“The closer one penetrates toward the core of the onion of deception the worse the stench is, which is to a degree, by design, to discourage further inquiry.”
(Originally discussed in the $cientology Deprogramming Facebook Group here)
The man who filed the copyright for the “entire bridge” of materials in $cientology as a compilation called Excalibur Revisited”, filed it 1 month before RTC filed theirs on the OT Levels, was Jeff Filburt. Jeff told me that $cientology came to visit and “figuratively put a gun to my head” wanting a letter that Hubbard had given him (note) saying that he could make any use of $cientology materials he wanted….so he made a huge compilation of the ‘entire bridge’ and published it as “Excalibur Revisited” which has the entire “bridge to OT7” and some of the flag rundowns… they use to run you and your bank account down…
View Filbert’s Copyright Registrations here:
Jeff told me that his mother was found dead, massive coronary they said, after he refused to give them this letter… He also said that the entire house appeared to have been dusted with sodium cyanide.. (note2)
Jeff Filbert is also the one who told me that he was sitting at the reception desk at St Hill Manor, in East Grinstead, Sussex England on Dec 23rd 1965… That he was alone in the building other than Hubbard who was in his office at the time. He also said he was practicing E-meter drills.
A special ops type squad burst in the front door, a gun was pointed at his head, “Do not move!” a voice said…
They went into Ron’s office, killed Hubbard on the spot…then dragged him out in a body bag, and cleaned up the mess… Shortly after, in walked a Hubbard look alike… Jeff stated that he was sworn to silence under his Army ASA security oath…as he had previously served in US army intelligence because of his extreme IQ… but 40 years later, he told me.
I said nothing for almost a decade about this.
As I could not deal with this truth, I chose to use the mental protective mechanism called “psychological denial”.
Here is the clearing course from his copyright, same stuff Hubbard used, just rewritten… which I filed as “Exhibit A” in a motion in RTC vs Lerma to get it, and the story of the my being drugged by RTC’s Warren McShane (See my Video interview by Tory Christman on Youtube) as well as Filburt’s copyright claims into the court record.
Because this was so hard to believe, I tried not to think about it. Then, one day, almost a decade later while I was writing my life story for a book whose purpose was to empty my head of the lessons received at such expense, in this life, once and for all… I recalled an encounter in a new way, an encounter I had mentioned years before, from when I was first in Scientology way back when I was only 16 or 17…in 1968.
New to scientology having been hypnotized by Hubbard’s hypnotic writing methods in his book A New Slant on Life, and and believing his lies(note) I recall an evening at FCDC (The scientology facility in Washington DC, when it’s offices were at 1810 and 1812 19th street N.W. above Dupont Circle in Washington DC. My mother, Gora Lerma, was, for a short time the HCO E/S which is like the ED now. Here I had asked a Class VI auditor(note2) named Natalie Fisher, who had been trained at St Hill a story.., I was brand new to $cientology and had asked her if she had ever actually witnessed OT powers..(note)
The gradation chart back then DID actually say TOTAL CAUSE OVER MATTER ENERGY SPACE AND TIME… I was skeptical of such an extraordinary story,
So I asked scientologists at the DC Org if any had seen evidence to support this claim. One evening, waiting for my mother, I asked this high classed auditor who had trained personally under “Ron” if she had ever actually witnessed evidence of OT Powers…with her own eyes.
So me, the wide eyed kid, was listened to Natalie tell me about Ron’s OT powers.. She said that she had witnessed that “Ron” could change his height and appearance slightly… overnight!!
I thought WOW, RON IS A REAL OT!! There Really ARE super duper mental powers to achieve if I go through all this expensive rigamarole!!
Natalie Fisher was there at St Hill UK that same winter.. the same winter that Jeff was was sitting at the reception desk, in an empty St Hill Manor, on night watch that day before Christmas Eve…doing E-meter drills…
Suddenly Jeff’s story made everything make sense..
