LERMANETICS or How you created your reactive mind.

“The basic principle in performing a trick is to do it so that the secret actions are not
observed. As Alphonse Bertillon said, “One can only see what one observes, and one
observes only things which are already in the mind.” A trick does not fool the eye but
fools the brain. In order to do that, it must be performed so that the secret parts are not
noticed.” CIA Manual about the use of stage magic for deception

LERMANETICS or How you created your reactive mind

In 1995 I got a lot of media after posting scientology’s core secrets to the internet. Here is a link to a front page of The Washington Post’s Outlook Section that was run on Christmas Day 1994, and here a 1995 cover story from The Jurist, of the American University Law School about the story of XENU and the Space Cooties. This same material was illustrated 10 years later in cartoon form, in South Park’s major Scientology episode titled “In The Closet”

Because of that media, people would call me, thank me for what I did, and some would tell what they knew about Hubbard and Dianetics. Journalists at several big name print newspapers even chose to send me their scientology archives when they retrired decades after this.

One of those callers was outstanding. He was an elderly man, with a distinctly cultivated voice, as if he had spoken to a crowd while trying to wake those sleeping for thousands of hours.

I asked him who he was and he declined saying that “he was too old to deal with those nutballs” and did not wish to risk being involved, but he asked me if I would like to know where Hubbard got the ideas for Dianetics..

I said I would love to know, so this distinguished voice continued:

When Hubbard was in the Navy Hospital, a visiting clinician was passing out copies of his paper to the patients and asking for their opinions. It was that paper that was used for Dianetics.

I pressed him for more but he demurred, indicating that he had said enough, thanked me again for my courage and then hung up. ,

At this time I knew little about intelligence methods, and I could kick myself for not noticing the following for almost a decade:

His statement begged the question, How would he have known this? (note1)

It was long time activist, Ms. Ida Camburn who gave me the answer.

A brilliant lady who was a member of the first anti-cult group in America, The Citizens Freedom Foundation, and later The Cult Awareness Network.  Ida gave me her copy of a little book titled “Battle for the Mind” by Dr William Sargant. Dr. Sargant was the head of psychiatry in the UK during WWII. This little book described in succession several topics that I recalled encountering in only one other publication - The book Dianetics by Hubbard.

In the fine print at the beginning of his book Dr. Sargant described himself as “A Clinician”… I don’t recall encountering any other described by this word. The chaptering and index layout even had a similar look and feel as first half of Hubbard’s “Dianetics.” Some research on the internet revealed that Dr Sargant had been a visiting professor at a university not too far from Norfolk Naval Station and the Navy hospitals there.

Now I knew where Hubbard stole at least some of his ideas that he used for Dianetics, That he used the ideas of the head of Psychiatry in the UK during WWII alone would shake up and perhaps wake up true believers. Halleleujia - The ONE SHOT Deprogramming regimen! Well not quite. I have found that in order to break the trance, you have to go to the first big lie that the victim swallowed, and then get the person to begin thinking about the false assumption - to begin thinking again at the point that his thinking has been stopped. Thinking deeply about that first lie that changed life forever - That specific instant in time that  began their believing in the reactive mind..

Hubbard used the ideas of the 1944 head of psychiatry in the UK, but, only after turning them upon their head, inverting the intent and meaning as used by Dr Sargant’s book about mind control to make a compelling, and entrancing storyline, accented by lurid and grisly emotionally filled images that Hubbard, while wearing his “hypnotist hat”,  vividly drew in his victim’s minds!

“The author’s (Hubbard’s) biography for his novel Triton (1949) , says that “his leisure hours are devoted to the study and practice of hypnotism.” (Note2)

Did he do this to you? He certainly did it to me.

By inducing his readers to stop their thinking, he, to some degree, made his readers more suggestible to hypnotic suggestion. He used “shock and awe” to stop thinking. Describing in rapid succession pre-frontal lobotomies, coat hanger abortions, and electro-shock treatments. Then, while the reader had stopped thinking, he told them that they had a terrible thing, called the reactive mind.

When thinking has been stopped by any method, the doorway to your subconscious is left unguarded.

The Confusion Technique

He used several  methods to make his readers more suggestible, to make his readers more open to persuasion. One of those is called the confusion technique. Parts of Dianetics seem confusing, and difficult to understand. Remember,  he was copying the ideas of another man, a man whom he could not reveal because it would have provided evidence not only of whom he stole from but how the trick was being done, so Hubbard had to substutute from the best word that Dr Sargant likely used,  to another, in order to describe these things using different word.

