
“The mind, once expanded to the dimensions of larger ideas, never returns to its original size” Oliver Wendell Holmes

“War is the greatest injustice. We are not fighting the culprits. Those who pay, who incite, who use the media to make people turn against each other – this is who we should fight against.”
Alexey Mozgovoy, commander of the “Ghost” brigade, killed May 23, 2015″

In 1999..By chance I met a young Russian man at an esoteric wood supply warehouse . We got to talking. He had escaped the old USSR to come to the USA! He had been here several years.

I asked him: “After all you have been through, to leave your country, and come here in search of the “dream” (The American Dream), tell me, now, how what you see here, compares to what you escaped from???

His answer was stunning:

“Same sheeet, deeefer rent flies”

World Politics Analyzed as a Crime Scene

 When I watched the Berlin wall come down, I knew our time would inevitably come…you cannot arm wrestle a nation the size of Russia, and not lose balance. My problem, as well as my fellow Americans, was we were mentally unable to conceive the depths of evil that psychopathy is capable of and were trapped in the American Dream, a delusion created using the same methods that induce Scientologists to believe Hubbard’s rubbish, only the shore story and stage setting are different.

   Socialism and perhaps communism are not inherently bad for people, they have been demonized and redefined. Communism was used by America as the boogyman just as the Jews were used by Hitler.  Eric Hoffer observed that

all mass movements need a tangible enemy not just an intangible one.”

Both systems suffer from the same disease as Democracy, that is, corruption. Everything inside the US Congress is for sale. The that cannot be bought will be entrapped by elaborate charades and perhaps a pretty girl who looks years older than she actually is. Democracy is impossible when what “we the people” believe to be true is controlled by a master manipulators beholden to the oligarchs.

And at we have reached a point that functionally, the only crime in America in this 21st century is not having  money.

A Letter to My American Friends  by The Saker

“The entire history of the US is one of endless violence, plunder, hypocrisy, exploitation, imperialism, oppression and wars. Endless wars of aggression. None of them defensive by any stretch of the imagination. That is quite unique in human history. Can you think of a nastier, more bloodthirsty regime? I can’t.”





  My grandfather and Mussolini were young hopeful socialists. Boyhood friends from the same mountain province.. Grandfather said socialism meant a government that obeys the will of its people.

  When Mussolini was still a provincial governor, he announced he would use fascism to rebuild a Neo-Roman Empire. Defining fascism as the marriage the state to the corporations. My grandfather was not pleased.

Grandfather hailed from the same province as Mussolini, they were boyhood friends… Both were ardent socialists. Socialism defined as government that serves the needs of ‘We the People’. When Mussolini was a provincial governor, he told grandfather that he would be dictator after the national election. Grandfather plotted to assassinate the then provincial governor. A gendarme bumped his head, and while sleeping, lost his pistol.

But the plan was betrayed, men were rounded up during the night, to be hung at first sun. Mussolini walked grandfather to the dock, directing him to get on a tramp steamer to America, now, because he did not wish to see his boyhood friend hanging from a tree in the morning.

For years I had heard various versions of this story from the Italian side of my family, and assumed, it may have been a fable. Then, after I had reached the age of sixty years, a cousin showed me the pistol that sleeping gendarme misplaced, a Spanish copy of the 1911 police issue colt .38 revolver, deep brown from age…

  Perhaps populism runs in my genes..

Don’t expect something called a TELL A VISION to show you what IS REAL

Corruption and greed is bad for all people, eventually, including,  those who profit  financially from destruction of the host society that fed them.

The word Democracy becomes a theatrical stage decoration for totalism when a handful of fat cats control what “we the people” believe to be true, and capitalism without humanity builds bombs for the profit. It’s “just business”, turning human beings into spreadsheet entries that may be  deleted to balance the books.. sometimes after taking their kidneys for resale.

  Slavery became an equal opportunity employer, hidden in plain sight when corporations gained person-hood.

  The bigger stick, leads to the bigger knife. then bigger gun, and then the biggest bombs, until the earth lays shattered, and we are all Palestinians in what started out, as  a real estate investment.   Meanwhile the words get redefined, while main stream media and social media are turned into a living Hollywood Babylon..a 21st century freak show,

  You are free in America to argue about anything, even waste your time on whether or not the earth is flat, which,  incidentally, uses the same methods that Hubbard used to make Dianetics “persuasive” to induce belief in that delusion for profit. But never mention the elephants in the room, like AIPAC, The Israeli Lobby, and the universal, multinational  cult of psychopathy.

