More Secrets of Dianetics


Advertisement from a 1953 Fate Magazine for “Beyond Hypnosis”

ONE METHOD of covert hypnotic suggestion is to describe, in vivid terms,  a highly emotionally charged incident. In Dianetics, just to be safe, Hubbard described several, including:  pre-frontal lobotomy, abortions using a coat hanger, and ECT electro-convulsive shock treatment.(note1)

Grisly and shocking stuff… especially for 1950, don’t you agree?

Lurid, highly emotionally charged incidents that elicit a strong emotional response in the reader or viewer, stop your thinking.

When thinking stops the door to your subconscious is  left unguarded.

Whatever is said to you just after you are shown or read about such an incident - becomes to a certain degree - a direct hypnotic command to your subconscious. Whatever you are told just after the emotionally charged instance tends to act as a direct hypnotic command.(note2)

So what does Hubbard tell you after he describes the lurid incidents?

He tells you that such incidents create things that he calls “engrams” He then tells you that you have something you did not know about previously, that he calls your “reactive mind” ” your bank” because it is filled with these engrams.


The reactive mind! A hideous and  horrible black demonic thing. The cause of all your suffering and failures in life. He says that this reactive mind is composed of hidden memories of painful incidents in your past, and it is these incidents that keep you from attaining perfection as a human being and reaching your full potential of power, money and success in life!

He refers to this terrible thing, the reactive mind, that he implies that you simply must get rid of it at any cost, as “your bank” . He tells you that he calls it ‘the bank’ because it stores these painful and destructive memories, called engrams.

And he tells you that his invention, his creation, which he calls Dianetics, can get rid of this “reactive mind”or “bank.” and actually claims that this “discovery” can be comparable to the discovery of fire!

 “The creation of dianetics is a milestone for Man comparable to his discovery of fire and superior to his inventions of the wheel and arch.” Page 5 of Dianetics

Explanation: The father of weaponized covert hypnosis was a man named Dr George Estabrooks, who worked for the Office of Strategic Services in 1943, which later became the CIA and the Defense Intelligence Agency , or D.I.A. . George Estabrooks stated in 1943 that “Anything said to a hypnotized subject is true for them” So Hubbard uses this method and several others, but I will deal with only two in this blog post, to cause his readers to believe they have a terrible thing, a reactive mind or bank, and then he causes his readers to believe that only he has the technology to get rid of this thing!!

ANOTHER METHOD of covert hypnotic suggestion is to use repetition. In the first 94 pages, Hubbard repeats the word “CLEAR” 108 times (at which point I stopped counting). Consider if you will the effect that the word “CLEAR” as a direct hypnotic command would have upon an unsuspecting person. Ponder upon this for a bit.  You must think about this and consider it for a few moments for it to sink in..  It would make all other sources of information, your professors in school, other books you have read, other authorities, institutions and even your own common sense begin to gradually disappear!! Friends, family, and even bank accounts tend to become less real, less distinct, becoming more transparent, to have less influence on a gradient towards their disappearing completely. All the adept is left with is Hubbard’s trance!

But few feel bad at this point, after all, you now think that you will have access to the secrets of the universe, if you could only find the money to get to the top of his very expensive “bridge to total freedom”(tm)

This is the state a person reaches as they get convinced that Hubbard is the only man in the entire universe who has discovered how the mind works, and you become convinced that he alone has the secrets of getting rid of this hideous thing that holds you back, makes you have physical and emotional pains, and he can get rid of it if you do everything he tells you to do.

It is worth noting that second term he uses about the thing you must get rid of is ‘the bank’ That is the direct hypnotic suggestion that makes their salesmen able to  easily empty their victims’ bank accounts.

Update: 23 August, 2016 A few more METHODS used in Dianetics are described in this answer of mine on Quora to “How was scientology created?” LINK

Thank you for reading, please share this with those recovering from or under the influence of Scientology and Dianetics. If this helps you or your friends recover, instead of sending scientology a huge check for the next hypnosis level, send this writer a gift to make up for the damage and stress endured since 1993 to continue to tell people the truth about Scientology and Dianetics.

Arnie Lerma

One Method of Covert Hypnosis LINK
The Secret of Repetition LINK
Scientology/Hypnosis Cliff Notes LINK
Secret of the Scientology E-Meter LINK

PS: Scientology tells you whatever they need to tell you to get another check out of you.. Understand that 99% of what Hubbard SAID was going on was just a ‘story’ that kindah made sense…especially if hypnotized…but it is all shore stories, because he could not say hat he was hypnotizing everyone…If he had simply told the truth, he would just be another hypnosis clinic for self betterment, instead, in Dianetics he says:

 “The creation of dianetics is a milestone for Man comparable to his discovery of fire and superior to his inventions of the wheel and arch.” Page 5 of Dianetics

Understanding the concept of the ‘shore story’ is essential to understanding scientology, because engrams, the bank, all of it, is just a shore story to cover up the fact of covert hypnotic methods.

