Scientology, ISIS , 911 and Flat Earth

“Like scissors cuts paper, perspective cuts framing”  Arnie Lerma

“The best place to hide something is in plain sight” is a CIA Maxim(note1)

“Truth would quickly cease to be stranger than fiction, once we got as used to it.”
–H.L. Mencken.

and ISIS have in common??

We laugh at scientologists, when we find out Tom Cruise believes in XENU and the Space Cooties!
A recent X-Files episode ended with Mulder talking to Scully, “What is it that could induce a person to tie explosives to the their chest and then blow themselves up at a checkpoint?”. (Pause) then he says “Hypnosis and suggestion”.

It is called TELL A VISION for the same reason as that which made Palestine disappear from maps, to be replaced by something we are tricked into believing IS REAL…..


“Various types of beliefs can be implanted in many people after brain function has been sufficiently disturbed by accidentally or deliberately induced fear, anger, or excitement. Of the results caused by such disturbances, the most common one is temporarily impaired judgment and heightened suggestibility. Its various group manifestations are sometimes classed under the heading of ‘herd instinct,’ and appear most spectacularly in wartime, during severe epidemics, and in all similar periods of common danger, which increase anxiety and so individual and mass suggestibility.” Dr William Sargant

A good friend was stuck on Interstate 395 just South of the Pentagon at time of the missile strike. He had his sunroof open. He did not see anything, (as if you could miss a commercial airliner 50 feet above you) he heard a single small jet engine, straining at high rpms during final maneuvers then BOOM, his car shook and I could see the smoke to my East from my attic home office..

Watch this if you need to: PROBABLY THE BEST THREE Minute Video on 911 that you will ever see LINK

How did they foist this theatrical upon America? How did they do it??

And now for the rest of the story, the above is one case study explained below

While we were IN SHOCK AND AWE(note2), (made More suggestible to command, authority suggestion, immediately after our thinking had been stopped) Everything said during that time was. to some degree(note3), uncritically accepted as truth by the idiot that is our subconscious.. This is a weaponized covert hypnotic METHOD.

Dr. George Estabrooks, a psychologist for Office of Strategic Services, which later morphed into CIA, CIA, and the current crop of alphabet agencies, stated in 1943 that:

“Everything said to a hypnotized subject is true for them”


Any scene, words, story, or event, or merely a vicious personal attack on a chat board, to some degree stops thinking, and makes not only the target of the attack but the silent participants who were present, to some degree, become more suggestible. To some degree, they will uncritically allow that which is stated just after the event to enter their subconscious and act as a direct command suggestion, as unquestionable truth.

A HUGE RULE: REPETITION -  Most know that repetition makes even a lie become true, but no one seems to know why it ‘works’ ..  Dare to read and contemplate THIS PAGE: THE SECRET OF REPETITION, and  you will be amongst very few who know, and forevermore ‘repetition’ will no longer affect you in quite the same way.. neither will the persuasion of a group who seem to hold the same view.

The psycho-dynamics, and peer-pressure invoked by a group of people stating a lie, may be viewed, understood, as well as rendered impotent as a covert persuader of your subconscious by understanding the core secret behind repetition. This is not in the current course curricula for psychology. Orwell has been at work for decades!


SCIENTOLOGY AND TOM CRUISE: Hubbard used this METHOD in Dianetics to get Tom Cruise to believe his rubbish. Hubbard “shock and awe”s his readers with coat hanger abortions, ice pick lobotomies, and electric shock treatment..(Highly emotionally charged) THEN tells big lies which are accepted uncritically as truth, BECAUSE high emotion tricks us into stopping our thinking!!

FLAT EARTH: Uses slick,  emotionally laden, videos.(note3)  Scenes using that ‘slow zoom’ effect, that concentrates your attention,  THEN tells you the big lies which are accepted uncritically as truth, BECAUSE high emotion tricks us into stopping our thinking!!

