Without truth

“Politically Correct” = “Acceptable Truth” (note)

Added November 2017:

Without truth you have nothing,  only delusion

Conspiracy Fact-ist: someone who has awakened from the big brother controlled group trance to regain control of their own mind, and then starts to think again.

JFK, 911, the clinton death list, cocaine through mena arkansas, the covert war upon humans without money, the murder of the creator of largest water desalinization project to irrigate the desert in Africa, seth rich, pedophilia, satanism, the destruction of Iraq, Syria, Palestine, Libya.. - the endless pursuit of profit with no regard of cost in induced human misery, the thought of Oprah running for director of Obamanation II…& The unprecedented character assassination of a sitting president, AND the fact that a fraud such as Scientology is allowed to exist at all…

There is nothing normal, acceptable, or “ok”, about any of the above, unless, you are amongst those who profit from lies and ignorance.

Without truth there is only delusion.

“DEPROGRAMMING” is the art of re-awakening a once thinking spirit.

Any act, image, words or event that stops thinking, renders that person into a more suggestible state. 

This needs to be etched into the furrows of your mind… but it takes considerable effort and self discipline to do this, as it is directly opposite to the conditioning Americans have been subject to through media, Hollywierd and  imitation journalism.

When you are insulted, told you are stupid, or personally attacked during debates understand that the other person is showing you that they are unable to deal with your logic or the fact you state and so they attack your character.

Sometimes this is merely due to jealousy, because no one enjoys being made to appear stupid or ignorant, even if your intention is good…  Unfortunately this why some of the smartest people tend to keep to themselves. Arguing with fools has little upside.


This is a lesson the smartest kid in elementary school needs to learn in order to understand what is going to occur, and the earlier they learn this the less psychologically hurtful those incidents are going to be.

Instead of allowing your attention to be focused by others, you need to excercise the muscle in your mind that directs your attention. Instead of focusing attention upon what is shocking, control your own thinking. Yes I know this is easier said than done, and books have been written claiming to help accomplish this. Here is one tip that helps to discipline your mind. Whenever you encounter a striking situation, one that makes your thinking pause and wonder, or just think “What? Is this true?” - Listen carefully to whatever is described just after the  incident that stops your thinking.

If you are dealing with a fool that will be evident, but if you dealing with a master manipulator using covert hypnotic techniques, note carefully whatever is stated just after the  shocking part of the message…

Weaponized hypnotism instructs agents to use any number of methods to stop logical thinking, once thinking has been stopped,  whatever is said immediately after  becomes, to some degree,  a direct suggestion into your subconscious. Why is this so important? Each of these subliminal suggestions will forever modify your behavior, modify your opinions, and modify your ability to determine what is true.

Forever, that is, until you take the mental effort to re-examine these incidents in your mind, after becoming familiar with the methods being used upon you.

Each method you learn, allows more truth to  become visible.  In our current society we are up to our ears in lies and false assumptions, most of them contrived and popularized by those who profit from our ignorance.

When thinking has been stopped, the door to the subconscious is left unguarded.

Confucious wrote about methods which pass as  normal debate and argument in our current society two thousand five hundred years ago!

Perhaps it is time to start thinking about this?


“But the moment eloquence or the language of debate enters, true reasoning becomes impossible. For the purpose of the debater is not to find the truth but to win the argument, and to this end he will often stray as far as possible from the real issues”

“Eloquence and debate are designed, not to decide issues, but to sway people, for this reason they lean heavily on appeals to emotion and prejudice, and make use of neat, clever, and sometimes humorous turns of phrase rather than profound analysis of ideas”

“Of all this Confucious was contemptuous

Confucious by H. G. Creel 1913, Chapter “The Teacher”

This may be pne of the greatest secrets of INFORMATION WARFARE

Over the years I have repeatedly encountered a handful of nasty individuals, who routinely crap up threads with snarky comments, accusations, ugly stuff, and fallacious ad-hominem, I am describing the ‘turd-in-the-punchbowl effect”

Just when a speaker or even a person writing on a chat board, starts to get the crowd enthusiastic, there is one of the same handful of crap artists, who have nothing of their own to add except doubt and they will “make less of it.”