PPS: Repetitive use of any METHOD digs gullies through which thinking then tends to  flow, by habit. This applies to key words, or trigger words,  which will re-envoke the original trance state. IF your intent is to recover and help others recover fully, most quickly from the scientology mind rape, THEN it is best to minimize using  scientological words and key phrases in your speech, writing and internal thinking dialogue.

Those that ignore this advice intentionally should be viewed as aiding and abetting a criminal conspiracy to defraud the public.

Another bit of advice about scientology and socially created canyons through the mind through which bad thinking flows naturally.  Hubbard uses authoritative hypnosis. This is why he makes up all these stories about his great exploits, and why there is an entire department in scientology dedicated to protecting his reputation. This department is called “The LRH Comm Network” it makes sure his authority is untarnished. So that what he states functions as a direct suggestion to your subconscious as something that is true.

The repeated use of authority suggestion also erodes deep gullies through the mind through which bad thinking will tend to flow in the future. Those ignorant of this fact will tend to substitute other, socially acceptable, “authorities” to live by.  Some seem to worship at the altar of academia,  or of peer reviewed scientific papers. Some say “Dox or GTFO” (show me documents that support statement of get the xxxx out of here). Such a stance is evidence of the depth of the authoritative hypnosis canyon and of how long it takes to fill this one in. Documents are routinely forged by Scientology and intelligence agencies, which is a good reason to give extra and careful consideration to first hand witness testimony.

Decades before I learned my recent lessons regarding covert hypnotic suggestions, I too exclusively worshiped at the altar of supposed hard science for more than a decade. As if I had decided that because I had been fooled by Hubbard’s mastery of the METHODS of covert suggestion, I could not longer trust my own judgment. I no longer trusted myself!

Not trusting yourself is a prudent solution to not knowing how the trick is done, but only until such time that you learn the METHODS that were used upon you.

It is also helpful to remember hypnotist Ralph Slater’s quote: “Intelligent people make the best hypnotic subjects because intelligent people are able to control their own minds better.”


End note 911:
The scary thing is, the same methods that are used to cause people to believe in engrams, body thetans, and ultimately XENU are the methods used on 911… After showing the traumatic incident of the building collapsing over and over again they told you what happened and who did it. And there was no crime scene investigation and the evidence was buried.

Only the direct authoritative, repetitive, post trauma suggestions remain!

And take ISIS chopping off heads.. same thing,  same method, again, immediately after the graphic visual or story, pay close attention to what you are being told you are seeing .… Most of the supposed “terrorist” apparitions are contrived theatricals, and are done for the same purposes and just as real as Hubbard’s “engrams and body thetans” !!* ( I am not referring to those people who have become genuinely pissed off by our bombing their countries into the stone age in order to steal their country’s gold)

Hypnosis WORKS!

Understanding how the trick is done is the KEY to end all war!, and I have no fear of ridicule because that is what I joined scientology for, I thought with the abilities I had, if I could make them even better, that I would be able to end war and misery. Well, maybe if you joined for that same reason, teaching  this material and making it go viral just might accomplish what we joined scientology to do!

Because Dr Estabrooks also stated that these methods would only continue to be effective until such time as the victim becomes familiar with the methods being used upon them!!

“War is the greatest injustice. We are not fighting the culprits. Those who pay, who incite, who use the media to make people turn against each other - this is who we should fight against.” - Alexey Mozgovoy, commander of the “Ghost” brigade, killed May 23, 2015

By teaching, explaining, sharing, linking, re-stating, and by explaining this material  there is a chance we might avert the next world war.

Note1:  Hubbard advises his dirty tricks division to always use three channels of attack when targeting an enemy of scientology. “Enemy of scientology” which Hubbard called a “Supressive Person” or “SP” is a label applied to anyone whose words or actions interferes with the continued extraction of money from the public.  The US Secret government does the same thing to anyone whose words or actions interfere with the continued extraction of money from the public for the military, industrial pharmaceutical  corporate prison and media industrial complex.  I find it interesting Hubbard tends to also use three channels of ideas, sets of lies, examples, or methods each time he wants to convince a reader to believe his words to be truth.

Note2: This same METHOD is the power behind thought stopping statements, used to demonize a person, such as “He is a holocaust-denier” “Who would listen to an anti-semite?”  More about this here.

MORE: See my Answers to Questions on Quora







John Pilger - This War is a Fraud

Where to Invade Next?