This made Dianetics a bit more confusing. But this served the purpose of Hubbard inin his books, because confusion is just another method used to make a person more persuadable, more suggestible…

Confusion itself is a covert method that makes you more prone to persuasion, that makes what you are told a direct command going into your subconscious.  When you read something that does not make sense, uses uncommon words, or perhaps is just plain gibberish the mind grows desperate to grasp, desperate to understand.. even more so if you had been told beforehand that the man writing the material had authority, that the man you were reading was a smarter, more well informed man than you.  As you read the confusing  sections your mind grows more and more desperate to read something that makes sense, something, even anything that is a complete, simple thought, even a big fat lie, or a whopper. The trouble is, it is during exposure to something that is confusing, that this desperation grows in your mind to understand,  that allows the first simple idea, the first easily understood concept that you can understand, to be accepted, uncritically as true. Even if that simple statement has no basis in reality whatsoever. Even if that simple idea, once accepted into your mind as true, is capable of enslaving you to the whims of a madman for the rest of your life..

And it is that simple statement, that you were tricked out of a desperation to accept anything that made ‘sense’, that your mind seized upon as truth, forever. Out of sheer panic style, in deer in headlights style desperation, the next statement that is understood will be accepted as true!

Even if it is a lie!

This is only one of the tricks he used when he wrote Dianetics, and he used many, and some are individually described on my blog pages here:

Main Index

Hubbard demonized psychiatrists and psychiatry, viciously, because anyone who believed his words would never dare read a book by a psychiatrist. Why would you dare? Had you read Dr William Sargant’s book, Battle for the Mind, you would both notice the plagarism and would find out how the trick was done!. It is with that same motive, that I too, have been demonized by Scientology.

The use of intense emotional content, (coat hanger abortions, pre-frontal lobotomy, electro-convusive shock treatment) - and you thought it was what he was explaining that had value to you!! No, it was just a shore story, to expose you to lurid, shocking. emotionally laden content, so thinking would stop. 

Then, having stopped thinking, Hubbard’s key lie would enter your subconscious without demand for evidence, correlation, thinking or discussion, as a fact. - As a direct suggestion into your subconscious!

The fact is, it was a bald-faced lie.

I have tried above to explain two methods from the bag of tricks described as persuasive writing.  These include  fallacious argument, hard sell methods, implication, authority suggestion, repetition, the confusion technique and then the clincher,  fear.

Like a good salesman he gave you reason to act now! This thing, this supposed reactive mind, was destroying you,  and it was the only thing that stood in your way to becoming the superman you really were!!

Persuasive writing includes covert methods to produce trance. A trance is a more suggestible state. Trance is a natural part of the human life, where it is called daydreaming, and it is what we do when we imagine. The father of weaponized hypnotism, Dr George Estabrooks, in 1943 stated “Anything said to a hypnotised subject is true for them” Does this phrase by a psychologist and hypnotist remind you of anything scientologists say? (note 3)

Dianetics was a story, a shore story invented out of whole cloth to coerce the reader into parting with his money, in order to rid himself of something he imaged was terrible but something he never really had in the first place, before he sat down to read one of Hubbard’s books.

It is something entirely fictitious, and imaginary, a fraud upon mankind that Hubbard called the Reactive Mind! (note4)


Note1: More than a decade later I learned that man to be Dr Mosel, the then retired head of the psychology department at George Washington University in D.C. who was Hubbard’s professor in 1938, after being contacted for assistance by the son of the one time president of George Washington University, Mr. Burgess Carroll.

Note2: Atack, Jon (2014-12-10). Scientology: the Cult of Greed (Kindle Locations 366-367).. Kindle Edition.

Note3: “What is true for you is true for you”  is a phrase scientologists like to say as if it had meaning.

Note4:  That Hubbard also makes an effort to call this thing that you must get rid of at any cost by another phrase is telling… He also called the ‘reactive mind’ by the phrase ‘your bank’.. If your subconscious was operating on the idea that you had to get rid of your bank, this would make the members of  Hubbard’s sales force believe they had almost super human powers of persuasion… when what they actually had was the power of suggestion, whispering to the person from the inside of their mind, to get rid of their bank,  (account) while the scientology salesman was demanding they empty their bank account.

A note on the word “clear”. Think for a few moments why he repeated that one word, a word spelled “c l e a r” many hundreds of times… go ahead, give it a try, try thinking about why he did it.. why he used this word throughout every part, and every day, in his scam that he created to first steal your wallet, and then turn you into one of his mercenary soldiers, in his private army of thieves…to steal other people’s wallets!