He phrased it as being taken over by the NY Jewish Mafia. (note) it is more accurate to say that it was taken over by ISIS, the ISraeli Intelligence Service…
After all if you can control what a person believes to be true so well that he comes to believe in a reactive mind and eventually XENU, you can make him believe anything. (note)
Published in a 1959 May edition of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, Dr. Robert Oppenhiemer lectured at The American Psychological Association. He warned that the advances in the field of psychology to control what men believed to be true made the ethical concerns faced by the Atomic Scientists building the first atomic bomb seen TRIVIAL.
Dr Oppenhiemer used the word “TRIVIAL”
Strangely enough, in the early 70’s, the death bed confession of Dr. Werner Von Braun predicted that terrorists would be one of the big threat’s manufactured to pursue money for the military industrial complex..
So this was the ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY of how to control what a man believes to be true. And “IT WORKS” in scientology and works for ISIS and Wahabbi terrorists… this is the same ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY - whether it creates a belief in engrams or a belief in terrorists, only the SHORE STORY and STAGE SETTING is different.
Now I finally began to understand what scientology’s scientologist lawyer Earle C Cooley meant when he claimed over and over again that the materials that I was being sued for in RTC vs Lerma were “ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY”

Centerfold from December 1995 WIRED Magazine
I also now understand why the alt.scientology.war has been such a tough row to hoe…
Have nice dreams…
Arnie Lerma.
I’d prefer to die speaking my mind than to live fearing to speak
Dr. Oppenhiemer’s Warning:
Dr Werner Von Braun’s death bed predictions:
(OK to repost in entirety for non-profit use only)
Definition of SHORE STORY
Note 2: In 1968 A Class “6” auditor was a big deal in scientology.
Note 3: Arnie’s Summary of techniques used by Hubbard
Complexity is also a means for preventing or delaying the discovery of FRAUD.
The room full of books and rubbish by “RON” is also a means. If the client dies before he figures out he was conned, there is a bigger profit margin because “Dead Men Can’t Sue”
The room full of books and tapes also is lesson in IMPLICATION, the sight of all that material IMPLYS “There MUST be something there” They use this technique in Litigation… a pile of affidavits and exhibits that are 90% fluffery, being too much for the judge (or anyone else) to read, IMPLIES there MUST be something to this motion!
It would be relatively easy to teach people what Hubbard called the “TECH” if Hubbard had told them he was using hypnosis… of course, he would have then been sued for practicing medicine without a license and shut down…further his “clients” would certainly not have liked understanding why he called the ‘REACTIVE MIND’ by the 2nd term ‘YOUR BANK’… and after reading Dianetics you just KNEW you just had to get rid of it, at any cost!, Remember? But the subconscious IS quite literal, calling this thing you had to get rid of YOUR BANK is what made the registrars so difficult to say NO to… geddit?
The Word CLEAR (consider what it would do as a suggestion to your subconscious) repeated over and over and over in Dianetics and in Study Tech, etc, makes the rest of your life disappear, makes other sources of knowledge vanish to some degree, leaving only the suggestions of the OPERATOR of your trance…
The long pauses during his tapes were also a covert suggestion by IMPLICATION = a suggestion that whatever he said previously was IMPORTANT causing you to REPEAT IT TO YOURSELF in your mind. THAT is called “auto-suggestion”?
Normally by the time you finish your first book these suggestions have started to dig in and modify your thinking. The books use techniques described by Andrew Salter in his book “Conditioned Reflex Therapy”. Mr Salter cites a spectacular Russian psychologist named Bechterev, who was assassinated on orders from Stalin.
And if the books don’t do it, the trance induced by the intro courses often will. TR0 - is like the Eye to Eye technique described in “Hypnosis for Salesmen” http://www.lermanet.com/exit/hypnosisforsalesmen/
And if TR0 doesn’t do it, Alice in Wonderland (TR1) was a technique originally used by the CIA for the “Obstinant types” Google The once SECRET KUBARK MANUAL… see the “Alice in Wonderland” ”
PS: WOG in $cientology is a disparaging term for non-scientologists, it is functionally equivalent to GOY in the oral tradition of the Talmud.
WOG = GOY in what is called “twilight language” aka magical thinking, which is a covert means of hypnotic suggestion based on fact that the subconscious reads words backwards…