July 21st:  READ THE 28 Redacted Pages “It’s worse than I thought” LINK
(speculation: The Saudis were conned into being the fall guys, and to be exposed in this report at this time, as a reason to refuse to honor their holdings of US debt, only recently disclosed (May 28th, 2016). Also you need to Google “911 Dancing Israelis”

July 3rd - How to spot a false flag event   LINK

July 1st: A terrific article about TRAUMA BASED MIND CONTROL appeared on WAKING TIMES  “Psychologists Explain Why People Refuse to Question the Official Version of 9/11″
read that then come back here and I’ll tell you a secret.

Added 4/20/16: “9/11 appears to have as its director Dick Cheney” Link “Former US President George Bush and his vice president, Cheney, reportedly told the congressional commission investigating the 9/11 that they would not be formally interviewed in relation to the attacks that killed 3,000 people.”


PERSPECTIVE: The last time the public successfully interfered with the cash flow of the military industrial complex was Vietnam. It is not an accident that no war has been stopped or prevented by the American public since then.

There has been a covert full spectrum war against thinking.(Note1)

Drugs were used to destroy the minds of the opposition.


“John Ehrlichman, who served as domestic policy chief for President Richard Nixon when the administration declared its war on drugs in 1971. According to Baum, Ehrlichman said in 1994 that the drug war was a ploy to undermine Nixon’s political opposition — meaning, black people and critics of the Vietnam War:”

Public education has been dumbed down. Kids are being taught just enough to run the machines but not enough to reason or think.

Cults were created and encouraged. Cults tend to attract  and trap those who see through the first layers of the onion of deception called the American Dream and their minds are filled with rubbish,  then turned to mush.

Opposition leaders have been attacked,  depopularized, or killed. From JFK and Martin Luther King down to attacking the parental authority of the family unit.  The only authority will be the state, that is… big brother.

Terrorists are and have been created using the same techniques for controlling what a person believes to be true, methods that were perfected in cults. The purpose is to create a public tolerance for a massive security apparatus  to protect the one tenth of one percent who own the war for profit money-for-misery-machine, after the coming and inevitable petro-dollar financial collapseMORE re Myth of Islamic Terrorism

Liberty minded constitutionalists were the target from the beginning… but don’t take it personally, it is the fact of thinking that is the enemy of the totalitarian state.

Example: Here is ONE method of covert suggestion being used to control what you believe to be true. Any (shock, awe, horror, insult, epithet ) that temporarily STOPS your thinking, makes YOU, briefly, a bit more suggestible.  What is said to you just after the instant thinking stops goes in to your mind as a direct hypnotic suggestion.

When thinking stops, the door to your subconscious is left unguarded.

“Contrary to general belief, it has been my experience that the more intelligent the subject, the easier it is to induce hypnosis” Ralph Slater 1950.

“From 80 to 90% of the population can be hypnotized to varying degrees…At least 5% (10,000,000) of the U.S. population is extraordinarily hypnotizable, so easily hypnotizable that they are in a constant state of exaggerated suggestibility, even when awake and going about their normal daily routine. They are at the total mercy of all forms of influences and can easily be persuaded to do things and afterwords have no idea why they did them…” Dr. Tobias H. Brocher, Director, Center for Applied Behavioral Sciences, Menninger Foundation, Topeka, KS.

“Anything said to a hypnotized subject is true for them” said Dr. George Estabrooks, the father of covert military hypnosis in 1943 More here

Hypnotic suggestions wear off after a few weeks, unless there is repetitive re-enforcement - subliminal reminders such as key words, images, flags, sounds or logos.
^^^^ THIS ^^^^ is why the  date chosen was September 11th, because of the number 911.
Because 911 is also the emergency number, we hear this number often, think of it, and when looking at the keypad of cell phone, the subconscious can see it*…  The repetition of the number 911 in words, text, voice, image or memory:

serves as the trigger for the original thought-stopping induced trance!

Dr. Estabrooks, the father of weaponized covert hypnosis for OSS, revealed that such methods will continue to be effective only until the targets became familiar with the methods being used upon them. This blog is my effort to do this, and I sincerely wish someone with more influence and better words would do a better job of making these methods known to the public.

If man knew a few of these methods, then they would regain  ability to determine what the truth actually is, which could end all wars…

Without truth, all is delusion.

Arnie Lerma
Secrets are the mortar binding lies like bricks together into prisons for the mind

“War is the greatest injustice. We are not fighting the culprits. Those who pay, who incite, who use the media to make people turn against each other - this is who we should fight against.” - Alexey Mozgovoy, commander of the “Ghost” brigade, killed May 23, 2015

Other METHODS discussed in this blog:

TOTALIA - from Rape of the Mind by Dr Joost Meerloo

Dr. Robert Oppenhiemer’s Warning about these methods
Dr. Werner Von Braun’s death bed warning

Note: This writer was tear gassed on the steps of the Pentagon in 1969, protesting that war.

