through repetition.


This describes one of Hubbard’s most used methods of hypnotic suggestion. A method that clinicians avoid because it’s use creates dependency upon the operator. Authority suggestion is WHY Hubbard had an “LRH Comm” Network to protect his “image” It is why we were told in the 1970’s that he was one of the first Nuclear Physicists - that impressed me when I was a teenager in 1966. the truth provides somewhat less AUTHORITY, you see he took one semester in “Nuclear Physics” at George Washington University and received the an “F”.

The rest of their claims to his greatness follow the same pattern, yes he served as a Lieutenant in the US Naval Reserve. He claimed in Dianetics that he developed Dianetics to cure himself after being “blinded and crippled in the war”. The truth is, when he was discharged, he had the same bad eyesight he had when he joined the Naval Reserve, and he had urethral discharge.

He had the incredible chutzpah to claim he was a war hero, based entirely on something he caught from a hooker, while actually being a war zero.

He was protecting his “authority” to be the “operator” of your trace. All the old hypnotists stress the importance the presence, and perceived reputation of the hypnotist by his subject as being the single most important factor for rapid induction of trance.(1)

From a 1918 (c) “Suggestion and AutoSuggestion” by William Atkinson.


Suggestions are accepted by persons when given by one or more of three general methods. These methods, you will remember, are:

(1) Suggestion by impression, as by authoritative statements, etc;

(2) Suggestion by inducing the idea in the mind, by insinuation, hint, and other indirect means; and

(3) Suggestion along the lines of association of outward objects, etc, which act both by impressing and inducing the idea in the receptive mind of the person so suggested to.

The suggestions may be considered as being caused by suggestion reaching the individual along several different lines, or channels. For convenience we may divide these channels of suggestion into five classes, viz:

I. The Suggestion of Authority;
II. The Suggestion of Association;
III. The Suggestion of Habit;
IV. The Suggestion of Repetition;
V. The Suggestion of Imitation.

Extracted from: (c) 1918 William Atkinson, “Suggestion and Autosuggestion”

Hubbard’s 2nd most used method was Ad-Hominem, known as demonization… the rarity of discussion of these two by those who have nothing of substance of their own, like Hubbard, is because they have so much to gain by using them.They “work” so well at controlling thinking. Those that use them to deceive would then be revealing themselves..

From The Anderson Report: “Because of the serious risk of harm to the patient, it is only in rare and exceptional circumstances that authoritative hypnosis is resorted to in medical practice.”

“Contrary to general belief, it has been my experience that the more intelligent the subject, the easier it is to induce hypnosis. It is not a sign of a weak character to go quickly into a hypnotic state. Hypnosis is not a struggle or battle of the wills, but a matter of co-operation between two people. Children under three, morons and completely insane people—those, in fact, who cannot consciously co-operate with the hypnotist—are not hypnotisable at all”  Ralph Slater, stage hypnotist, played Carnegie Hall from his book, which you can download HERE. (100 meg image pdf of his 1950 booklet on hypnotism)


Common Core -  After examining a students “common core” textbooks, I had no choice but to assume that the  real intent of common core is to create students who no longer trust themselves.  If you lose trust in your ability to reason you tend to seek out “authority” to consult. I have noted this conditioned dependence upon authority in the recent escapees from Scientology, Jehovah’s Witness’s and the like. In pre David Miscavige Scientology I did not see this so much,  Not so much in the old timers who were in when Hubbard ran the fraud, but  a great deal under the Miscavige regime. This may be because now David Miscavige is the authority on the authority (Hubbard) that operates the scientology trance!

One old friend began relying upon academics, another ex, upon published science.  Frankly, if either of these sources had it  all right we would not have the problem of mind control to deal with in the first place, and we would not have war. The lesson both miss is than money and politics affects both spheres.  The book “Political Ponerology” reveals this fact in detail.


My use of the same look and feel, in the image at the top, was designed to invoke that same conditioning of the scientologists’ minds while they were in, and turn it to advantage, to carry a critical message while demonstrating to them, the method used. In this case the method is being used for good, to break an abusive trance instead of re-enforce the scientology trance..Scientologists tend to be strongly conditioned, from years of accepting Hubbard’s dogma as true, and being told to “duplicate source”, which means to follow Hubbard’s instructions precisely whether they understand them or not, despite looking all your words up in HIS DICTIONARY(Note2) to accept anything that appears to be from an “authority”.  They are exquisitely conditioned to accept anything that is stated to them by someone with perceived “Authority” as true.