  The cult of psychopathy, is where anything goes. Whose business model is “Profit at any cost in induced human misery.”

Aleister Crowley’s mantra: Do As Thou Whilst is the Whole of the Law, turns pedophilia into after dinner theater while using it as a tool for enforced obedience by blackmail. Hubbard accomplished the same feat by calling children “big thetans in little bodies.”



I believe that “The Greatest Evil”  are those who profit from intentionally induced suffering and misery, while they themselves, are producing nothing.

In Dante’s Inferno, the lowest depths of hell were reserved for fraud.

“In Dante Alighieri‘s Inferno, part of the Divine Comedy, Malebolge is the eighth circle of Hell. Roughly translated from Italian, Malebolge means “evil ditches”. Malebolge is a large, funnel-shaped cavern, itself divided into ten concentric circular trenches or ditches. Each trench is called a bolgia (Italian for “pouch” or “ditch”). Long causeway bridges run from the outer circumference of Malebolge to its center, pictured as spokes on a wheel. At the center of Malebolge is the ninth and final circle of hell.

In Dante’s version of hell, categories of sin are punished in different circles, with the depth of the circle (and placement within that circle) symbolic of the amount of punishment to be inflicted. Sinners placed in the upper circles of hell are given relatively minor punishments, while sinners in the depths of hell endure far greater torments. As the eighth of nine circles, Malebolge is one of the worst places in hell to be. In it, sinners guilty of “simple” fraud are punished (that is, fraud that is committed without particularly malicious intent, whereas Malicious or “compound” fraud — fraud that goes against bond of love, blood, honor, or the bond of hospitality — would be punished in the ninth circle). Sinners of this category include counterfeiters, hypocrites, grafters, seducers, sorcerers and simonists.”

simonists: The buying or selling of ecclesiastical offices or of indulgences or other spiritual things. [Middle English simonie, from Old French, from Late Latin simōnia, after Simon Magus, a sorcerer who tried to buy spiritual powers from the Apostle Peter (Acts 8:9-24).

Arnie Lerma.
And what should we do? One of the designers of these techniques in 1943, was a psychologist for OSS, said that these methods to control what a man believes to be true would continue to be effective until the victims became familiar with the methods being used upon them.  Those methods I have come to recognize and found words to explain are the contents of these blog pages.
More on the cult of psychopathy here: and here

Conversation with Julia:

READ enough  links for supporting cites if you feel “incredulous” or “psychological denial” is noted. Psychological denial is okay, it is your mind’s way of protecting itself from overload, and disassociation when confronted by truth that is just too uncomfortable to consider, to contemplate. If so, take a break, bookmark the page, walk away, but come back when ready for more. One set of materials (note2) that I encountered in 2007, induced me to walk away and smell flowers for over a year..


Julia: Wow, Arnaldo! So THAT’s the plan.

Arnie: It makes the entire theatrical make sense without going into inter-dimensional woo.

Julia:  Arnie. And they did tell us their plan, after all. They wrote it in stone. (See Georgia Guidestones)

Arnie: YES! However they didn’t say how they would get there from here, and if enough people can conclude soon enough, that the deep state, and most, but not all, (see note1)  1/10th of 1 %’rs  have literally been AT WAR with WE THE PEOPLE since the deep state assassinated JFK, the better chance WE THE PEOPLE will have to survive.

The immediate need is to get the US out of Syria including all those CIA/DIA/MI6 spec ops and Saudi hired Blackrock type mercenaries, and if they refuse to stand down forever, leave the Israelis and Saddam’s old Sunni psychopaths there and then kill them off, This could be done with an infrastructure rebuilding plan to drive the refugees back to their homelands, for jobs rebuilding their towns and villages and cleaning up the mess. A mess that was made for THE PROFIT.  All this must be done in time to prevent the same guys that did 911 to corner Mr. Putin, who truly does care about his people, into WWIII.

That recent History channel show on the “Drug War” tells the truth. I was amazed! They (US Deep state and Nixon)  knew back then that pot was harmless, they created the drug war for their profit, and profits for the prison industrial complex, and as a weapon to destroy the black civil rights movement and hippie/peace anti-war movements.

American’s haven’t stopped a war since Vietnam, find out why..

