Remote Viewing and Scientology

A download of material I have explained to people in private chat and posted bits of over the years, but never posted in total:

In Ingo Swann’s biography, at least in a version that was once on the web, he said
“I never considered myself a scientologist” He went on to explain that at that time they were trying anything and everything, including scientology, in an effort to catch up with the Russians..(note)

In 2008 I pulled a 2″ stack of papers from the National Archives, that were titled Stanford RV Protocols. I examined the documents carefully, and was unable to find anything even remotely scientological…nothing, zilch… Yes I was surprised.. but not as surprised as I might be had I not read a great deal about hypnosis.

It turned out that psychic events are routinely associated with hypnosis and induced trance states . One study, sorry I forgot the name, at a University, they attempted to hypnotize a person at a distance. The researchers noted strange effects , such as, on one occasion, instead of hypnotizing the intended target who was in an office at the end of the same hallway from the hypnotist, they found that they had hypnotized  a secretary in an adjacent office in line from where they were sitting.

I now believe that because scientology routines are create a suggestible hypnotic state, that Psi events might manifgst. However, this is not because of scientology, but because they are associated with hypnotism…and manifested in spite of scientology.

I also believe that there existed a plan,  to intentionally make scientology be perceived as a  useful tool for remote viewing, as a motive to insert covert intelligence gathering agents (those whose loyalties were controlled by scientology)  into foreign countries RV programs and perhaps to boobytrap those programs to be less effective, because it was the hypnosis not the scientology that “worked”, and in scientology, it is also the hypnosis that “works”.

In the book “Psychic Warrior” by an ex military RV guy, named David Morehouse, (Note2) he describes the protocols used at Ft Meade’s RV program, located across the Baltimore Washington Parkway from the NSA. His description of ‘cool down tapes” and more led me to conclude that he was using taped meditation protocols created by the same man that first coined the phrase “Out of Body Experience”, as “OBE:, Mr Robert Monroe. Robert Monroe founded the Monroe Institute in Faber Virginia outside of Charlottesville.  Monroe’s technology of binaural beats, emulates Tibetan meditation methods.  Meditation done while seated between two of those temple bells. The bells are tuned a few cycles per second different in frequency. When you site between the bells, and whack them both, you get the binuaral beat difference which apparently stimulates the same beat in brain wave frequencies. (Note3)  His technique provides what the Tibetan monks were seeking, when they would travel hundreds of miles from monastery to monastery to meditate in front of different sets of bells.. Using Monroe’s tapes one may do this without leaving your home!(Note 4)

Monroe’s tapes create trance. The more advanced tapes create the deepest trances. However, unlike conventional scientology, Robert Monroe was not a psychopath trying to steal your wallet like Hubbard. Which is why Hubbard, called the subconscious by both of the terms: Reactive Mind AND the Bank, because it made getting money out of your Bank account, easy. (note 5)

Robert Monroe uses some light suggestions and conditioning to make the experience safe, (yes Alice, there are things that go bump in the night) and most importantly, to return complete control of your trance, of your own sub-conscious to you and to you only. (note6)

Arnie Lerma

Note1: In Ingo’s published book, not the bio that I read online years ago,  he described a meeting with a deep state figure who asked him to RV a location on the moon. That man asked Ingo whether he had read Mastery, by George Leonard (Verbal and thinking Aikido) see

Note2: Morehouse recounts being gaslighted, targeted to an extent and beyond, that of being targeted by scientology. Some of what I endured is outlined HERE.
Morehouse felt forced to move overseas to escape it, thus, I believe his story has more veracity because he was targeted so vigorously.

Note3: See Secrets of the E-Meter

Note4: See Monroe Institute 

Note5: See Covert Methods used in Scientology

Note6:  I was introduced to Robert Monroe’s work by an ex-scientologist that I knew when I was a teen ager in the 1960’s  and was first fooled by Hubbard’s persuasion and covert hypnotic methods, as he was at the time. A gentle giant of a man named Joe Harrington. It was Joe that first posted the XENU story of OTIII and the rest of the OT Levels to the internet, anonymously using anonymous remailers. It was also Joe Harrington that mailed me the court record that got me sued in 1995 in Federal Court by scientology.  These tidbits are from his deathbed confession to his wife Brigitta, also an ex-scientologist,  who relayed them to me. I have probably done a couple thousand hours of Monroe’s hemi-sync and found it extremely useful for relaxation during the madness of the lawsuit, and the decades of strangeness that ensued after myself and two others refused a 9-12 million dollar offer from scientology in exchange for silence and sealing the documents of the cases..    Some ex-members, like Joe Harrington mentioned above, have found Monroe’s materials useful for recovery. The most important factor of meditation to recovery is described in this Quora answer.

Thank you for reading,

Arnie Lerma

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