END NOTE, written in 1996:

Slave chains forged of lies
are stronger than fine steel

And those enslaved see
neither shackle or lock.

The mission must be,
in order to set them free:

show them how their
chains were made
where lies hid the key..

Arnie Lerma

Continue reading

The Secret of Repetition - why and where it gets its power…

Man evolved during most of his evolution living in a tribal setting. Everything you see is part of nature, a forest of trees - but no two trees are identical, a rocky canyon but no two rocks are identical. There are no flat surfaces, everything has curves. Most everything is different….except perhaps the sun, moon and stars…

It appears there is some fundamental truth about the repeated appearance of any object, thing, person, or idea that has some kind of magical power over others. So fundamental that was hidden in plain sight.

“What I say three times is true” Lewis Carroll 1874

A propagandist or operator running an elaborate fraud will choreograph additional voices, additional impressions, to chime in agreement when making false claims. These could be innocents who were merely fooled by the same deceptive techniques and given false information demonizing the target so the dupe could be led to believe that the target deserves it.

Typically, these manipulators will ask a small favor of slight risk to the person, then later ask for more. There is never enough. Until the good hearted person is finally hopelessly ensnared in a web of deceits that are impossible to confront without extreme degrees of personal courage. Evil always wants more. This condition is pathological. As I believe this world contains plenty to satisfy every mortal need, but it is impossible to satisfy greed..

A favorite reason of the psychopath when asked WHY they did it is:


Sociopaths will surround themselves with people they can manipulate. Having no qualms about finding out what a person thinks is important and while making the person feel important they use them as pawns. They tend to hate those they can’t fool, as Hubbard did.. and there is nothing to compare to the rage of a psychopath who has been found out. In larger conspiracies where more money is involved agents will be hired. One ex-OSA employee told me the going rate for internet posters is $800 a week (2015). In a newspaper article in The UK it was reported that 1500 “Facebook warriors” were recruited by the 77th Regiment. Winter 2014/2015), considering the secret agreements that link UK, the US and Australia and New Zealand intelligence communities together the total number may be an order of magnitude more. (Cite: The Puzzle Palace 1982)

Because psychologist and hypnotist George Estabrooks stated that the power to manipulate what people believe to be true would only be lost when those people become familiar with the techniques being used upon them, what we need to ask is what is the method behind the power of repetition?

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.” Goebbels

Familiar surroundings bring a sense of comfort and security instantly to mind.

The familiar face of a pet, or a child, or even neighbor, seen every day for years, becomes more and more attractive as the years go by or that old truck you don’t want to part with.

The Source of the Power of Repetition

When a baby is born, they transition from a dark warm and relatively quiet and motionless environment to a bright noisy hectic world where things move, and for perhaps the first time ever shortly after the umbilical cord is cut after birth, experience hunger. The young growing mind finds itself in this amazing bright moving world and experiences something it has never known before, called hunger.

With all these things moving around them, there is one thing that is seen repeatedly… and that repeated first thing they see, is their mother’s face, smiling sweetly, who feeds them, holds them, warms them, loves them, and gives them a sense of security while whispering to the young mind in gentle tones that all will be well, just drift off to sleep so mommy can sleep just a little while before dawn….

The first repetitive image that the young mind sees during this period of extraordinary and rapid physical development of that mind, is mother’s face. The point I’m getting to that I hope stuns you to the same degree it has affected me is that any repetition of any kind is associated, in the hard wiring of our brains, with warmth, love, food and security! The very structure of your mind is wired to make this association. Hard wired to consider anything we see often as a good thing, the more often we see it, the better that thing or person seems to be. This effect explains celebrity stardom in simple terms of how many times have we seen that person’s face!

This, my friends is the biggest secret of all and is what makes the advertising, propaganda, mind control and cult worlds work.

This is how the trick called REPETITION works, and where it get’s its power.

It is from the power of mother’s face!

Sidebar: I found one psychology student who recognized this method. She said at the end of the school year her very old professor came in and told them he was going to lecture about something that is not in the textbooks which is no longer taught in psychology classes…and she said that he described this same idea….

“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.” — George Orwell, 1984

Dr Robert Oppenhiemer’s warning: The power of Mind Control makes the atomic bomb seem TRIVIAL

Excerpt from The Bulletin of the Atomic Physicists, May 1959

Screenshot from 2015-10-14 16:53:44

Dr. J. Robert Oppenheimer, director of the Los Alamos Laboratory and responsible for the research and design of an atomic bomb. He is often known as the “father of the atomic bomb.” The top secret project to develop the first atomic bomb was called
THE MANHATTAN PROJECT At a lecture to the American Psychological Association in 1952 and published in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists of May 1959 he said:

“In the last ten years physicists have been extraordinarily noisy about the immense powers, largely through their efforts, but through other efforts as well have come into the possession of man, powers notably and strikingly for very large scale and dreadful destruction. We have spoken of our responsibilities and our obligations to society in terms that sound very provincial, because the psychologist can hardly do anything without realizing that for him the acquisition of knowledge opens up the most terrifying prospects of controlling what people do and how they feel. This is true for all of you who are engaged in practice, and as the corpus of psychology gains in certitude and subtlety and skill. I can see that the physicists pleas that what he discovers be used with humanity and be used wisely will seem trivial compared to those pleas which you will have to make and for which you will be responsible.”