The word “clear’ makes everything disappear, and all that is left is Hubbard and scientology! Hubbard in your mind. saying with authority that you must get rid of your reactive mind, that you must get rid of your bank….

And yes,  it takes considerable courage to be honest with yourself, and come to the final conclusion that all of this was just a shore story so that Hubbard could:

- L. Ron Hubbard, Hubbard Communications Office Policy Letter, 9 March 1972, MS OEC 384

We know the BIG LIE works, I never knew WHY until I read this: “Reverse Blockade: emphatically insisting upon something which is the opposite of the truth blocks the average person’s mind from perceiving the truth. In accordance with the dictates of healthy common sense, he starts searching for meaning in the “golden mean” between truth and its opposite, winding up with some satisfactory counterfeit. People who think like this do not realize that this effect is precisely the intent of the person who subjects them to this method. ” age 104, Political Ponerology by Andrew M. Lobaczewski

“Man positively needs general ideas and convictions that will give a meaning to his life and enable him to find his place in the universe. He can stand the most incredible hardships when he is convinced that they make sense but he is crushed when, on top of all his misfortunes, he has to admit that he is taking part in a ‘tale told by an idiot.”
Carl Jung

Related reading for recovering members:
The Scientology Matrix
8 Steps out of Scientology
Why you didn’t get that promotion in scientology

The Armed forces slogan “Be all that you can be” is a functional equivalent to Hubbard’s promise  “Go clear and OT” used to induce people to pursue Dianetics and Scientology.

Truth does not pay well
Get notified when THE BOOK is finished, stay in balance,  and allow yourself to feel good because you threw a little something in the tip jar.    THE TIP JAR

Tales of The Fat Man

FROM: Chief Judge Kovachevich

TO: United States Attorney Charles Wilson
DATE: May 22, 1996


I received the enclosed letter from Mr. Lerma on May 6, 1996. Upon a review of the letter, I have concluded that Mr. Lerma’s complaints are in the nature of criminal activity for which he appears to desire investigation. Since the requested action is not within the purview of my judicial authority, I am forwarding the letter to you for whatsoever processing and proceedings which you may determine to be appropriate.

I appreciate your consideration of the matter.

cc: Mr. Lerma
initials, & court stamp not shown…



“The function of a scam is always to sway present action toward future hopes” Detective Sergeant Dennis Marlock

“Sit down and think over that last spellbinder you heard on the platform, over the radio or on television…..Were you listening to a man of reason or to a hypnotist who aimed to limit your field of consciousness? You say you cannot be hypnotized against your will. Perhaps you were hypnotized last night as you listened to that political address over your TV…..The most dangerous hypnotist may be the man you listened to last week over the radio. You were his subject….As a matter of fact, you were a very excellent subject. Think it over…..” George Estabrooks

Hypnosis is not inexplicable, uncanny or occult, and it is not abnormal. Hypnosis is a natural consequence of a specific application of definite and understandable laws. The laws hypnosis follows are not laws of hypnotism, but are the laws of thought. Hypnosis is the logical result of thinking when, under a particular set of circumstances, there is no other way to think.”  Hugh Lacy 1952

If one goes to the Eastern Federal Judicial District court house, and asks the Clerk of the Court to see the Docket for Civil Action No. 95-1107-A

         Plaintiff,              )
  V.                             )  Civil Action No. 95-1107-A
  THE WASHINGTON POST,           )
  MARC FISHER, and               )

You will be handed a 3” thick  brown legal file. When you sit down at the desk in the little office provided,  and open the file, the right side is the docket. This lists every filing, hearing, deposition, and every judgment entered in the case. The docket index listing is almost 1” thick by itself.

On the left side you see “everything else” that was filed regarding this case. On the top of the left hand pile of “everything else” is a letter from Patrick Jost, PhD Linguistics regarding Dianetics and its relation to this case.

Dr. Jost explains in cold logical format in two pages that if Scientology claims that Dianetics is its core religious scripture, like the Bible, then the fact that Dianetics is demonstrably nothing more than a FRAUD, and because the instant case, regarding my releasing the story of XENU on the Internet in July and August of 1995 as being claimed as a copyright infringment as well as a trade secret misappropriation, then the act of bringing of this case against Mr Lerma is logically a continuation of this fraud, now seeking color of law to use The Judiciary to conceal and protect evidence of this fraud.