In society, Authority and repetition  is the source of the power of corporate logos, where a simple red and white geometric shape has become associated with healthy young men with cowboy hats riding horses in the great outdoors while smoking a Marlboro cigarette.

In 1984 as in current American society, Big Brother seeks to destroy any and all “authority” in society. Ask yourself, who are our current hero’s? They seem to be fewer and far between. Who comes to your mind as a hero? Seems no one comes to my mind except Putin. In America especially, and throughout the West,  it appears that there is a generalized destruction of anyone who serves as a hero figure for the peasants.  Statues of hero’s of days bygone are being torn down.  This is part of a general psychological attack to discredit and tear down anything that has authority.

You see the state, big brother, wants to become the only authority of what is true. The psychologists crafting these methods know what George Estabrooks said in 1943: “That anything said to a hypnotized subject is true for them” They also know that television, media, and school books  especially the insidious methods of Common Core, have removed the authority of anyone in the family unit and even the individual’s authority to dare think for himself has been attacked.  So there is a coordinated, across the board’s war upon authority in this nation. Why? So that Big Brother (The state) becomes the only authority. And using AUTHORITY hypnosis,  everything the state says becomes “TRUE”.

Who will dare question this?

“The current madness in what is left of America, an America in the middle of being dismembered while still alive by psychopaths, is the collective result of each instance in the past that each of us were afraid to speak the truth for fear of ridicule. If you thought ridicule was bad, wait for what is coming.”

Perhaps you will!

Another secret is revealed here: Some advice from Confucious

Links that have fallen off the sidebar:
Deaths of the founders of the anti-cult movement in America
Deprogramming Tips
Dogs of War
The Master Manipulator

If my screeds have assisted your recovery, ’tis okay to throw some change into my tip jar on paypal. Send to arnaldolerma@lermanet2.com, thank you, hope this helps.

Note 1:  “How to become an expert operator” L. E. Young 1939  A full pdf of this little “how to” booklet was marketed in the back pages of  “Astounding Science Fiction” and similar venues a decade before Hubbard first published Dianetics there


Note2: His “study tech” is nothing more than rewritten effective study methods that used to be taught in public schools. See the material in this directory by Virginia Waddy

David Miscavige & the King of the Gypsies

When dealing with elaborate frauds, context is everything. Those new to my screeds should google Arnie Lerma +xenu and read for a while to provide context. At minimum you need to have read these two articles one in the Washington Post, the other NY Newsday  for this blog entry to have proper context.  Christmas Day article 1994 LINK,  and the August Raid LINK


It was winter 1996/1997, I’d had a lot of publicity from RTC vs Lerma, the Federal case that authenticated “XENU” as the real deal…

A gentlemen called and said he was a journalist from Canada and just happened to be in town and wanted to meet with me, after he had read about my efforts in the newspaper and wanted to speak to me. I said “fine” as I was most curious and I enjoy meeting and talking with intelligent and/or extraordinary character, and as I had met with dozens of journalists by now and we agreed to meet at a Gin Mill on the west side of 19th street NW between M Street and K Street in the club district south of Dupont Circle.

I walked in and saw a fellow sitting alone at a table for two, and he looked up, saw me and waved me over.

The King of the Gypsies”

He introduced himself, saying his name was Ian Hancock, this Ian Hancock.

He introduced himself and said he was considered by some to be “The King of the Gypsies” He told me that President Bill Clinton had made him an honorary ambassador to the United Nations for the Romani in America, and had given him a nice plaque to hang on the wall. At the time I thought this was rather impressive, as if to convey that his words had a certain authority.  I had previously met with party leaders of Germany’s Parliament including Rennate Rennabach ans Ursurla Caberta at the Freidrich Ebert Stiftung Foundation to advise them on how to best deal with the Scientology problem, tried my hand at lobbying on Capitol Hill for the anti-scientology cause, and being born and raised in Washington DC met my share of VIPs. My electronics business had serviced the needs of Wonderman, and the Crown Prince of Iran, so perhaps I was not quite as impressed with this gentleman’s authority as others might have been,..  anyway, back to this strange tale.

Mr Ian Hancock then told me a story:

The Death of John McMaster

He said was in the U.K. and had interviewed a once famous celebrity $cientologist named John McMaster* .  Jon McMaster was a dapper and eloquent charismatic speaker in the Scientology movement in the 1960’s.