NOTE: The comment that immediately follows the statement above:

“This was for many psychologists, a most sobering observation. The possibility of controlling human behavior becomes a more terrifying prospect than the control of nuclear reactions”

And note who this gentlemen represents:

Arthur (Art) J. Bachrach (born March 20, 1923 – December 19, 2011) was an American psychologist and administrator, who was Professor and Chairman of the Department of Psychology at Arizona State University, and Director of the Environmental Stress Program and Chair of Psychophysiology at the Naval Medical Research Institute at the Naval Medical Center in Bethesda.

Read the entire article from The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

Editors note: In this series it is important to read all of the blog entries and links if needed, before going further in this series, some of the coming exposes would be impossibly long winded to explain without your already understanding the materials presented previously.

Once you have learned just ONE METHOD, a few of which have been presented in prior blog postings, life around you will begin to look just a bit differently than it appeared before..

Edit: The issue, the point, the reason for my posting this, is to nudge the collective perception, towards a greater understanding of the FACT that TRUTH CONTROL,  belongs at the TOP of the list of “WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION” ahead of the atomic bomb.

The founders of this nation realized this in their own way, and because of this, they wrote the 1st Amendment.

Thank you for reading, please help spread these words.

Arnie Lerma Exposing the CON since 1993

One Method of Covert Hypnosis


A Secret Method of Hypnosis used in what called Dianetics and Scientology

It is described as secret because this is not described in literature other that one of the old hypnotists, a man named LeCron, in his book Clinical Hypnosis. I no longer have this particular book available to quote so the following insight is my own wording based on the lightning bolt that struck me after learning this.

Described under a subheading that stated

“An advanced method for creating the deepest states of hypnosis” *

*(Whenever the word hypnosis is encountered, it is helpful to remember that the state being described is one in which the subject has been rendered more suggestible. That is, what is said to, or implied to the subject, at this time becomes literally TRUE for them)

Here we go:

“To create the deepest trance states, all one has to do is to cause the person to imagine something that is moving that is not really there” and then do this “repetitively a few times”

I will give you an example, if you are comfortable with trance, go ahead and imagine along with me: ( I won’t be asking for you money, though It would be helpful )

“Imagine a  yellow tennis ball slowly rolling across the table in front of you,  and then it falls off the edge, bouncing a few times and continues silently through the doorway, out of sight. In your mind’s eye, now imagine it coming to stop in the next room and being motionless on the floor.”

Adventure to do this a few times, you may find yourself in a state similar to a daydream. Now note that while doing this and immediately afterwards,  your awareness of you own physical pains and body sensations is reduced, you do not feel them as much as you did before. Each time you repeat this exercise of your imagination you feel less and less sensation in your body….

I’ll wait for you to finish repeating the above a few times…

Those who have previously experienced Hubbard’s METHODS,  will recognize that this METHOD is analogous to the shore stories told to us in both Dianetics and Scientology, especially the upper secret levels.

LeCron stated that if a person had objections or felt apprehensive about hypnosis that you need not tell the person that you are trying to hypnotize them, you can, instead “tell them a story” to give them “an excuse” to imagine something that is moving that is not really there.

Now, because the apparency of motion is relative it does not matter if the object being imagined is moving - now, pay close attention to this, this is important:

Or if the person is moving through the scene. It also does not matter whether the person is moving physically through the scene or is moving through the time of the scene!!

What is achieved are some of the deepest states of hypnosis. The deeper the state, the more suggestible the subject becomes, the more relaxed and willing to take what is stated just after this state is created to be true!

Hubbard made a big deal about “End Phenomena” and “Floating Needles” - the latter refers to the motion of their E-meter device.  The “F/N” is actually an indicator that a hypnotic state has been achieved. The evidence about that is on another page of this blog, HERE.

One can reduce the literal acceptance of suggestions received while in this state by noting the times in your past when you were tricked this way. What is considered good writing does this,  but it does this for entertainment. it is the reduction of pain and unwanted physical sensations associated with hypnosis that makes reading more pleasurable..

However, if this method is used by a master manipulator it becomes dangerous.