In 2005 I glanced at the CIA’s own recruitment pages. I recall wondering.. “Why are they recruiting set-designers, hairstylists, lighting directors, videographers, make up artists??”

ISIS: ( A US CIA/MOSSAD Production)  Produces AWE some video scenes calculated for greatest shock and awe and THEN tells you the big lies which are accepted uncritically as truth, BECAUSE high emotion tricks us into stopping our thinking!!

OBAMA: Remember how Obama did that weird head turning in his first speeches? That was timed to the millisecond.. That was like the swinging watch of the classic hypnotist image.  The result was the same. Kids liked listening to him, he said nice hopeful pleasantries, made awesome promises. He did a handful of good, symbolic things, while he and his pals were stealing everything.

Common Core has created a generation of kids who no longer trust their own common sense.  A generation who has become conditioned to seeking authority. instead of trusting their own observations and judgement which they were taught by common core methods to NOT TRUST.  Along comes a President, saying nothing of substance but being pleasant to listen to. What was so ‘nice’ about listening to Obama say nothing of substance?  He entranced the common core conditioned-to-authority generation, and trance, like a day-dream, is quite pleasant…

Yes, the trance state is pleasant, and the deepness of trance is proportional to a lessened awareness of physical pain, Obama created the libtards that Soros is now paying to attack Trump, and all is being done with encouragement and the co-conspiracy of the deep state.

And they are using these methods to make both Trump and the public believe their lies.

The DATE 9-11 was used, because hypnosis wears off after a week or so, unless there is a reminder. These reminders are called ‘triggers’. The “Call 911 Emergency” number that you see on your phone, it is literally everywhere, you see this number each day! THIS PROVIDES THE TRIGGER REMINDER that re-invokes the original shock and awe - invokesd the original TRANCE!  The original trance where everything that is said to you, to some degree, this is not an absolute except when done repeatedly,  was accepted into your subconscious as true..

The emergency telephone number provides the trigger!

This is the big secret!

This one and others like this are what Dr Charles Oppenhiemer, the head of the Manhattan Project to build the first Atomic Bomb,  said made the atomic bomb seem trivial!  He used the word trivial! (see Oppenhiemer on sidebar)


Arnie Lerma founder The Patriot Party of Virginia (Old Perot movement)
“The difference between treason and patriotism is only a matter of dates”
Alexandre Dumas, The Count of Monte Christo|

PS: This is also the real reason scientology is known for mailing out so many mailings to members!!

More See: Oppenhiemer’s Warning - The Secret of 911 (and associated pages on this blog)

“Psychology is the Religion of the New World Order” Rienhard Ghelen


Note1: From watching the alt.religion.scientology usenet war for years, amd specifically the conduct of scientology’s disinformation operatives on usenet, I concluded that “The best place to hide something was right in front of you”. Imagine my surprise, a decade later to read in Francis Stonnor’s book “The CIA and The World of Arts and Letters” that this was a maxim taught by the US CIA.

Note2: George Bush may have been using the classified project name when he said “Shock and Awe”  in an early interview re 911, as he was certainly enthralled & entranced.

Note3: “Reverse Blockade: emphatically insisting upon something which is the opposite of the truth blocks the average person’s mind from perceiving the truth. In accordance with the dictates of healthy common sense, he starts searching for meaning in the “golden mean” between truth and its opposite, winding up with some satisfactory counterfeit. People who think like this do not realize that this effect is precisely the intent of the person who subjects them to this method. ” age 104, Political Ponerology by Andrew M. Lobaczewski

Early blog links fallen off menu bar:

