The Secret of Repetition - why and where it gets its power…

Man evolved during most of his evolution living in a tribal setting. Everything you see is part of nature, a forest of trees - but no two trees are identical, a rocky canyon but no two rocks are identical. There are no flat surfaces, everything has curves. Most everything is different….except perhaps the sun, moon and stars…

It appears there is some fundamental truth about the repeated appearance of any object, thing, person, or idea that has some kind of magical power over others. So fundamental that was hidden in plain sight.

“What I say three times is true” Lewis Carroll 1874

A propagandist or operator running an elaborate fraud will choreograph additional voices, additional impressions, to chime in agreement when making false claims. These could be innocents who were merely fooled by the same deceptive techniques and given false information demonizing the target so the dupe could be led to believe that the target deserves it.

Typically, these manipulators will ask a small favor of slight risk to the person, then later ask for more. There is never enough. Until the good hearted person is finally hopelessly ensnared in a web of deceits that are impossible to confront without extreme degrees of personal courage. Evil always wants more. This condition is pathological. As I believe this world contains plenty to satisfy every mortal need, but it is impossible to satisfy greed..

A favorite reason of the psychopath when asked WHY they did it is:


Sociopaths will surround themselves with people they can manipulate. Having no qualms about finding out what a person thinks is important and while making the person feel important they use them as pawns. They tend to hate those they can’t fool, as Hubbard did.. and there is nothing to compare to the rage of a psychopath who has been found out. In larger conspiracies where more money is involved agents will be hired. One ex-OSA employee told me the going rate for internet posters is $800 a week (2015). In a newspaper article in The UK it was reported that 1500 “Facebook warriors” were recruited by the 77th Regiment. Winter 2014/2015), considering the secret agreements that link UK, the US and Australia and New Zealand intelligence communities together the total number may be an order of magnitude more. (Cite: The Puzzle Palace 1982)

Because psychologist and hypnotist George Estabrooks stated that the power to manipulate what people believe to be true would only be lost when those people become familiar with the techniques being used upon them, what we need to ask is what is the method behind the power of repetition?

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.” Goebbels

Familiar surroundings bring a sense of comfort and security instantly to mind.

The familiar face of a pet, or a child, or even neighbor, seen every day for years, becomes more and more attractive as the years go by or that old truck you don’t want to part with.

The Source of the Power of Repetition

When a baby is born, they transition from a dark warm and relatively quiet and motionless environment to a bright noisy hectic world where things move, and for perhaps the first time ever shortly after the umbilical cord is cut after birth, experience hunger. The young growing mind finds itself in this amazing bright moving world and experiences something it has never known before, called hunger.

With all these things moving around them, there is one thing that is seen repeatedly… and that repeated first thing they see, is their mother’s face, smiling sweetly, who feeds them, holds them, warms them, loves them, and gives them a sense of security while whispering to the young mind in gentle tones that all will be well, just drift off to sleep so mommy can sleep just a little while before dawn….

The first repetitive image that the young mind sees during this period of extraordinary and rapid physical development of that mind, is mother’s face. The point I’m getting to that I hope stuns you to the same degree it has affected me is that any repetition of any kind is associated, in the hard wiring of our brains, with warmth, love, food and security! The very structure of your mind is wired to make this association. Hard wired to consider anything we see often as a good thing, the more often we see it, the better that thing or person seems to be. This effect explains celebrity stardom in simple terms of how many times have we seen that person’s face!

This, my friends is the biggest secret of all and is what makes the advertising, propaganda, mind control and cult worlds work.

This is how the trick called REPETITION works, and where it get’s its power.

It is from the power of mother’s face!

Sidebar: I found one psychology student who recognized this method. She said at the end of the school year her very old professor came in and told them he was going to lecture about something that is not in the textbooks which is no longer taught in psychology classes…and she said that he described this same idea….