One man in particular,  who worked closely with Hubbard in the beginning was a black electronics whiz named Volney Matheson. He called out Hubbard in one his later writings which you may be interested in reading now. LINK

I will end this short page now as this material deserves a few days of contemplation to receive the most benefit from the understanding you have just gained.

Thank you for reading, I hope this helps some of you recover from ANY past covert hypnotic abuse by the one time master stage hypnotist named L. Ron Hubbard and/or those who then, afterwards,  expertly  “duplicate source”.

Arnie Lerma Exposing the CON since 1993
I’d prefer to die speaking my mind than to live fearing to speake

Related content, Video: Are you Hypnotizable?


A Lesson in IMPLICATION: I believe that Hubbard stole elements of the “Tone Scale” idea from the creator of the E-meter, Volney Mathison’s Tone Arm Scale


Pardon split image…


but made two insidious changes:
1) He stated that women’s ‘normal’ Tone Arm reading was 2.0 and that men were normal at 3.0 - Volney made no distinction in his scale, saying the 2.0 was associated with “Average-Normal” and 3.0 was “Sitting on top of the world” Why would Hubbard change this except as a means to make women subservient to men? To induce them to accept being average normal while men were sitting on top of them?

Volney determined that 2.0 was not a good place for your tone arm to be, he said it indicated suppression of the person. It was HUBBARD who said Males read at 3.0 and FEMALES read at 2.0 - WHY? Perhaps because he wanted women to “grovel at his feet”. Volney made NO SUCH DISTINCTION! and in his admissions Hubbard SAID about women:

“You are master of their bodies, master of their souls as you may consciously wish. You have no karma to pay for these acts. You cannot now accumulate karma for you are a master adept. Your voice is low and compelling to them. Singing to them, for you sing like a master, destroys their will to resist.”

from The admissions

In the Book of E-meter Drills (i believe it was here) there is a note by Hubbard stating that the MEN read 3.0 on the TA knob of the E-meter and that WOMEN read at 2.0 on the TA knob as normal…

Sounds like he was trying to induce women to be subservient…

2) He inserted the psychopath, the Hannibal Lechter type of person with no conscience, smack dab in the middle of otherwise normal and part-of-life human emotional reactions, to DEMONIZE THEM by mere association. This was Hubbard’s 1.1 “covert hostility” level, the “tone” position of the dreaded SP, Supressive Person… The biggest boogie-man, or frightening totem in $cientology.

Volney made NO REFERENCES to 1.1, this “tone level” is actually the characteristic of a sociopath, a computing psychotic. Hubbard INSERTED that into the middle of the scale of normal human emotion, to DEMONIZE HUMAN EMOTIONS so that the only relief you might get was by being audited at your expense and Hubbard’s gain .

Placing 1.1 along side of normal human emotions, demonizes manifesting them by IMPLICATION.

Oxford Dictionary:
“1 The conclusion that can be drawn from something although it is not explicitly stated: ”


While watching Maris Sigmond’s interview by friend Bert Leahy

Marisa was describing how tedious and repetitive scientology’s “Study Tech” called “word clearing” was. Well, it hit me like a ton of bricks. The stress and repetitive nature of looking up words to make what Hubbard’s said make sense, implies that what he is saying is true. Each time you look up a word you are being told that if what he says makes no sense and / or you don’t understand what he saying it is because you do not understand the words. While the methods of rhetoric and composition used to teach children how to use a dictionary used to be taught in grammar school, (see this directory on Lermanet for the actual sources) it is no longer taught. The fact of repetition alone makes what Hubbard said “true” as well as as providing an auto-suggestion that what he said is true by implication. using the “prestige suggestion” and “Authority” of a dictionary, the bigger, the better and more “authoritative”!!

Looking up words was just a shore story to cause you to use repetitive self-suggestion by IMPLICATION using the Authority and Prestige of the Dictionary to make the rubbish Hubbard was saying be true for you!


Become familiar with the word “implication” this was a METHOD used by Hubbard as well as by ALL COVERT EFFORTS TO CONTROL WHAT YOU BELIEVE TO BE TRUE.

Dr George Estabrooks, the father of militarized hypnosis as a weapon of subjugation, stated that mental manipulation of what people consider to be true would continue until one becomes familiar with the methods being used upon you.

Note: In a work by Hubbard’s son titled 1/10th of 1 percent of Scientology:

“The basic and major tenet of the Magick is: “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law”. Now, of course, I give you here the exact quote of the many my father was quoting. HE always put his own twist and turn to it to make LRH the Source. LRH the Creator.”

The Reverse Blockade posted previously is one other METHOD. More will be revealed in this series. Thank you for reading.

Arnie Lerma Exposing the CON since 1993

“I’d prefer to die speaking my mind than live fearing to speake”
“The Internet is the Liberty Tree”


The Master Manipulator

Who is Destroying Our World?