Scientology Deprogramming Cliff-Notes Version
Critique of 3 Emmy Winning GOING CLEAR
Oppenhiemer’s Warning re mind control
One Method used by Hubbard in Dianetics  dont miss comment re Abreactive Therapy
A Lesson in Implication -  Essential reading for women ex-scientologists
Demonization for Profit - Turns Thought Stopping events into a learning Experience
REVERSE BLOCKADE The Master Manipulator - the most read page on this blog
Deaths of the Founders of the Anti-Cult Movement in America - for high IQ readers only
The Dogs of War - dedicated to peace in our lifetimes
Deprogramming Tips, that I must read every few weeks..
Without Truth, all is Delusion: The first page of this wordpress effort

Related helpful content on Quora re Scientology Dianetics,  Flat EarthHypnosis, Deprogramming,  and more

Research Materials for my screeds  A partial list of books in no particular order  that would be essential for those pursuing this subject after I am gone.


Edit: Addendum July 4th, 2017

What I think happened to Trump:

He won because many people felt Hillary was a crook, which she is, and a vote for WWIII sooner than later.

Trump ran as a populist instead of a globalist.  He tried, he got us out of TPP, stopped the human induced global warming carbon credits  hokum, then he was taken into the room for the classified briefing, shown the reason the deep state seems to manage the affairs of America as if there were no tomorrow, (at least for “we the peasants”) after that “shock and awe” presentation that same outfit that killed JFK made him an offer he could not refuse, and then told Trump just what he was going to do and not do.

At the same time the CIA controlled media empire (Google The Mighty Wurlitzer) used the Rules of Propaganda, intense emotion, the Reverse Blockade and the magic magnifying glass,  ina full court press  -  Never before in the history of the United States have so many assets conspired to destroy the public’s opinion of a President.

These same methods were used by Hubbard in Dianetics to induce readers to fall for Hubbard’s lies, and for 911, because they “work”.

I started to fall for it myself, however, I had seen it all done before to a man named Robert Minton in the scientology war.

These methods are also being used upon Mr. Trump.

Perspective: (More insight I agree with, blogged here re Trump)

“I’m afraid we were misled. All the critics, myself included, were misled very early. I see that now. We spent too much time and effort microanalyzing the details of the assassination when all the time it was obvious, it was blatantly obvious that it was a conspiracy. Don’t you think that the men who killed Kennedy had the means to do it in the most sophisticated and subtle way? They chose not to. Instead, they picked the shooting gallery that was Dealey Plaza and did it in the most barbarous and openly arrogant manner. The cover story was transparent and designed not to hold, to fall apart at the slightest scrutiny. The forces that killed Kennedy wanted the message clear: ‘We are in control and no one - not the President, nor Congress, nor any elected official - no one can do anything about it.’ It was a message to the people that their Government was powerless.”  -Vincent Salandria

The Future:

You can discover what your enemy fears most by observing the means he uses to frighten you. Eric Hoffer

Russia is the best ally that President Trump and WE THE PEOPLE have against the deep state. against the ones that killed Kennedy and did 911..who have been at war against the American people since we stopped the war in Vietnam.

Russia’s crime is telling the truth, and refusing to bow to US corporate exploitation, which is Irran’s crime too. The Iranians will not allow US Corporations to exploit their populace. They do not approve of popularizing soda pop. These are beverages with not only ZERO nutritional value and a ton of sugar and flavorings, but negative nutritional value. If you drink a soda with a healthy meal, the trace minerals in the other foods that you consume with that soda pop will bind to the phosphoric acid used to provide ‘tartness’, thus becoming unavailable to your body! Neither Russia, China or Iran and the BRICS nations, exploit their own populations for corporate profits at any cost in human suffering, misery and death. That most Americans do not understand these things is a tribute to Orwell and the mind control tactics that Oppenhiemer tried to warn us about in 1952.

And re endless wars, Americans haven/t stopped one since Vietnam. Why is that?

Mr Trump’s future:

The media lies, and deep state actions taken against a sitting President are unprecedented. I am not the only activist who has noted the similarity to the program used to discredit Mr Robert Minton by $cientology.

from private chat (name deleted)

“Agree totally, what the MSM is doing to Trump is what $cientology did to Bob Minton.
Am I off base thinking ….  Rinder was in charge of that op back in 1999-2003ish. Now he’s in charge of what’s being said (and not said) on Leah Rimini’s A&E Aftermath special.