That Dianetics is really hypnosis was noted by the old hypnotists, who described it succinctly this way:

“The same old sofa, with new upholstery” (1)

The first official government inquiry into Scientology concluded the same thing, pointing out that Hubbard changed the names of hypnotic phenomena to hide this fact. Please read the embedded links if you doubt any of this.

Many scientology techniques are in fact hypnotic techniques, and Hubbard has not changed their nature by changing their names. “(2)

Now, let us take a close look at one word that Hubbard never uses in his introductory books, one word that in fact describes Dianetics, that properly characterizes this amazing claim by Hubbard:

“The creation of dianetics is a milestone for Man comparable to his discovery of fire and superior to his inventions of the wheel and arch.” Page 5 of Dianetics

Now with the above claim in mind, read the Legal definition of the FRAUD from Black’s Law Dictionary:

Fraud: An intentional perversion of the truth for the purpose of inducing another in reliance upon it to part with some valuable thing or to surrender a legal right; a false representation of a matter of fact, whether by words ot conduct, by false or misleading allegations, or by concealment of that which should have been disclosed, which deceives and is intended to deceive another so that he shall act upon it to his legal injury; anything calculated to deceive, whether by a single act or combination, or by suppression of truth, or suggestion of what is false, whether it be by direct falsehood or innuendo, by speech or silence, word of mouth, or look or gesture; fraud comprises all acts, omissions, and concealments involving a branch of legal or equitable duty and resulting in damage to another.

That Scientology hides the core fraud behind dozens of lovely, politically correct sounding front groups with catchy names is itself a lesson - It does so for the same reason that a stage magician has a pretty girl with lovely legs.  So that the casual observer will look at her legs and not at how the trick is being done.

Scientology takes stage magic show techniques to a whole new level. The core FRAUD being cloaked by all these front groups, Narconon, WISE, Applied Scholastics, The Way to Happiness, and many more,  created to lure the unsuspecting into the learned dependence induced by authority hypnosis. It is the very fact that the use of authority suggestion creates dependence is the reason it is never used in clinical therapy!

Scientology and Dianetics, being the core fraud behind the operations of these front groups is, itself, very effectively shielded from recourse because scientology itself has  intentionally draped itself in religious trappings. Religious trappings that were crafted with intent to fool the authorities and  implemented by written policies. All this was done purely as a legal maneuver in the 1966 FDA Article and Device case which went on for several years. This  device serves several essential functions for the continued success of the fraud of scientology. After the first guilty verdict, which would have prevented scientology from using their E-meter device, that verdict was overturned on appeal due to a technicality,  Then a new trial was ordered. This time Hubbard invoked religiosity, and claimed, falsely, that this device was “A religious artifact”.

My God, this should be the definition of chutzpah!

And the FDA lawyers were confounded by the religious artifact argument.

If any book or supposed authority states that “the scientology religion, founded in 1954…” then THEY are part of the problem. In 1954 the first corporation was formed with the word church in it, NOTHING ELSE. It was not until 1969 that I saw a cross on a pedestal dragged in the front door, and then the lecture hall became “the chapel”.

Details about this E-Meter case and statements by several witnesses who were there at the time who contrived this ‘evidence’ of religiosity, which was then used to fool the the lawyers at the FDA can be found on Lermanet.com Exposing the CON - HERE and HERE

Why is the E-Meter device so important?

1) The device serves a similar purpose as the hypnotist’s swinging gold watch.  In psychological jargon it is also described as an IDEOMOTOR. The concepts surrounding an ideomotor are tough to explain in simple terms and beyond this overview, requiring considerable reading and contemplation. The Wiki page for ideomotor is an excellent introduction to this additional method as used in Scientology,  to en-trance its victims to facilitate easily picking their wallets.

2) This device is analogous in function to the GSR function (Galvanic Skin Response) of a standard Lie-Detector. Neither ‘detect lies’, but both are capable of detecting, to some degree, the human body’s physiological stress response to wrongdoing.(note3)

3) The magical effect of mysterious technology. The presence of this device with dials, knobs, and electrodes that you are asked to hold in your hands implies that ‘there must be something there’, there must be something to it…(note4)
The presence of the E-meter triggers the previous covert suggestion by repetition and implication contained in the word scientology.. that it has something to do with science in the same way the emergency number 911 triggers the emotional trauma of the attack on the twin towers, which is why it was chosen to be done on that date.

The word chosen to describe this fraud, “Scientology”, contains the word “science”, implying there is science behind its use. Indeed there is, but not for the reasons you are told, which are a shore story, to direct your attention elsewhere, away from the real science of hypnotism.