Most Dangerous Operative is the Master Manipulator

The most dangerous person is one who intentionally uses emotionally laden thought stopping constructs, epithets and phrases, then combines these insults with prestige (authority) suggestions, to implant ad-hominems into the subconscious of the spectators. Both the ‘prestige’ and the supposed ‘facts’ used to discredit the target, will depend upon the use of “the reverse blockade” .

The effectiveness of this one METHOD is dependent upon your ignorance of this METHOD and perpetrator’s true intent.

Yes, you just might have to read that first paragraph a 2nd time, do so now. I had to read some of the materials I am trying to explain to you several times, but for those that get it, keep going.  The following is called “The Reverse Blockade”. This description, was the first one that offered any explanation as to why Joseph Goebbels’ oft quoted remark ” A lie repeated often enough becomes true” actually worked as well as it does:

The Reverse Blockade

“Reverse Blockade: emphatically insisting upon something which is the opposite of the truth blocks the average person’s mind from perceiving the truth. In accordance with the dictates of healthy common sense, he starts searching for meaning in the “golden mean” between truth and its opposite, winding up with some satisfactory counterfeit. People who think like this do not realize that this effect is precisely the intent of the person who subjects them to this method. ” age 104, Political Ponerology by Andrew M. Lobaczewski

The People Who Think Like This Naturally

“In their paper, “Construct Validity of Psychopathy in a Community Sample… Salekin, Trobst, and Krioukova write “Psychopathy as originally conceived by Cleckley (1941) is not limited to engagement in illegal activities, but rather encompasses such personality characteristics as manipulativeness, insincerity, egocentricity , and lack of guilt - characteristics clearly present in criminals but also in spouses, parents, bosses, attorneys and politicians, and CEOs, to name but a few. (bursten. 1973; Stewart, 1991)…As such. psychopathy may be characterized…as involving a tendency towards dominance and coldness. Wiggens (1995) in summarizing numerous previous findings..indicates such persons are prone to anger and irritation and are willing to exploit others. They are arrogant, manipulative, cynical, exhibitionistic, sensation-seeking, Machiavellian, vindictive and out for their own gain. With respect to their patterns of social exchange (Foa & Foa, 1974), they attribute love and status to themselves, seeing themselves as highly worthy and important, but prescribe neither love nor status to others, seeing them as unworthy and insignificant. ” Page 89, Political Ponerology, footnote

Out of Context “Facts”


Out of Context, any event can be made to “look” Bad

Case History: 2006
Years ago a young man named Shawn Lonsdale sent me a copy of his deposition, and I webbed it. There was an uproar by many of the same identities that trashed Bob Minton, Gerry Armstrong, and Tom Padgett. The primary mouthpieces was a nick called “Tigger” and due to the fine mind of a nick called “hboats”, it all came down to there was nothing there in the first place!


Tigger: Feel free to ask Mr. Lonsdale this….specifically, “Did Tigger lie”?

Hboats: I pretty much did yesterday when I asked the two questions I asked him. He answered them and the answers say that you lied. If you wanted that question asked specifically why weren’t you here to ask it? It’s not my job to ask the questions you want asked. The questions that I did ask prove that you lied. I’ll point out again how exactly.

Lie #1. The depostion that Arnie ended up webbing was not the ONLY copy that proflex had or the ONLY copy that his lawyer had. Tigger stated more than once that it was.

Lie #2. Proflex never said that he didn’t want Arnie to web the deposition. He in fact thanked Arnie for doing it. Tigger has said more than once that proflex DID NOT WANT ARNIE TO HAVE THE DEPOSITION.

That’ll do it for now, but I’m sure you will look right past the proof like you always do. Thanks for playing

Recently Gerry Armstrong was being slimed using the IDENTICAL TECHNIQUE regarding a video tape. This was mentioned in a thread on SPs’r’US on Facebook about my friend Marisa Sigmond’s recent Video by videographer Bert Leahy. Knowing Gerry’s character, there was again, nothing there.

Tom Padgett recalls he himself being attacked in the same manner a decade ago, and there are many more, regarding Robert Minton, Lawrence Wollershiem, FACTNet and especially FACTNet fundraising when I was Treasurer.

A thinking person might ask himself,
Q: what do the targets of this technique have in common?

Answer: All of them were either litigants with $cientology or a Scientologist as well as activists trying to expose scientology.

What to do: Avoid anyone who intentionally lies.

The Power of Implication

The upsetting episodes, where a person is being attacked for something they did not do, which has happened to me several times over the years… and to Bob Minton many times, because of the REVERSE BLOCKADE creates an implication that there just must be something to it… So the spectators trend to think less of the person who was attacked, subconsciously.

