Advertisement from a 1953 Fate Magazine for “Beyond Hypnosis”
ONE METHOD of covert hypnotic suggestion is to describe, in vivid terms, a highly emotionally charged incident. In Dianetics, just to be safe, Hubbard described several, including: pre-frontal lobotomy, abortions using a coat hanger, and ECT electro-convulsive shock treatment.(note1)
Grisly and shocking stuff… especially for 1950, don’t you agree?
Lurid, highly emotionally charged incidents that elicit a strong emotional response in the reader or viewer, stop your thinking.
When thinking stops the door to your subconscious is left unguarded.
Whatever is said to you just after you are shown or read about such an incident - becomes to a certain degree - a direct hypnotic command to your subconscious. Whatever you are told just after the emotionally charged instance tends to act as a direct hypnotic command.(note2)
So what does Hubbard tell you after he describes the lurid incidents?
He tells you that such incidents create things that he calls “engrams” He then tells you that you have something you did not know about previously, that he calls your “reactive mind” ” your bank” because it is filled with these engrams.
The reactive mind! A hideous and horrible black demonic thing. The cause of all your suffering and failures in life. He says that this reactive mind is composed of hidden memories of painful incidents in your past, and it is these incidents that keep you from attaining perfection as a human being and reaching your full potential of power, money and success in life!
He refers to this terrible thing, the reactive mind, that he implies that you simply must get rid of it at any cost, as “your bank” . He tells you that he calls it ‘the bank’ because it stores these painful and destructive memories, called engrams.
And he tells you that his invention, his creation, which he calls Dianetics, can get rid of this “reactive mind”or “bank.” and actually claims that this “discovery” can be comparable to the discovery of fire!
“The creation of dianetics is a milestone for Man comparable to his discovery of fire and superior to his inventions of the wheel and arch.” Page 5 of Dianetics
Explanation: The father of weaponized covert hypnosis was a man named Dr George Estabrooks, who worked for the Office of Strategic Services in 1943, which later became the CIA and the Defense Intelligence Agency , or D.I.A. . George Estabrooks stated in 1943 that “Anything said to a hypnotized subject is true for them” So Hubbard uses this method and several others, but I will deal with only two in this blog post, to cause his readers to believe they have a terrible thing, a reactive mind or bank, and then he causes his readers to believe that only he has the technology to get rid of this thing!!
ANOTHER METHOD of covert hypnotic suggestion is to use repetition. In the first 94 pages, Hubbard repeats the word “CLEAR” 108 times (at which point I stopped counting). Consider if you will the effect that the word “CLEAR” as a direct hypnotic command would have upon an unsuspecting person. Ponder upon this for a bit. You must think about this and consider it for a few moments for it to sink in.. It would make all other sources of information, your professors in school, other books you have read, other authorities, institutions and even your own common sense begin to gradually disappear!! Friends, family, and even bank accounts tend to become less real, less distinct, becoming more transparent, to have less influence on a gradient towards their disappearing completely. All the adept is left with is Hubbard’s trance!
But few feel bad at this point, after all, you now think that you will have access to the secrets of the universe, if you could only find the money to get to the top of his very expensive “bridge to total freedom”(tm)
This is the state a person reaches as they get convinced that Hubbard is the only man in the entire universe who has discovered how the mind works, and you become convinced that he alone has the secrets of getting rid of this hideous thing that holds you back, makes you have physical and emotional pains, and he can get rid of it if you do everything he tells you to do.
It is worth noting that second term he uses about the thing you must get rid of is ‘the bank’ That is the direct hypnotic suggestion that makes their salesmen able to easily empty their victims’ bank accounts.
Update: 23 August, 2016 A few more METHODS used in Dianetics are described in this answer of mine on Quora to “How was scientology created?” LINK
Thank you for reading, please share this with those recovering from or under the influence of Scientology and Dianetics. If this helps you or your friends recover, instead of sending scientology a huge check for the next hypnosis level, send this writer a gift to make up for the damage and stress endured since 1993 to continue to tell people the truth about Scientology and Dianetics.
One Method of Covert Hypnosis LINK
The Secret of Repetition LINK
Scientology/Hypnosis Cliff Notes LINK
Secret of the Scientology E-Meter LINK
PS: Scientology tells you whatever they need to tell you to get another check out of you.. Understand that 99% of what Hubbard SAID was going on was just a ‘story’ that kindah made sense…especially if hypnotized…but it is all shore stories, because he could not say hat he was hypnotizing everyone…If he had simply told the truth, he would just be another hypnosis clinic for self betterment, instead, in Dianetics he says:
“The creation of dianetics is a milestone for Man comparable to his discovery of fire and superior to his inventions of the wheel and arch.” Page 5 of Dianetics
Understanding the concept of the ‘shore story’ is essential to understanding scientology, because engrams, the bank, all of it, is just a shore story to cover up the fact of covert hypnotic methods.