4) That this device is used intentionally in a manner to collect in great detail a person’s deepest and darkest personal secrets, which, of course,  are “never divulged” - except when used to give a private investigator the targeting information to find the evidence of that person’s crimes when they need to bring pressure to bear to silence a person who has started to figure out that the whole thing is just a great big fraud to steal their money.

5) The peculiar construction of the meter movement used in this device makes it a trance detector. When a person has entered a hypnotic state, has entered trance,  this is when the session or action is normally ended and the person is then sent on a “routing form” to see a salesman who then asks the entranced person for money, A request which is difficult to say to “no” to due to prior subliminal suggestions in Dianetics that they simply must get rid of their Reactive mind or Bank.. and you keep money in your bank… You simply must get rid of it! Learning this fact caused one of the early associates of Hubbard in Pheonix in 1952 to leave the organization forever.

6) The morphine effect. When I first broached this idea back in 1997, it was dismissed and depopularized, with great vigor as “kooky stuff” by the same persons who destroyed Mr. Robert Minton. In 1997 there was not so much science as there is today. The fact is, today there is nothing to debate about the fact that electrical stimulation induces an endorphin response by the human body. The only question remaining is what exactly is the equivalent dose of morphine created by 2 hours of 100 uAmps direct current applied to the skin of the hands. It is certainly a sub-clinical dose, but it is a dose. Endorphins bind to the same receptors that morphine binds to. This was the subject of lawyers letters to Star Tabloid magazine over an article about Katie Holmes. The lawyer chose not to debate my claim above, only taking issue with Star Magazine’s characterization of it. MORE on this

6)  “lower voltage for the induction of implanted suggestions” the 90 uAmps from through the body from the E-meter qualifies!electric-hypnosis
Above from “Operation Mind Control” about MkUltra page 170  LINK
Contact me for additional information regarding effect of the electrodes used by Hubbard to apply this current to the body, based upon readings of Dr Bjorn Nordenstrom.  Rather difficult to explain, just know there is more.

The information on this page should be sent to any lawyer litigating with scientology, now, rather than later.

Thank you for reading.
Arnie Lerma


After I’m dead and gone, this will be common knowledge, if you
ASK A HYPNOTIST What is Dianetics? from March 1952, the classic answer

“The same old sofa, with new upholstery”

“every method of auditing advocated therein is fundamentally one used in hypnosis”


“The author’s (Hubbard’s) biography for his novel Triton (1949) , says that
“his leisure hours are devoted to the study and practice of hypnotism.”
Atack, Jon (2014-12-10). Scientology: the Cult of Greed (Kindle Locations 366-367).. Kindle Edition.

(1) Journal of Hypnotism March 1952

(2) Page 115, The Anderson Report - Chapter 18 - Scientology and Hypnosis -  Report of the Board of Enquiry into Scientology by Kevin Victor Anderson, Q.C.
Published 1965 by the State of Victoria, Australia

(Teaser for link above) The Anderson Report - Scientology and Hypnosis

Report of the Board of Enquiry into Scientology
by Kevin Victor Anderson, Q.C.
Published 1965 by the State of Victoria, Australia

“Hubbard’s followers seem generally to be unaware. The common practice of Hubbard is to change the names of hypnotic phenomena to names of his own invention, purporting thereby to change the nature and significance of such phenomena. Thus, a form of unconsciousness experienced in hypnosis he has renamed variously ” anaten “, ” boil-off”, and ” dope-off ” ; hypnotic hallucinations he has called ” mental image pictures” ; and ” dissociation ” he has called ” exteriorization “”

A few paragraphs down is this gem:

“If command hypnosis is unskilfully practised, hallucinations which have been created during hypnosis persist later as reality. In scientology, “mental image pictures” experienced during an auditing session persist thereafter as reality and the preclear comes to believe that the past experiences and activities conjured up during these hallucinatory periods really took place, and so there is engendered a readiness to subscribe to the various scientology theories about past lives, the thetan and similar beliefs.”