This is just one of their ‘tricks’ to accomplish this. and they were successful. A friend, Mr. John Potash has a detailed book about this:

Drugs as Weapons Against Us: The CIA’s Murderous Targeting of SDS, Panthers, Hendrix, Lennon, Cobain, Tupac, and Other Leftists - LINK

Outline of Gary Webb’s research on Zerohedge (it is worse than you think (note5))

I update that page THE PLAN,  when I encounter new reports… see this Saker report on head of ISIS being killed.

I did the same thing for the subject of disinformation, media manipulation, forum sliding, direction of attention in media and social media and collected all the source links on those methods that I encountered including the evidence of those hired to use them:

Links to a page of enough citations for convince a scientologist..

These pages are sort of Internet Tour Guide pages to address in a persuasive manner each subject or in the case of covert hypnosis, each METHOD and with links to source material for those who still doubt. This way those that know a lot can read my page and learn new relationships quickly. Those that don’t know as much will need read more links. Those that know little, may have to read them all, and more, or go elsewhere to something soft and fluffy…

These aren’t crafted as news blogs to get hits and traffic, but Topic Specific reading rooms to attempt to drive a key point all the way home…past the wall of incredulity.

Only small crimes need be secret, the big ones are protected by incredulity!!

This one exposes the Kabbalist magic behind Israel’s success in information warfare, which was explained by Confucious, 2500 years ago,

Fundamental DEPROGRAMMING Techniques are universal, and not just for “cults”. The understanding you gain by becoming familiar with the techniques of covert manipulation, covert hypnosis, suggestion, implication, described on these pages and others linked to them,  can also be used to end the Flat Earth psy-op sweeping the globe like Pokemon did when those same kids were younger.

Flat Earth IS Dianetics - the same methods, with a different shore story and stage setting, or framing.

Like scissors cuts paper, perspective cuts framing.

I learned  deprogramming techniques,  by deconstructing scientology’s methods for 25 years. I used what I learned  to discover the classified Mossad/CIA/MI6 methods being used by Hubbard. These methods become visible,  if you know enough about the subject of covert hypnosis… and then watch a little TV… (heh)

We don’t have but a few of the oldest of the CIA’s internal documents and studies about how to do these things. (More to follow shortly, google “The KUBARK Interrogation Manual” )

We do, however, have many of scientology’s! Here is one of them, called OPERATIONS PLANNING. One of the founding member’s of the first anti-cult group in America, before she passed away, told me that this one document, which was siezed by Federal Agents in the 1977 raids on scientology’s headquarters in Los Angeles was the most important document for activists to read. It describes what many of you have endured for decades. You need to read this over and over again, and get your friends to read it. You will now understand a bit of the foundation of the deep state’s operations to induce you to do nothing about the fact they turned Americans into willing slaves for their empire of money and greed., much like Hubbard turned good people into scientologists and staff members willing to sign a contract to work for them for one billion years.

Back to the story..

The most useful discoveries occurred after an expert operative, and the author of many of the words used by scientology on their own webpages used to de-popularize this writer, whose father in law just so happened to be this man,  induced a man named Robert Minton to distrust me.  Mr Robert Minton, then stopped taking my advice. Which is when things started going south for him.. This was a multi-millionaire whose fortune I was previously directly responsible for saving from an elaborate, and unbelievable operation run by scientology’s own intelligence division. (see prior link)

Once you learn any METHOD being used upon you, it stops “working” so well, it stops mesmerizing you, it ceases to stop your thinking, and stops allowing these manipulations to make you quite as suggestible by that method for evermore.

And then truths become visible, as they float to the top of the cesspool of lies that we are surrounded by.

Julia:  Arnie, As I’ve mentioned before, I have had clinical hypnotherapy to kind of ‘deprogram’ me. It worked ….. now I don’t have any friends. 😀 Well, I detached myself from the old ones that stood in the way of my finding the truth.

Arnie: LOL too funny, I can appreciate what you mean !! It explains why you easily understand what I’m going on about..and are willing think of the possibilities..

It all comes down to WHOM is running your trance, organized psychopaths creating world conflict for profit at humanity’s expense or merely a dead and bad science fiction writer stealing your wallet and children.  And then if you are running your trance, how much do you know about what works and doesn’t work in that field, as well as the real limitations?