PPS: Repetitive use of any METHOD digs gullies through which thinking then tends to flow, by habit. This applies to key words, or trigger words, which will re-envoke the original trance state. IF your intent is to recover and help others recover fully, most quickly from the scientology mind rape, THEN it is best to minimize using scientological words and key phrases in your speech, writing and internal thinking dialogue.
Those that ignore this advice intentionally should be viewed as aiding and abetting a criminal conspiracy to defraud the public.
Another bit of advice about scientology and socially created canyons through the mind through which bad thinking flows naturally. Hubbard uses authoritative hypnosis. This is why he makes up all these stories about his great exploits, and why there is an entire department in scientology dedicated to protecting his reputation. This department is called “The LRH Comm Network” it makes sure his authority is untarnished. So that what he states functions as a direct suggestion to your subconscious as something that is true.
The repeated use of authority suggestion also erodes deep gullies through the mind through which bad thinking will tend to flow in the future. Those ignorant of this fact will tend to substitute other, socially acceptable, “authorities” to live by. Some seem to worship at the altar of academia, or of peer reviewed scientific papers. Some say “Dox or GTFO” (show me documents that support statement of get the xxxx out of here). Such a stance is evidence of the depth of the authoritative hypnosis canyon and of how long it takes to fill this one in. Documents are routinely forged by Scientology and intelligence agencies, which is a good reason to give extra and careful consideration to first hand witness testimony.
Decades before I learned my recent lessons regarding covert hypnotic suggestions, I too exclusively worshiped at the altar of supposed hard science for more than a decade. As if I had decided that because I had been fooled by Hubbard’s mastery of the METHODS of covert suggestion, I could not longer trust my own judgment. I no longer trusted myself!
Not trusting yourself is a prudent solution to not knowing how the trick is done, but only until such time that you learn the METHODS that were used upon you.
It is also helpful to remember hypnotist Ralph Slater’s quote: “Intelligent people make the best hypnotic subjects because intelligent people are able to control their own minds better.”
End note 911:
The scary thing is, the same methods that are used to cause people to believe in engrams, body thetans, and ultimately XENU are the methods used on 911… After showing the traumatic incident of the building collapsing over and over again they told you what happened and who did it. And there was no crime scene investigation and the evidence was buried.
Only the direct authoritative, repetitive, post trauma suggestions remain!
And take ISIS chopping off heads.. same thing, same method, again, immediately after the graphic visual or story, pay close attention to what you are being told you are seeing .… Most of the supposed “terrorist” apparitions are contrived theatricals, and are done for the same purposes and just as real as Hubbard’s “engrams and body thetans” !!* ( I am not referring to those people who have become genuinely pissed off by our bombing their countries into the stone age in order to steal their country’s gold)
Hypnosis WORKS!
Understanding how the trick is done is the KEY to end all war!, and I have no fear of ridicule because that is what I joined scientology for, I thought with the abilities I had, if I could make them even better, that I would be able to end war and misery. Well, maybe if you joined for that same reason, teaching this material and making it go viral just might accomplish what we joined scientology to do!
Because Dr Estabrooks also stated that these methods would only continue to be effective until such time as the victim becomes familiar with the methods being used upon them!!
“War is the greatest injustice. We are not fighting the culprits. Those who pay, who incite, who use the media to make people turn against each other - this is who we should fight against.” - Alexey Mozgovoy, commander of the “Ghost” brigade, killed May 23, 2015
By teaching, explaining, sharing, linking, re-stating, and by explaining this material there is a chance we might avert the next world war.
Note1: Hubbard advises his dirty tricks division to always use three channels of attack when targeting an enemy of scientology. “Enemy of scientology” which Hubbard called a “Supressive Person” or “SP” is a label applied to anyone whose words or actions interferes with the continued extraction of money from the public. The US Secret government does the same thing to anyone whose words or actions interfere with the continued extraction of money from the public for the military, industrial pharmaceutical corporate prison and media industrial complex. I find it interesting Hubbard tends to also use three channels of ideas, sets of lies, examples, or methods each time he wants to convince a reader to believe his words to be truth.
Note2: This same METHOD is the power behind thought stopping statements, used to demonize a person, such as “He is a holocaust-denier” “Who would listen to an anti-semite?” More about this here.
MORE: See my Answers to Questions on Quora