(3)  Make sure you grasp the phrase “shore story”.   That there is stress response to wrongdoing is why Lie-Detectors are of any value at all, however there is  something further to grasp.  A large wall street firm was recruiting a new CFO, Chief Financial Officer, and a guy that applied, described that they wanted someone with a prior federal conviction!  They wanted a CFO who was willing to LIE!!  This got me thinking, as Robert Hare and others who have been researching psychopathy have noted that psychopaths have no stress response to wrong doing. If no stress response, the psychopath would fly through a lie-detector examination effortlessly! (And fly through a scientology “security check”) Thus, if you grasp “shore story”, it makes more sense if those organization  using such devices, whether lie-detectors or E-meters for  “Security” - that this itself may be a shore story!  That organizations such as scientology or the CIA, might want the psychopaths at the top! Then using security checks or lie detector examinations would accomplish this - because psychopaths have no stress response to wrongdoing! See A Tremor In The Blood: Uses And Abuses Of The Lie Detector by David T. Lykken

(4) Scientology filed 6″ of paper in their first ex-parte motion to fool a federal judge into granting the raid on my home. That much paper, implies “there simply must be something to it” - when in fact, in all that paper they omitted telling Judge Brinkema that the document I posted was itself a copy of an unsealed court filing from the Central Judicial District of California!  When a person walks into a scientology bookstore they see all those books by Hubbard! All those tapes! Videos! Pamphlets! All those course materials! Piles and piles of the stuff..and much of it expensive. which also implies that it has worth, all of this screams that there simply must be something to it!  Having read this page, now you know what that ‘it’ is.. and it is the one word that Hubbard does not mention in Dianetics.. the word is FRAUD.

The first use of the word scientology traces to a 1908 book titled “The New Word”, where it is used to mean fraud or scam, fake science, charlatanism.

The following words come from a publication called Pseudodoxia Epidemica, written by Sir Thomas Browne in 1646. In between paragraphs ridiculing urine therapy and astrology (both unfortunately still with us), he had this to say about “Saltimbancoes, Quacksalvers, and Charlatans”:

For their Impostures are full of cruelty, and worse than any other; deluding not only unto pecuniary defraudations, but the irreparable deceit of death.


Secrets of the Scientology E-Meter

Secrets are the mortar,
binding lies like bricks together,
into prisons for the mind

Scientology E-meter

animated e-meter image (c) ethercat


In 1971 I was in Scientology, working for them in Los Angeles. Because of my technical background and that I had been a bench technician and service manager for Myer-Emco HiFi on Connecticut Avenue NW in Washington DC, the #1 hi-fi store in DC, I was asked to goto the company that produced Scientology’s E-meters, named Delta Meter Service run by Tom and Jaye Paige I think Tory Christman was a receptionist there. (pardon spellings).

My mission was to determine why the devices, E-meters, were not getting produced, and get the backlog of several hundred filled.

In the course of this I was shown some confidential “Board Technical Bulletins” “BTBs” issued by the corporate shell of Scientology in California.

Each one had C O N F I D E N T I A L across the top… I felt a little like James Bond…

The documents were taken out of a safe, that was under a workbench at the South end of the main E-Meter assembly room, at Delta Meter. on the corner at Beacon Street, PAC WUS was at 811 Beacon, and Celebrity Center was on the next cross street.(1) The BTB’s described the unusual specifications for the E-meter movement, which included how many times it was to swing back and forth once being turned on, to when the needle stopped moving. There was a time limit and number of swings. This specification is most unusual.

Author with E_Meter's from the production run at Delta

Author with E_Meter’s from the production run at Delta

An electrical guy wants a meter to measure a current. He wants the moving indicator to move to the proper value and not overshoot, and not waste his  time waiting for it to stop swinging…so he can read the value it indicates.

Those were type of meters that Volney Mathison used in his meters.


As a child I used to fall asleep reading through the Lafayette Radio catalogue.. and dreamed of one day having a short wave radio. I had built a full-wave crystal radio and liked making sparks and arcs, and spent considerable time mesmerized by plasma arcs, using wall line voltage and a toaster as my ballast with carbon electrodes to strike the arc taken from the center pole of a D cell battery…I liked reading Popular Science and Radio TV Magazine, and built many of their projects. This was how I had ‘fun’ if I wasn’t riding my bike in Montrose Park in Georgetown across the street.

Then I saw this advertisement:


I was perhaps 12 at the time, and I saving my paper route money delivering Daily News in my neighborhood in Georgetown, to purchase a “Become a Radio Television Technician At Home” course. It was called the Progressive Radio Edu-kit, Edu-kit. After leaving scientology I started a an electronics business on my own, took a dozen or so college electronics courses, and decades later ended up doing electronics for some hi-tech hi-end clients like IDA, The Institute for Defense Analysis, Lynda Carter, Wonderwoman, and the Crown Prince of Iran’s mansion in Great Falls.. .

At the time, when I read these secret scientology documents, I did not know one twentieth of what I know now.