“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.” — George Orwell, 1984

Dr Robert Oppenhiemer’s warning: The power of Mind Control makes the atomic bomb seem TRIVIAL

Excerpt from The Bulletin of the Atomic Physicists, May 1959

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Dr. J. Robert Oppenheimer, director of the Los Alamos Laboratory and responsible for the research and design of an atomic bomb. He is often known as the “father of the atomic bomb.” The top secret project to develop the first atomic bomb was called
THE MANHATTAN PROJECT At a lecture to the American Psychological Association in 1952 and published in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists of May 1959 he said:

“In the last ten years physicists have been extraordinarily noisy about the immense powers, largely through their efforts, but through other efforts as well have come into the possession of man, powers notably and strikingly for very large scale and dreadful destruction. We have spoken of our responsibilities and our obligations to society in terms that sound very provincial, because the psychologist can hardly do anything without realizing that for him the acquisition of knowledge opens up the most terrifying prospects of controlling what people do and how they feel. This is true for all of you who are engaged in practice, and as the corpus of psychology gains in certitude and subtlety and skill. I can see that the physicists pleas that what he discovers be used with humanity and be used wisely will seem trivial compared to those pleas which you will have to make and for which you will be responsible.”

NOTE: The comment that immediately follows the statement above:

“This was for many psychologists, a most sobering observation. The possibility of controlling human behavior becomes a more terrifying prospect than the control of nuclear reactions”

And note who this gentlemen represents:

Arthur (Art) J. Bachrach (born March 20, 1923 – December 19, 2011) was an American psychologist and administrator, who was Professor and Chairman of the Department of Psychology at Arizona State University, and Director of the Environmental Stress Program and Chair of Psychophysiology at the Naval Medical Research Institute at the Naval Medical Center in Bethesda.

Read the entire article from The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

Editors note: In this series it is important to read all of the blog entries and links if needed, before going further in this series, some of the coming exposes would be impossibly long winded to explain without your already understanding the materials presented previously.

Once you have learned just ONE METHOD, a few of which have been presented in prior blog postings, life around you will begin to look just a bit differently than it appeared before..

Edit: The issue, the point, the reason for my posting this, is to nudge the collective perception, towards a greater understanding of the FACT that TRUTH CONTROL,  belongs at the TOP of the list of “WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION” ahead of the atomic bomb.

The founders of this nation realized this in their own way, and because of this, they wrote the 1st Amendment.

Thank you for reading, please help spread these words.

Arnie Lerma Exposing the CON since 1993

The Master Manipulator

Who is Destroying Our World?

Most Dangerous Operative is the Master Manipulator

The most dangerous person is one who intentionally uses emotionally laden thought stopping constructs, epithets and phrases, then combines these insults with prestige (authority) suggestions, to implant ad-hominems into the subconscious of the spectators. Both the ‘prestige’ and the supposed ‘facts’ used to discredit the target, will depend upon the use of “the reverse blockade” .

The effectiveness of this one METHOD is dependent upon your ignorance of this METHOD and perpetrator’s true intent.

Yes, you just might have to read that first paragraph a 2nd time, do so now. I had to read some of the materials I am trying to explain to you several times, but for those that get it, keep going.  The following is called “The Reverse Blockade”. This description, was the first one that offered any explanation as to why Joseph Goebbels’ oft quoted remark ” A lie repeated often enough becomes true” actually worked as well as it does:

The Reverse Blockade

“Reverse Blockade: emphatically insisting upon something which is the opposite of the truth blocks the average person’s mind from perceiving the truth. In accordance with the dictates of healthy common sense, he starts searching for meaning in the “golden mean” between truth and its opposite, winding up with some satisfactory counterfeit. People who think like this do not realize that this effect is precisely the intent of the person who subjects them to this method. ” age 104, Political Ponerology by Andrew M. Lobaczewski