Mr Hancock said that he interviewed John McMaster in a “Manchester flop house” shortly before he passed away.  He claimed that Mr McMaster told him that when he was St Hill Manor, that Hubbard would taunt him about  being gay, and on one occassion when Hubbard knocked on his door, Hubbard was standing the naked, wearing stockings and a garter belt, and pranced around the room after he came in. Quite a story, I was somewhat awed.

After describing details in this incident in lurid detail  he then described the death bed scene:

“John McMaster lay in his bed dying, his room was filled with dead flowers.”

Then,  Mr Hancock  said that it would better if I criticized L. Ron Hubbard instead of David Miscavige.(see note3)  As the conversation continued he restated the general idea that it would be better to be critical of “Ron” instead of “Miscavige”.  After each restatement he would pause, and I noted he seemed to be watching me intently, and he would say:



The implication was unmistakable: I can’t be sued by Hubbard for saying he was a rat-bastard because he is dead, but I could be sued by David Miscavige.

It was apparent to me that he was chatting me up on behalf of David Miscavige(see note2).. leaning on me to not criticize Mr Miscavige, and instead criticize Mr. Hubbard. And using some kind of persuasion techniques to accomplish this. At the time of this meeting I had not yet begun my research into covert methods of persuasion(Note2), all I knew was that this was a strange meeting.

Why was “The King of the Gypsies” being a water boy for David Miscavige?

And.. just how deep does this particular rabbit hole go??


Note:  Hubbard was the Founder of scientology and David Miscavige used despicable means to take complete control of the scientology corporate structure after Hubbard’s death in 1986. Here is ONE example Hubbard appointed a gal to be the Director of CST, for LIFE. CST is the corporate structure that owns the copyrights and licenses them to the local scientology organizations for a commission fee on their income. Scientologists will note that the copyright notice in their books says “Copyright held by RTC”  held.. not Owned.. CST OWNS them. CST is the big kahuna of the Scientology empire of lies.

This gal had lifetime dream. Her dream job was to manage a horse farm in New Zealand. Well wouldn’t you know,  David Miscavige knew about this girls dream, and arranged everything. To the gal it was a serendipitous opportunity, perhaps a gift from God, when a man she had chanced to cross paths with said that he needed a manager for his beautiful horse farm in New Zealand. The girl then did what any normal person would do, she jumped at this opportunity. Giving up her appointment from L Ron Hubbard himself, as The Director for LIFE of CST.

With the Hubbard appointed-for-life director out of the way, David Miscavige was free to move in… Source: Ex Scientology Office of Special Affairs lawyer Joseph Vannier’s book “Arrows in the Dark”

Consider the efforts taken to demonize him, and implication of the details above…
see image halfway down this page LINK

Note2: Those who have read my other pages may recognize that The King of the Gypsies was trying to hypnotize me…giving me a direct suggestion, to not criticize David Miscavige.


The name of the METHOD I believe might have been leaked by George Bush..as he likely had been shown the method, then said it on TV, It is called Shock and Awe.

Then you tell him an enormous TRUTH… such as, there is a breakaway ‘civilization’ and the US has a colony on Mars and those black triangles are US, using anti gravity. Then you show him some pictures… Staff lists… etc..

-or- the world is going to end in 180 days… or three buildings were destroyed in Manhattan by terrorists….

At this point thinking has been stopped, he is in shock and awe!

When thinking stops the door to the subconscious is left unguarded..

Then you tell him the suggestion you want him to believe to be true.

“Anything said to a hypnotized subject is true for them” said the father of weaponized hypnosis, Dr. George Estabrooks in 1943


Incidentally, this was also one of the techniques Hubbard used for OT level III… Xenu and the Wall of Fire…

Note3:  When David Miscavige was first in the CMO, Commodores Messenger Organization, he was young, short, and had and still has asthma. He would lean against the railing, cupping his hands to hide his use of an inhaler. At that time Suzette Hubbard was the CMO boss, and she gave him the nickname “The Asthmatic Dwarf” which is what he was referred to behind his back.  The phrase is (c) Suzette Hubbard.


It has been noted that before his rise to power, that David Miscavige appeared to have some sort of influence with Hubbard, the bottom of this page just might explain why. LINK

Thank you for reading all the way to the end, in this tl:dr age, it is encouraging. There is an enormous amount of data that must be read and thoroughly digested to grasp the enormity of the fraud called Scientology, as well as the implications. please send this link to recovering scientologists both as a chuckle and insight into just how far the Asthmatic Dwarf’s Empire will go to get what they want, and make your dreams come true.

After meeting with DM who had just walked out of the office about an article in George Magazine critical of his cult,. JFK Jr.  was heard to remark:

“What a nasty piece of work”