This is an example of the use of emotional charged wording and/accusations to firstly, after stopping thinking, the false accusations get a free pass into the subconscious. Now the prior unpleasantness is forever associated with the mention of that person’s name.

Yet the person is guilty of nothing!


(7) When hitting a group or individual, hitting their finance and comm

This is why it done!! The targets will be those who are guilty of no wrongdoing, yet they end up wearing the albatross of the traumatic attack making them a bit more defensive and unwilling to deal with brevity, but so does ‘the crowd’ that was present for those attacks.  This subconscious influence modulates the willingness to support them forever more unless you have learned this METHOD about how this trick is done and THEN spend some mental effort reviewing the events of the past with this new understanding of what you witnessed. Start thinking again about those same attacks and induced miseries that you silently witnessed, or perhaps engaged in or even avoided by walking away and leaving that person a little more alone. You can consciously change your mind about anything, and enjoy thinking again, once you understand how this works.

Making a True Believer

“Everything said to a hypnotized person is true for them” said hypnotist and advisor to OSS/CIA Mr. George Estabrooks in 1943

Compare this to Hubbard: “What is true for you is true for you”

Hubbard used this SAME METHOD to make people believe they had a reactive mind in Dianetics. He tells us about abortions with a coat hanger, electro convulsive shock treatment, and the horror of lobotomies! Then he tells you that you have a reactive Mind, and claims only he can get rid of this thing (that does not exist)… The claim went directly into your subconscious, becoming true for you!

He does the same thing on the higher levels of $cientology, one one called OTIII, only it is body thetans and clusters after telling you an exciting story about the evil alien XENU and get you to envision atomic bomb blasts… You were tricked into belief,  by use of this high emotion, visually graphic METHOD of inducing a state of enhanced hypnotic suggestibility, and when he says you have BTs and clusters you then spend thousands of dollars trying to get rid of those!! - or years working as a slave because you did not have enough buy his lies!!

Hubbard’s Extensive use of Demonization in Dianetics and Scientology


Hubbard demonized Psychiatry and most other sources of information in the real world. Why did he pick psychiatry to demonize so thoroughly?  Was it because of the gruesome lobotomies, and electroshock treatments?  This is what you are supposed to believe as a result of implication.

Eric Hoffer in his must book True Believer quotes Hitler as saying” “If the Jew did not exist, we should have had to invent him. We must have a tangible enemy, not merely an abstract one”.

The abstract enemy is this thing that does not even exist, a figment of Hubbard’s Science Fiction imagination, his invented “The Reactive Mind”.

The tangible enemy are psychiatrists and who are a subdivision of a more general class called suppressive persons. Scientologists have a definition of suppressive person that sounds to me much like the psychopath and sociopathic personalities, but theirs is written in their own nomenclature and I will spare you learning useless data and share the real definition:

Anyone whose knowledge, words or actions interfere with the continued extraction of money from rubes.

The 1995 Raid of Arnie Lerma’s Home

More about the above LINK

Scientology RTC/OSA uses this SAME METHOD to make judges think there is something to their motions! In RTC vs Lerma they filed ex-parte, six inches of paper to get a US Federal Judge to allow the President of RTC to search my home. They never mentioned the FACT that the document, which contained the 1978 version of the OT Levels I-IIX in full, was itself a xerox copy of a exhibit filed as legal document in a case in the Central Judicial District of California!!

Emotional accusations, and loaded language, also associate that person with pain and unpleasantness. Those who have been attacked the most often in this manner, - the uninformed tend to react the same way as a normal person does when they saw the room filled with Hubbard books - the think “There must be something THERE.” Their subconscious associates the unpleasantness of the attacks even when they are false, and merely contrived, with the person. You see, you must really understand this, the subconscious, your subconscious does not THINK, it reacts to and provides emotion and attitudes.

You grant others access to programming your subconscious beliefs at the moment you stop thinking.

Heaven help you if that happens to be a psychopath.

Arnie Lerma

PS: One day I was trying to discuss details about Mr Minton LINK Then a vicious attack was launched upon me. Using the keyword “worm”, Mr Scott Pilutik who was present on IRC that day, and now advises Mr Ortega, or Pooks if she was there, may be able to locate an IRC chat log that would be a terrific example of the method that was used on this writer. Perhaps he has that chat log to post, it would make a hell of a sample lesson that needs desperately to be widely learned. One of the innocent spectators watching that vitriolic attack, was a kid named Shawn Lonsdale, who later told me by telephone how terribly upset it made him, and who, some time later, committed suicide.

“Half the harm that is done in this world is due to people who want to feel important. They don’t mean to do harm. But the harm does not interest them. Or they do not see it, or they justify it. Because they are absorbed in the endless struggle to think well of themselves.” - T. S. Eliot

Related: 17 Techniques of Truth Suppression