In Malayasian culture, people know about trance. A housewife will use self hypnosis to make doing mundane tasks less tedious. Western Culture is another thing, it seems that in the winter of 1949/1950 that expert stage hypnotist Ralph Slater, played Carnegie Hall seven times!  The next spring Hubbard’s Dianetics was published, and hypnotism begins disappearing from the American psyche… replaced by NLP, which on first glance appears to be a way to train people in methods of manipulation without giving away the stuff that is now classified SECRET, after being weaponized by Dr George Estabrooks, the Psychologist for OSS in 1943 who stated that these methods of covert manipulation would continue to be effective until such time that their targets became familiar with the methods being used upon them.


Complexity alone is a method. When you walk into a scientology book store, you see all those books, rapes, pamphlets. Walls filled with this stuff. This induces an auto-suggestion. It suggests to you that “There just must be something there, something to it” Yes there is, but it is not the shore story Hubbard wrote to avoid, “like a child telling a lies” telling you the simple truth, that he is using hypnosis. If you knew that, you would need to read all his long winded science fiction stories that he wrote to explain the simple truth. You are asked to duplicate precisely the routines he describes. And again, you must, for it to ‘work’ because you don’t know what you are really doing..this is covered elsewhere on this blog.


And this is why I write. Use my material as a guide, and you  can free your mind and begin freeing minds all around you.

But it sure is difficult to explain to zombies..who are asking the wrong questions like “Why am I eating all the time”…(drool)…

The “American Dream” is identical in pattern to Hubbard’s Engrams, reactive mind, and XENU and the body thetans rubbish.. Both are imaginary (hypnotic) role playing games, pursued for profit, and everything ‘looks’ great, as long as you do not see the true cost in induced death, suffering and misery.

Americans, for the most part, are in every bit a pernicious cult as the victims of scientology. The METHODS being used are the same, the authors may even be the same, the shore stories and stage settings differ, the intent is the same but the victims are hidden where Americans don’t see them,  rarely displayed on TV, and always blamed upon an innocent party.

PROFIT  at any cost in induced human suffering, death and misery.

My proof it is “the same old sofa, but with new upholstery”,(note3) yet again is that same deprogramming methods work on both!!

This realization summarizes my hope, to somehow turn the sow’s ear of scientology into something of value. This is the lesson of scientology for survivors of scientology, to become the deprogrammers of the American Dream, aiming toward a renaissance of thinking, of course after a period of re-growth, reconciliation and healing - and IF we can prevent WWIII.(note1)

Giordano Bruno tried this in the 16th century, however having escaped being burned at the stake as he was in 1601, and is isn’t as though they have tried , having admitted that by 1996 they had spent 1,740,000 trying to get rid of me.

Decide whether it is worth your time to see what Scientology thought was so essential to  to make dissapear, Orwellian style., and you can help make this handful of smoking tinders hot enough and then strike enough fire in the minds of my fellow men, while we still have time to do so.

Thanks for reading,
Arnie Lerma

PS: If my material helps you, and you want to return the favor, then use this to help me. LINK

Note1: Multillionaire Mr Robert Minton, who wrote his first check to the expose scientology  because of a story I told from years ago, on a usenet group alt.religion.scientology in 1995, AND after being covertly influenced to no longer heed my counsels, told me, in the last conversation we had before he died of a heart attack, that he had no regrets except for one.. I asked him, “And what was that?”
He said, “I regret that I ever stopping taking your advice.”  “Bio Lerma LINK),
amd Mike Rinder wrote: “At some point the whole story of Minton will be told. It’s not quite as its been portrayed, and I was the person who dealt with him and in the end we considered one another friends. A man with a bigger heart you will never meet”

Note2: Google LERMANET PAPERCLIP for THIS .rtf file, you must open this in a word processor, there are embedded images, This document is unfinished.
Pardon my scribbles at the end which contain error, as I simply had to turn my head away for a few years  time, and have never looked at this since.  Should you decide to read this file, you will understand why.
Note4: 1952 The Journal of Hypnotism describes Hubbard’s DIANETICS with that one-liner.. “the same old sofa” is hypnosis.
Note5: a slogan from expose-the-fraud-of-scientology pickets in 1990’s.

Congratulations for reading this entire page, so few still  read:

Those that don’t read have no advantage over those who can’t.

Your use of paypal gives me a verified email address and your identity, and gives you the opportunity to write for additional guidance. After corresponding with you or chatting for a bit, I can then recommend what you would benefit most from reading next, or explain what it is that would best help you speed your recovery.  Take your next step on the bridge out of scientology, flat earth rubbish or the control matrix!

truth does not pay well
Get notified when THE BOOK is finished, stay in balance,  and allow yourself to feel good because you threw a little something in the tip jar.    THE TIP JAR

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