The People Who Think Like This Naturally

“In their paper, “Construct Validity of Psychopathy in a Community Sample… Salekin, Trobst, and Krioukova write “Psychopathy as originally conceived by Cleckley (1941) is not limited to engagement in illegal activities, but rather encompasses such personality characteristics as manipulativeness, insincerity, egocentricity , and lack of guilt - characteristics clearly present in criminals but also in spouses, parents, bosses, attorneys and politicians, and CEOs, to name but a few. (bursten. 1973; Stewart, 1991)…As such. psychopathy may be characterized…as involving a tendency towards dominance and coldness. Wiggens (1995) in summarizing numerous previous findings..indicates such persons are prone to anger and irritation and are willing to exploit others. They are arrogant, manipulative, cynical, exhibitionistic, sensation-seeking, Machiavellian, vindictive and out for their own gain. With respect to their patterns of social exchange (Foa & Foa, 1974), they attribute love and status to themselves, seeing themselves as highly worthy and important, but prescribe neither love nor status to others, seeing them as unworthy and insignificant. ” Page 89, Political Ponerology, footnote

Out of Context “Facts”


Out of Context, any event can be made to “look” Bad

Case History: 2006
Years ago a young man named Shawn Lonsdale sent me a copy of his deposition, and I webbed it. There was an uproar by many of the same identities that trashed Bob Minton, Gerry Armstrong, and Tom Padgett. The primary mouthpieces was a nick called “Tigger” and due to the fine mind of a nick called “hboats”, it all came down to there was nothing there in the first place!


Tigger: Feel free to ask Mr. Lonsdale this….specifically, “Did Tigger lie”?

Hboats: I pretty much did yesterday when I asked the two questions I asked him. He answered them and the answers say that you lied. If you wanted that question asked specifically why weren’t you here to ask it? It’s not my job to ask the questions you want asked. The questions that I did ask prove that you lied. I’ll point out again how exactly.

Lie #1. The depostion that Arnie ended up webbing was not the ONLY copy that proflex had or the ONLY copy that his lawyer had. Tigger stated more than once that it was.

Lie #2. Proflex never said that he didn’t want Arnie to web the deposition. He in fact thanked Arnie for doing it. Tigger has said more than once that proflex DID NOT WANT ARNIE TO HAVE THE DEPOSITION.

That’ll do it for now, but I’m sure you will look right past the proof like you always do. Thanks for playing

Recently Gerry Armstrong was being slimed using the IDENTICAL TECHNIQUE regarding a video tape. This was mentioned in a thread on SPs’r’US on Facebook about my friend Marisa Sigmond’s recent Video by videographer Bert Leahy. Knowing Gerry’s character, there was again, nothing there.

Tom Padgett recalls he himself being attacked in the same manner a decade ago, and there are many more, regarding Robert Minton, Lawrence Wollershiem, FACTNet and especially FACTNet fundraising when I was Treasurer.

A thinking person might ask himself,
Q: what do the targets of this technique have in common?

Answer: All of them were either litigants with $cientology or a Scientologist as well as activists trying to expose scientology.

What to do: Avoid anyone who intentionally lies.

The Power of Implication

The upsetting episodes, where a person is being attacked for something they did not do, which has happened to me several times over the years… and to Bob Minton many times, because of the REVERSE BLOCKADE creates an implication that there just must be something to it… So the spectators trend to think less of the person who was attacked, subconsciously.

This is an example of the use of emotional charged wording and/accusations to firstly, after stopping thinking, the false accusations get a free pass into the subconscious. Now the prior unpleasantness is forever associated with the mention of that person’s name.

Yet the person is guilty of nothing!


(7) When hitting a group or individual, hitting their finance and comm

This is why it done!! The targets will be those who are guilty of no wrongdoing, yet they end up wearing the albatross of the traumatic attack making them a bit more defensive and unwilling to deal with brevity, but so does ‘the crowd’ that was present for those attacks.  This subconscious influence modulates the willingness to support them forever more unless you have learned this METHOD about how this trick is done and THEN spend some mental effort reviewing the events of the past with this new understanding of what you witnessed. Start thinking again about those same attacks and induced miseries that you silently witnessed, or perhaps engaged in or even avoided by walking away and leaving that person a little more alone. You can consciously change your mind about anything, and enjoy thinking again, once you understand how this works.