I do recall wondering to myself “Wow, what an odd specification for a meter needle movement..”


Four decades later, just a few weeks ago, something occurred to me, something I did not know enough about to even consider possible nor know enough to consider that possibility to be of any significance:

The E-Meter movement electrically is a normal moving-coil design, with a standard 100 micro amp full scale meter movement that used a taut band suspension, which is like a torsion bar suspension on an car.

The E-meter movement’s design specs call for a rather loose needle, with less than normal damping. The documents I viewed specified that when you turn it on with 90 uA the needle will move past the 90 uAmp position (Scientology calls this the “Set” position) and it will swing back and forth a certain number of times, settling upon the true reading within a certain amount of time in seconds.

The number of swings was 4 to 7,  I believe. And it had to settle in 1, or 2 seconds. This is an enormous amount of time,  for a device  used to measure specific amounts of electrical current, compared to normal “volt-meters” or “amp-meters” or any thing with a moving needle where its final position is the data.

If I had purchased a movement for measuring current that worked this way I would send it back because it would take too long to see where the needle came to rest, to take my measurement.


I apologize to any fans I have left that actually understand what I’m talking about that it took forty five years  to connect these dots to try to describe the insight  below

The E-Meter movement has a resonance frequency, which if stimulated, might make the needle appear to do something that Scientology calls the “Floating Needle”.

If that floating effect were created when a low enough brainwave frequency was applied to the resistance measurement function that is the wheatstone electrical bridge circuit that is basically an E-meter, then the Scientology E-meter might actually be a sophisticated detector of the hypnotic, suggestible, trance state. MORE on Hypnosis methods in Scientology HERE HERE and HERE

Section of brainwave chart from THIS site for more information.

The needle would start to “Float” if exposed to a low frequency AC signal, at
near the resonance frequency of the needle itself on the spring of the taught band, and with the minimal magnetic damping at the resonance frequency for the needle…

And that frequency is same  brainwave frequency associated with the state of TRANCE, created by hypnotism!!!

Stimulate an E-Meter with 5-7 cycles per second and the needle tip wanders around the dial with a “floating” aspect.

“Hypnotic states are associated with increased theta wave activity. Hypnotically susceptible participants also exhibit hemispheric beta wave asymmetry, but non-susceptible participants do not (Sabourin, Cutcomb, Crawford and Pribram, 1990).”

Reference: Sabourin, M. E., Cutcomb, S. D., Crawford, H. J., & Pribram, K. (1990). EEG correlates of hypnotic susceptibility and hypnotic trance: Spectral analysis and coherence. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 10(2), 125-142.

Byte Magazine’s Steve Ciarcia ran a column called “Steve Ciarcia’s Circuit Cellar” One of his articles was a plan for brain wave analyzer.  I purchased the kit and put this gizmo together and made it work.

Below, this is my 9 channel brainwave analyzer that I built.


From playing with a “HAL-200” brain wave analyzer hooked to my hands with tin cans, I learned that brainwave frequencies were displayed on the device. Google Steve Ciarcia’s Circuit Cellar HAL 200 EEG.

When I used the analyzer above, I only used one channel and I used E-meter style soup cans, held in  each hand. What I found was that the predominant brain wave entrainment was creating a detectable signal when only hands were used as the input! This proved to me that the predominant brainwave frequencies exist and are measurable at the hands…

I spent great deal of time playing with this, and used it as a bio-feedback device to train my mind to find answers to a question. The pattern I noted will be covered in another blog posting someday, but at the end of each inward seeking effort, the answer,  was accompanied by a small frequency peak in one band of the upper part of the 2 to 20 Hz spectrum displayed, which would descend in frequency while growing in amplitude until it became huge, driving the display off scale at approximately 4-7 hz.. which also just happens to be the frequency of trance! Called “Delta Wave” frequency see chart above image of the HAL-4.

In other words the absolutely unique specifications for the E-meter movement itself, makes a simple wheatstone bridge into a TRANCE DETECTOR.. and this can be demonstrated in a court of law.

F/N = trance has been established* (Note4)

Which begs the question: Where in hell would I find someone that knows  how to do this, today, much , much less back in the 1950’s?  Volney Matheson, the designer of the first E-meter, who worked with Hubbard for a while before calling him out as a manipulating, conniving charlatan and con-man did not know this. Volney used off the shelf Simpson meters, which had ample damping.

These are dots that took me 45 years to connect.. L Ron Hubbard certainly did not figure this out, THAT is certain…. Boy, I sure would like to meet the man that thought this up. Wow… I am duly impressed.