Hubbard does this in the scientology and Dianetics scam, stealing from early 20th century psychiatrists like William Sargant, then inverting the meaning of ideas, and then telling his readers he discovered this information, Information that he  claims as important as the discovery of fire!

He also associates those he stole his information from with ugly things. He did this so that his victims, those that he lured into his amazing secret money machine would never dare read a book by a psychiatrist or clinical psychologist because they are amongst the very few individuals that understand the methods Hubbard used to convince people of his lies.

Religious Cloaking

Scientology  solicits paid opinions from religious scholars, as they are easily fooled by the weaponized methods of covert suggestion employed by Hubbard and by his minions. Minions who have no idea what they are really doing as Hubbard, in order to conceal what is being done, tells them to duplicate his directions exactly. As long as they go through the motions perfectly they do not need to know what they are actually doing. Hubbard tells them various stories, but never the whole of the truth.

Further, religious scholars are completely out of their domain when they evaluate scientology. because scientology is the proper domain of forensic criminologists, forensic accountants, forensic psychology and weaponized, classified, military hypnotism.

The use of UGLY is based on the  METHOD used by Zionists when they screech “Anti-Semite” and “Holocaust Denier” where they stop criticism by stopping thought with ugliness. In this case, by covertly invoking the odor of burning human flesh.
The target, the idea, the subject, becomes associated with the smell…

This method  of mental manipulation is one another one of the greatest secrets.

Another attempt to describe this same method

Accusations such as KOOK, WHACK JOB,  DRUNK, or  ANTI-SEMITE, and HOLOCAUST DENIER are used to DEMONIZE the intended target. Not to inform, but to STOP THINKING, and after vivid emotional wording, or event or imagery, or accusation has stopped thinking, the listener is rendered more hypnotically SUGGESTIBLE.

Whatever is said after the thought stopping phrase then tends to go directly into your subconscious as a “truth”. Especially what a bad person that the target is and why you must not even dare to look at what they have to say.

Israel has the best example of such mental manipulation, when they accuse someone of being a HOLOCAUST-DENIER. The phrase “holocaust-denier” subliminally invokes the most offensive odor of all to a human being, that being the smell of burning human flesh.

Israel has no exclusive on this METHOD of making a man or woman more suggestible to suggestion. The Vatican used this technique when they burned one of my idols of free thinking, a man named  Giordano Bruno at the stake in 1601.

Everyone in the city would be exposed to the stench.

The hard-wired brain reaction to avoid the area, person, situation or thing is in our genes. and is an ancient method from Babylon, and it works.

Each time in your future that you encounter this method, you will recall reading this lesson, and it will not affect your thinking.. .And I just used the same method in the prior paragraph only I used it to help propagate truth instead of a lie.

More ‘methods’ are exposed in my blog, and on Quora, expensive life lessons from the alt.scientology.war.

“Secrets are the mortar,
binding lies as bricks together,
into prisons for the mind”
arnie lerma 1997


Who is Arnie Lerma?

Twilight Language is real

I have concluded that the same METHODS used to awaken a cult victim, are effective  when used to wake members of a truth-controlled totalitarian society such as “Western society” , because the METHODS are the same, only the shore story and stage setting differ.


READ https://www.facebook.com/groups/deprogramming/ for more like this. This discussion group on Facebook is where I get second opinions and learn how to explain these difficult concepts in a manner that anyone might understand them who is willing to actually do some reading.
READ my other wordpress pages
READ LERMANET.COM’s Covert Hypnosis Index (research entries ended in 2008)


“Plato feared the power of entertainment, the power of the senses to overthrow the mind, the power of emotion to obliterate reason. No admirer of popular democracy, Plato said that the enlightened or elite had a duty to educate those bewitched by the shadows on the cave wall, a position that led Socrates to quip: “As for the man who tried to free them and lead them upward, if they could somehow lay their hands on him and kill him, they would do so.”
Chris Hedges, “Empire of Illusion: The End of Literacy and the Triumph of Spectacle”

Return to INDEX

Note: Thank you to Marisa Sigmond for the exchange in which this maxim of Hubbard “acceptable truth”  became visible to this writer as the equivalent to the phrase “politically correct”

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