Making a True Believer

“Everything said to a hypnotized person is true for them” said hypnotist and advisor to OSS/CIA Mr. George Estabrooks in 1943

Compare this to Hubbard: “What is true for you is true for you”

Hubbard used this SAME METHOD to make people believe they had a reactive mind in Dianetics. He tells us about abortions with a coat hanger, electro convulsive shock treatment, and the horror of lobotomies! Then he tells you that you have a reactive Mind, and claims only he can get rid of this thing (that does not exist)… The claim went directly into your subconscious, becoming true for you!

He does the same thing on the higher levels of $cientology, one one called OTIII, only it is body thetans and clusters after telling you an exciting story about the evil alien XENU and get you to envision atomic bomb blasts… You were tricked into belief,  by use of this high emotion, visually graphic METHOD of inducing a state of enhanced hypnotic suggestibility, and when he says you have BTs and clusters you then spend thousands of dollars trying to get rid of those!! - or years working as a slave because you did not have enough buy his lies!!

Hubbard’s Extensive use of Demonization in Dianetics and Scientology


Hubbard demonized Psychiatry and most other sources of information in the real world. Why did he pick psychiatry to demonize so thoroughly?  Was it because of the gruesome lobotomies, and electroshock treatments?  This is what you are supposed to believe as a result of implication.

Eric Hoffer in his must book True Believer quotes Hitler as saying” “If the Jew did not exist, we should have had to invent him. We must have a tangible enemy, not merely an abstract one”.

The abstract enemy is this thing that does not even exist, a figment of Hubbard’s Science Fiction imagination, his invented “The Reactive Mind”.

The tangible enemy are psychiatrists and who are a subdivision of a more general class called suppressive persons. Scientologists have a definition of suppressive person that sounds to me much like the psychopath and sociopathic personalities, but theirs is written in their own nomenclature and I will spare you learning useless data and share the real definition:

Anyone whose knowledge, words or actions interfere with the continued extraction of money from rubes.

The 1995 Raid of Arnie Lerma’s Home

More about the above LINK

Scientology RTC/OSA uses this SAME METHOD to make judges think there is something to their motions! In RTC vs Lerma they filed ex-parte, six inches of paper to get a US Federal Judge to allow the President of RTC to search my home. They never mentioned the FACT that the document, which contained the 1978 version of the OT Levels I-IIX in full, was itself a xerox copy of a exhibit filed as legal document in a case in the Central Judicial District of California!!

Emotional accusations, and loaded language, also associate that person with pain and unpleasantness. Those who have been attacked the most often in this manner, - the uninformed tend to react the same way as a normal person does when they saw the room filled with Hubbard books - the think “There must be something THERE.” Their subconscious associates the unpleasantness of the attacks even when they are false, and merely contrived, with the person. You see, you must really understand this, the subconscious, your subconscious does not THINK, it reacts to and provides emotion and attitudes.

You grant others access to programming your subconscious beliefs at the moment you stop thinking.

Heaven help you if that happens to be a psychopath.

Arnie Lerma

PS: One day I was trying to discuss details about Mr Minton LINK Then a vicious attack was launched upon me. Using the keyword “worm”, Mr Scott Pilutik who was present on IRC that day, and now advises Mr Ortega, or Pooks if she was there, may be able to locate an IRC chat log that would be a terrific example of the method that was used on this writer. Perhaps he has that chat log to post, it would make a hell of a sample lesson that needs desperately to be widely learned. One of the innocent spectators watching that vitriolic attack, was a kid named Shawn Lonsdale, who later told me by telephone how terribly upset it made him, and who, some time later, committed suicide.

“Half the harm that is done in this world is due to people who want to feel important. They don’t mean to do harm. But the harm does not interest them. Or they do not see it, or they justify it. Because they are absorbed in the endless struggle to think well of themselves.” - T. S. Eliot

Related: 17 Techniques of Truth Suppression