And based on what was done to Bob Minton, and the similarity to what is being done to President Trump, I bet that this will be THE NEXT THING that is done to President Trump by the US Deep state/MSM (rather than by “OSA” scientology operatives assisted by those fooled by them)

Enormous pressure will be brought to bear upon a fact of no significance, so much pressure that the target (President Trump) is fooled into believing that they must LIE about the non-sequitur ‘fact’.(note)

In Bob’s case this was how much money he gave to Dandar.

In Trump’s case it will likely be about the “Nothing burger” < actual comment by CNN editor exposed by Veritas website, known as the Russian election hacking LIE.

References: Betrayal of Robert Minton:

Note: THIS method is described in one of the OSA Evaluations on Mr Gerry Armstrong’s pages, I think it was in the Christofferson litigation “EVAL” as the method to be used when all else failed to derail that case - This is from a document seized from $cientology in the 1977 raids on Scientology by the FBI in Los Angeles..

More similarities to what was done to Robert Minton:

Sean Hannity:
“There is now a coordinated attempt to silence the voice of every outspoken conservative in this country. If we don’t stop it right now, there won’t be any conservative voices on radio or television left.

“Liberal fascism is alive lie and well in America today. Their goal is simple. They want to shut up and shut down, completely silence all conservative voices by any means necessary. Here’s the difference. Unlike the left, I don’t have any problem with what the other side says. If you want to listen to liberals on radio or TV, read their articles, follow them on social media, go for it…

So let me be clear tonight. Everyone who publicly supported President Trump is a target. This is very political. We have seen repeatedly that the left knows no limits in these efforts. They have gone after and attacked the first lady; they have attacked members of the president’s family, every White House advisor. They’ve even attacked his daughter and his 10-year-old son.

Sidebar: Re Intelligence

The US Army picks off the smartest kids in the room after those tests they give you at induction, for Army ASA intel. The CIA recruits from the brightest moneyed families at Yale.  Defining “intelligence” is a problem… Which yardstick to be used? Being the best actor in the room impresses the CIA. Being the most ruthless man in the room impresses the DIA, and being the best hypnotist in the room….. hidden in plain sight, is professionally called linguistics while informally described as “charisma”.

Please show this to those friends that you feel capable to grasp this information.

The first blog page that started this series says simply: “Without truth all is delusion”.

PS:  Those of means who are willing to part with some cashwill note that helping a noble cause will make you feel better about yourself, and help that person do more as well as  get your name listed HERE  if you desire.

Thank you for reading.

Arnie Lerma
I’d prefer to die speaking my mind than to live fearing to speake (note)

“Sit down and think over that last spellbinder you heard on the platform, over the radio or on television…..Were you listening to a man of reason or to a hypnotist who aimed to limit your field of consciousness? You say you cannot be hypnotized against your will. Perhaps you were hypnotized last night as you listened to that political address over your TV…..The most dangerous hypnotist may be the man you listened to last week over the radio. You were his subject….As a matter of fact, you were a very excellent subject. Think it over…..” George Estabrooks

(More on 911 by first female research analyst for a State House of Representatives. She was made Chief of Staff after one year, and was nominated as an Outstanding Young Woman of America in Washington, D.C.  LINK  - and here is more from the same folks making palestine disappear using talmudic magic by suggesting that you believe that every lie they tell you is real. Dan Rather describing the dancing Israelis: “”They got on the roof of a building to look across, they knew what was gonna happen. They were waiting for it to happen and when it happened they celebrated. They jumped for joy.” from the Corbett Report LINK - Evidence that a frozen fish did not impact the Pentagon and neither did a Boeing 757 LINK )

Following video is worth my reader’s time:

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