The “End Phenomena” of a Scientology “Auditing Session”

The guys needle is “FLOATING”, the “Auditor” checks to see if he seems happy, now that trance has been detected they end off if he is smiling… then they get someone else to make sure that the trance is deep and stable enough, they call this clown “The Examiner who checks the guy is still entranced, deep enough in light trance, a more suggestible state, to get to the registrar’s interrogation chair, where he is asked for money by a person who has studied and practiced “Les Dane’s, Big League Sales and Closing Techniques”. He is told to write a check, (which get money out of his bank, his reactive mind, oops I mean his BANK), and when he walked in the door he was already convinced that: he needed to get rid of both!*

*Dianetics convinces people using various means of corecive persuasion, including covert hypnosis  and repetition of suggestion, to cause you to believe that you have an evil “reactive mind” and that you have to get rid of this evil, any any cost, and that Hubbard’s “technology” can do this…he also calls the reactive mind by the term your “bank”, and you have to get rid of that too, which makes emptying your bank account far easier!!

Any questions?

Thank you for reading
Arnie Lerma

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Page 170 of “Operation Mind Control” about MkUltra describes using electricity to make a person more suggestible was a “secret weapon”

        Is it time to think about this?

Or this, page 395:

  The work of Bjorn Nordenstrom indicates to this researcher that the method used to apply to 90 to 100 uAmps from the scientology E-meter to the skin of the hands may direct the current to flow to, and then follow the first conductive pathways it encounters while traversing the relatively high resistance of skin - that is to the tactile nerves to the brain stem!

Star Magazine did a cover story on Katy Holmes when she was still in scientology, which she took issue with.

Legal papers exchanged over Star Magazine story about the E-meter are here. The lawyer wouldn’t touch my material, only Star Magazine’s cover characterization.

A comment by an engineer who actually read through it:

I love how they fully admit there’s endorphin stimulation and then deny that’s like taking drugs. That is LITERALLY like taking drugs, because many drugs work because they stimulate endorphin release!

PS: The reason there was a meter backlog to begin with was that the old meter man at Murcom that built Delta’s meter movement did his best to make our meter ‘better’… once I got it across to him that we did not want a ‘better’ meter, he made us hundreds of sloppy ones, and the E-Meter scarcity was solved!

PART2: Some Endorphins are stimulated by E-Meter use, (Morphine binds to same receptors as endorphins) so there is a morphine equivalent dose for exposure to the E-meter, it is likely subclinical, however there is no doubt, the science is there, that there is a time dependent morphine equivalent dose associated with use of the $cientology E-meter (blog coming soon) OLD page on this HERE

PART3: Because psychopaths have no stress response to wrongdoing, they can sail through “Security” tests that use either the Scientology E-meter or the Lie-detector. Their use therefore is useless for security, unless, what you are actually using them for is to find and utilize those same psychopaths, who will follow any direct order for which they will gain… without being troubled by having the conscience (and stress response) of a normal man to wrongdoing.

(1) These were the blue faced “Delta” meters around serial number 3100…that had meter movements produced by a meter movement manufacturer called Murcom who had a small factory on the south side of Rosecrans Blvd.

(2) Another Brainwave chart from this site LINK brainwave2

(3) L.E. Young’s Lessons in Hypnotism (c) 1899 LINK

(4) I preformed a simple experiment and using a frequency generator and an actual Delta era E-meter movement, I drove the e-meter with an ac signal, with enough DC offset to hold the needle at midrange. The output of my laboratory frequency generator only went down to 8 Hz, however the amplitude was constant. What I noted was the lower I went the wider the needle started wagging, and dang if at 8 hz it did not resemble a floating needle. If I could have gone down to 4 or even 7 Hz I bet it would have looked “perfect”. I need to get a frequency divider and run this again.

From Blacks Law Dictionary:

Fraud: An intentional perversion of the truth for the purpose of inducing another in reliance upon it to part with some valuable thing or to surrender a legal right; a false representation of a matter of fact, whether by words ot conduct, by false or misleading allegations, or by concealment of that which should have been disclosed, which deceives and is intended to deceive another so that he shall act upon it to his legal inquiry; anything calculated to deceive, whether by a single act or combination, or by suppression of truth, or suggestion of what is false, whether it be by direct falsehood or innuendo, by speech or silence, word of mouth, or look or gesture; fraud comprises all acts, omissions, and concealments involving a branch of legal or equitable duty and resulting in damage to another.
